
December 2023

Welcome to the House of Deputies Newsletter

Welcome to The Episcopal Church House of Deputies monthly email newsletter. You've been subscribed automatically if you're a deputy or an alternate. If you've come across this issue in another way and would like to subscribe to this monthly newsletter, you can sign up on our website or on our Facebook page.

Do you have suggestions, ideas, or news about the work of deputies to share? Please email us. Want to learn more about the House of Deputies? Check out our website.

81st General Convention House of Deputies Logo Reveal

We are excited to announce the release of the official House of Deputies logo for the 81st General Convention. The logo, "Together in Love," is part of a family of logos shared between the House of Deputies and the House of Bishops. We hope the logo will inspire and motivate you as we begin our work towards the upcoming General Convention. Let us all come together in love to make this convention a great success.

President's Christmas message

Dear Members of the House of Deputies,

As we light the candles on our Advent wreaths and enter into the holy season of Christmas, I want to extend my warmest greetings to you and your loved ones. I pray that in the coming days, the peace and joy of the Christ Child will fill all of our hearts.

I am so grateful for each of you and your dedicated service to our church, especially during this past year when we have faced many challenges together. Yet through it all, we have drawn strength from our faith and from one another, just as Mary did when she bravely trusted God’s promise during a time of uncertainty. I am reminded of how, with God, nothing is impossible.

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Attention Deputies: Legislative Committee appointments have been sent out

The official appointment letters to the Legislative Committees of the 81st General Convention were sent out in early December. We kindly request all Deputies to check their email inboxes and respond promptly if you accept your appointment. Your timely response will enable us to proceed with the necessary arrangements.

We want to thank all deputies and alternate deputies who expressed interest in serving on the legislative committees at the 81st General Convention. Your willingness to step up and contribute your time demonstrates your commitment to the House of Deputies and our beloved church and is a hallmark of our democratic process.

 We look forward to continuing our important work together under God's guidance and wisdom.

Legislative Committee orientation schedule

Dates have been scheduled for Officers Orientation and General Orientation for all legislative committee members. If you have been appointed to a legislative committee, please mark these dates in your calendar.

  • Officers Orientation: January 17, 2024 at 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM ET
  • General Orientation: February 7, 2024 at 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET

More details, including registration links, will be sent to legislative committee members early in January.

Task Force on Individuals with Mental Illness celebrates training of first regional instructors

We are pleased to share the exciting news about General Convention Resolution 2022-A108, which authorizes the training of regional instructors in Mental Health First Aid (MHFA). This important resolution paves the way for the provision of basic MHFA training throughout the Provinces of the Episcopal Church, reaffirming our commitment to promoting mental wellness and creating a compassionate, inclusive community.

The Task Force on Individuals with Mental Illness recruited individuals from all corners of the Episcopal Church to participate in Mental Health First Aid Instructor training. On October 25, a group of eleven individuals from eight provinces successfully completed the Mental Health First Aid Instructor training. These newly trained instructors are now ready and available to provide Mental Health First Aid to parishes, clergy groups, dioceses, and community organizations throughout The Episcopal Church.

By empowering these instructors, we seek to create a comprehensive support network that prioritizes mental health within our communities. These trainers will be at the forefront of facilitating MHFA workshops, enabling participants to enhance their understanding, recognition, and response to mental health challenges.

Mental Health First Aid is a comprehensive course that equips participants with the skills to assist those developing mental health problems or experiencing a mental health crisis. With the evidence-based practices provided by this program, individuals can actively contribute towards building mental health literacy and better responding to signs of mental illness.

We encourage every member of the Episcopal Church to actively participate in Mental Health First Aid training. By doing so, we equip ourselves with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively support those in need while fostering greater compassion and understanding within our faith communities.

If you are interested in hosting a Mental Health First Aid training, contact Tammy Pallot from the Diocese of Atlanta, who can assist in finding a trainer near you. Tammy can be reached via email at The availability of trainers marks a significant step towards ensuring mental health support is accessible to all within our Episcopal community.

On behalf of the Task Force on Individuals with Mental Illness,

Tammy Pallot

Diocese of Atlanta, Deputy

House of Deputies Chaplain's December reflection

Click here to read video transcript

Deputation Chairs: Racial Reconciliation Formation tracking form

From The General Convention Office:

The Racial Reconciliation Formation Tracking for Deputations has now been published and is available to be filled out by Deputation chairs. This information is required per the House of Deputies Rules of Order III.B.1. Please fill out this form no later than February 23rd, which is four months before our first legislative day of the 81st General Convention.

Support the BLESS Appeal

Your gifts to The Episcopal Church Bless Appeal and other ministries make a significant difference. We are so thankful for your generosity as we seek to walk in the way of Jesus through our missions and ministries. Below are some ways to partner with us financially. 

• Text to Give – Text ‘Appeal’ to 91999
• Call (800) 334-7626 ext. 6002
• Online – The Episcopal Church
• Make a gift of securities – contact T.J. Houlihan - (212) 716-6041 for information
Around the House

We want to hear about what's happening around the House. 

The House of Deputies is full of members that are not only working on resolutions but are also doing fantastic work in their congregations, dioceses, and the country. If you are a deputy doing amazing work or know of someone who is, share it with us today.

Attention all deputations!

We would love to feature your deputations in our upcoming newsletter. Whether you meet online, in-person, or in a hybrid format, please send us your pictures. We can't wait to showcase your hard work and dedication.

Click here to send us your stories

Get in touch with President Ayala Harris

President Ayala Harris wants to connect with you and support our church's ministries and groups. Here are the different ways you can get in touch with her and the office of the House of Deputies: 

Follow President Ayala Harris

President Ayala Harris is sharing her travels and journey as President of the House of Deputies. If you would love to join her, we invite you to follow her social media accounts. 

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