Waterville UMC Ambassador
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Thank You!
I would like to extend big hugs and so much appreciation for all the notes, cards, emails, and gifts during Pastor Appreciation Month. I am so blessed to "get" to serve along side all of you here at Waterville UMC and Community. Thank you with all my heart! Know that you are loved and appreciated!
In Christs' Love,
Pastor Teresa
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Operation Christmas Child packing party on Sunday, October 29th.
A big Thank You to all that came and helped!
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Our 2024 General Fund Stewardship Campaign with the theme ”Understanding the trust behind giving” continues as we prayerfully consider what part(s) we may play in helping to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. As we have pointed out, Stewardship is more than just your financial commitment. It includes your commitment of prayer, service, presence and witness.
The Church Council (Leadership Team) is responsible for all operations & functions of the various ministry teams. Its membership consists of Chair, Education, Missions, Trustees, Staff Parish Relations, Treasurer, Celebration, Outreach, Finance and at large members. There are many positions available for you to assist and participate in these ministry teams. Listed below are several opportunities and areas of interest for your prayerful consideration.
Please contact Pastor Teresa or the Church Office if you would like more information.
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Education and Children’s Ministry
(Youth – requires a Background Check)
- Teach Children Sunday School Class
- Assist with Vacation Bible School
- Assist with craft projects & preparations
- I have a special skill or interest I’d like to share with children/youth
- Volunteer for youth program
- Chaperone mission events
- Youth Mission Trip volunteer
- Work with youth on ongoing basis
- Prepare meal for youth group
- Provide snacks / drinks for youth group
- Will share my testimony with youth group
Nursery Ministry
(requires a Background Check)
- Nursery helper prior to Worship
- Nursery helper during Worship & Sunday School
- Visit homebound members
- Visit hospital patients with Pastor
- Card Ministry: Write/send cards
- Provide meals for families in need
- Prepare food for funerals meals & other church events
- Work with senior adults
- Drive for those needing transportation
- Do light home maintenance
Learning and Spiritual Growth
- Attend Sunday School
- Attend Tuesday Bible study
- Attend M&M and B&B Bible Studies
- Attend Wednesday afternoon Bible Study
- Attend a small group
- Invite a friend to church
- Learn to share my faith
- Lead a small group study
- Lead where needed, with training
- Wherever the church needs me
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- Worship Service Assistant
- Altar arrangement assistant
- Prepare altar for Sundays
- Communion preparation/cleanup
- Communion servers
- Special and seasonal decorations
- AVL / ProPresenter: AVL Operators
- Backup Presentation Creator
Music/Arts Ministries
- Sing in Sanctuary choir
- Handbell choir
- Assist in children’s music
- Serve as accompanist
- Participate in Theatre productions
- Play special musical instruments
Hospitality / Fellowship Ministries
- Driver’s for Browning & StoryPoint (Sunday)
- Greeter
- Usher
- Follow up with visitors
- Adopt a new member
- Volunteers for Mission projects
- Local missions
- Welcome a Neighbor Bags
- Disaster relief/ISOH-Impact
- Habitat for Humanity Project
- Bake Cookies for Kairos
- Assist with Web site / Ambassador
- Photography/video
- Newspaper communications
- Write letters, articles, etc.
- Manage church’s Facebook page
- Volunteer for office help
- Member of Church Council
- Member of Offering Counting Team
Church Building and Grounds Care
- Adopt a flower bed
- Rake leaves
- Prune shrubs
- Participate in seasonal clean up
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Our Mission – To Make Disciples
Our Vision – Share, Celebrate and Teach God’s Love
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Join us on Tuesday November 7th from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. for our Free Election Day Lunch. All are welcome to attend. remaining"! | |
WUMC Chair Yoga & Light Weight Strength Class for Seniors
If you’re looking for an opportunity to increase your flexibility and range of motion, change up your routine, or just get some additional mental clarity, this is the class for you!
Join us on Wednesdays at 2:00pm
The cost is $12 per month or $3 per session.
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New Hope Seminar:
Hope for the Holidays
Grief Support
Grief is difficult and special days and holidays seem to make it even harder. Our hope is to give you practical tools to help navigate the upcoming holiday season as we hear stories from those who’ve experienced loss and found Hope for the Holidays.
Saturday, November 11th at Waterville UMC
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This seminar is free to participants, but registration is required. You can register online by clicking the large red button below, or by calling Donna Martin
at 419 360-5584.
Walk-ins are welcome!
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Sunday, November 12th at 2:00 pm
Sharon United Methodist Church 9016 County Rd P, Napoleon, OH, 43545
Rev Mary Kay will be the presiding elder. The church conference directs the work of the church and gives general oversight to the church council, reviews and evaluates the mission and ministry of the church, sets salaries for the pastor and staff, elects the members of the church council, and recommends candidates for ordained ministry. All members of a local United Methodist church are invited to attend and are extended the privilege of vote.
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We are looking for volunteers to help with:
Election Day Luncheon (November 7th) There is a sign up sheet on the Welcome Table for those who are able to help with food or serving.
Operation Christmas Child Collection Week (November 13-20th) There is a sign up sheet on the Welcome Table
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Missions Committee Focus for November | |
The month of October and November our mission focus is Samaritan’s purses Operation Christmas Child. Boxes (and you can always use your own!), labels, and instruction sheets are available in the gathering space.
Important dates to remember:
November 12 will be our shoebox dedication for WUMC.
November 13-20 will be OCC National Collection Week. We need your help to accomplish this collection and the cartonizing of shoeboxes that will come into our building.
A sign-up sheet is available at the welcome table.
WUMC loves this mission, and loves spreading the word of God to all parts of the world! Join us!
REMINDER: Due to safety reasons, custom restrictions, and cultural considerations, the following items are NOT allowed by OCC:
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- Food of any kind. This includes candy, chocolate, snacks, crackers, drink mixes, fruit rolls, seeds, or gum.
- Military/war related items-toy soldiers or military action figures, toy guns, toy knives, or other toy ammunition.
- Breakable items- glass or ceramic figurines, snow globes, mirror (mirrors contained within a closeable compact are ok)
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- Liquids-liquid glue, body wash, shampoos, mouthwash, toothpaste, lotions, perfumes, lip gloss, nail polish, liquid filled balls, soft drinks or liquid snacks.
- Medications-cough drops, vitamin supplements
- Anything in an aerosol can
- Used or damaged items
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REMINDER: The easiest way to make the $10/box suggested donation is to pay online as directed on label OR write a check to Samaritan’s Purse and drop it in the OCC mega jar in the gathering space when you bring your shoebox OR hand the suggested donation in an envelope to the person that receives your shoe box during National Collection Week.
Donations do not need to go in boxes any longer.
Did you know you can build a box online for just $25? Click the box below to build an OCC box.
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November Focus: $10 Donation per Shoebox | |
Guide to Operation Christmas Child Year-Round Shoebox Shopping, Packing, & Tips
Savvy shoebox packers know that it’s never too early to start shopping, packing, personalizing, and fundraising for shoebox gifts. By preparing shoebox gifts all year long, you can send the Good News of Jesus Christ and the great joy of receiving an Operation Christmas Child shoebox to more boys and girls around the world! Use this year-round guide to maximize your impact for the Gospel
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October Attendance
October 1: 142
October 8: 117
October 15: 163
October 22: 153
October 29: 179
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October Card Ministry Liaison is Char Monroe | |
Please reach out to her at
if you know of someone who needs encouraging words through a card.
Words of love can change a moment and often a life's direction.
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Happy Birthday!
(If you have a Birthday that isn't listed here, please call the church office so we can add you to our birthday list!)
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Melva Robinson November 1
Aiden Wittenmyer November 3
Mike Denman November 4
Janet Quinn November 4
Stephanie Shelton November 5
Maddock Hires November 8
Wendell Welker November 10
Sawyer Hoste November 12
Hailey Kahl November 14
Steve Rath November 14
Marny Mazzarella November 16
Stacy Shoemaker November 17
Jan Sheridan November 18
Hazel McCausland November 19
Steven Suchocki November 19
Delores Young November 19
Thomas McCausland November 20
Karen Wiggins November 20
Carol Lynch November 21
Rowen Underwood November 21
Thomas Kahl November 23
Gage McMillan November 24
Ella Kimball November 27
Jacob Kahl November 28
Donna Martin November 28
Terry Myers November 28
Ted Myers November 30
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If you have an immediate need or a Pastoral need, please call Pastor Teresa Wenrick at 937-726-3758 or pastorteresa@watervilleumc.org .
Office hours are typically Tuesday through Friday, 9am - 2pm. Please call ahead at 419-878-3645, or email if you need to visit the office.
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Praises to the Lord!
10:30 AM
Opportunities to worship and praise the Lord with WUMC:
- In Sanctuary
Live Stream via You Tube at www.watervilleumc.org
Watch the recording of the worship service on-line when available at www.watervilleumc.org
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Waterville UMC | 419.878.3645| Email Us |
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