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Our 2022 goal: Blankets for 30,000 Children in Foster Care

Together we can do it, one blanket at a time!

My Very Own Blanket brings love, comfort and hope to children in foster care. Here's how you can help!

  • Order blanket kits online. Pick up inside our workshop Monday - Friday, 9 am to Noon, or use our 24-hour curbside bin just outside our door.

  • Drop off your finished blankets in the 24-hour curbside bin outside our workshop.

MVOB has a yacht!
My Very Own Blanket is excited to be a part of the 2022 Columbus Kiwanis Charity Regatta! Our yacht was delivered by Kiwanis Club of Columbus member Mike Haemmerle. More
"People underestimate the work they do"
Learn how volunteers working with children in foster care use and value the blankets you make. More
"This one thing" makes
a difference
We received this email from a JustServe volunteer who told us about her family's experience with the foster care system and the difference one blanket can make.
Heavenly Blanket Angel
James "Jim" Curtiss, 86, passed away peacefully on June 5. He and his wife April have been valued MVOB volunteers for many years. Jim was also a long-time triathlete, member of the Westerville Bicycle Club, and volunteer at Stratford Ecological Center. Obituary
Do you advocate for children in foster care?
If you are a caseworker or advocate for children in foster care, we would love to provide blankets that you can share with kids who could use something to hold onto. Just tell us how many you need. 614-530-3327 or
Blanket Angel Snapshots
Volunteers big or small, we love them all! A special thank you from Jessica to Barb who lovingly sews tags on all of the knitted and crocheted blankets for MVOB.
Thank you to the Student Council at Cherrington Elementary School, Westerville, for making 17 blankets to give to children living in foster care! Lots more photos
Easy ways to give while you shop
Amazon Smile. Purchase with purpose. Amazon donates to MVOB when you shop at
Kroger Community Rewards
Shop with your Plus Card to earn donations for MVOB. Enroll here. Our account: CG546.
National Headquarters Blanket Workshop Hours
Monday to Friday: 9:00 am - Noon
Drop off your donation of finished blankets at any time in the brown donation bin in front of our
Blanket Workshop at 407 W. Main Street, Westerville, Ohio 43081
Questions? Need information?

Many thanks to our shipping partners at United Health Care Community Plan