Gender Affirmation Clothing Closet & Resource Fair | |
On Saturday, October 7, EBCAP hosted a Gender Affirmation Clothing Closet and Resource Fair at its East Providence headquarters. The event helped members of the LGBTQ+ community access gender-affirming clothing and accessories at no cost, as well as connect with many supportive community organizations.
Many thanks to our event supporters: East Providence Health Equity Zone (EP HEZ),
East Providence Mayor’s Advisory Council on LGBTQ+ Affairs, Neighborhood Health Plan of RI, United Healthcare of RI, and Blue Cross Blue Shield of RI.
Photo captions: 1) Event staff pose together for a group picture. 2) Bob DaSilva, Mayor of East Providence, with Rilwan K. Feyisitan, Jr. EBCAP President and CEO, Quinten Foster, Director of Transgender Whole Healthcare, and Rita Capotosto, Vice President of Family Development. 3) Rachel Stancil, Community Health Worker, Alyssa Gleason, East Providence Health Equity Zone Director, Naomi Zeltzer, Family Navigator and Kassie Paquette, School-Based Family Navigator, pose for a picture behind the EP HEZ resource table.
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EBCAP Receives Safe Zone Certification | |
EBCAP is pleased to announce its designation as a Blue Cross Blue Shield of Rhode Island (BCBSRI) certified LGBTQ+ Safe Zone organization. EBCAP is the first community action program in Rhode Island to receive this certification, which recognizes the agency's commitment to delivering safe, inclusive, and affirming care to members of the LGBTQ+ community. Representatives from BSBCRI’s Safe Zone Program presented EBCAP with its LGBTQ+ Safe Zone plaque during ceremonies held on October 31 at EBCAP’s East Providence Headquarters.
Pictured (L to R): Scott Gowrie, BCBSRI Safe Zone Program Lead; Amy Lagasse, EBCAP’s Vice President of Behavioral Health; Quinten Foster, Director of EBCAP’s Transgender Whole Healthcare Program; Rilwan K. Feyisitan, Jr., EBCAP’s President and CEO; Sarah Reinstein, EBCAP Manager of Quality Initiatives; Robert Crossley, EBCAP’s Vice President and Chief Health Administrator; Dr. Lisa Denny, EBCAP’s Chief Medical Officer; Annette Richardson, member of EBCAP’s Board of Directors; Kathryn Amalfitano, EBCAP’s Vice President of Quality and Performance Improvement; and Marisa Calicchia member of BCBSRI Provider Relations Team.
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Mark McKenna Receives Award from
Boys & Girls Club of Newport
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Mark McKenna, Family Service Coordinator with EBCAP's Newport Family and Child Opportunity Zone at Pell Elementary School was recognized by the Boys and Girls Club of Newport County at their Annual Community Awards Ceremony, held in September. He received the 2023 Individual Community Excellence Award which recognizes an individual whose dedication, vision, and service to youth have made a positive difference in the community. Congratulations Mark! | |
Head Start Event at Escobar Farm | |
EBCAP’s Head Start and Baby Steps programs held their annual family fun day on Saturday, October 14th, at the Highland Escobar Farm Corn Maze in Portsmouth! Over 60 families attended and participated in some fun fall activities, including navigating the corn maze, picking out pumpkins, and face painting. Participants received books, bookmarks, and pens. Head Start’s favorite sloth, Sam, made a special appearance as well. Sam stands for School Attendance Matters and encourages daily school attendance. | | |
We at EBCAP and the Career Closet want to thank each and every one of you who donated, spread the word, and shared our Sock-tober content on social media. Even a single pair of socks can go a long way for a person in need. Your kindness will positively impact our community!
Although Sock-tober is over, you can still donate.
You can send a monetary donation online or send a check by mail:
Check payable to East Bay Community Action Program, and mailed to:
East Bay Community Action Program
ATTN: Finance Dept.
19 Broadway
Newport, RI 02840
*Please write "SOCKS" in the memo
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On Saturday, October 14th, Newport held its annual Broadway Street Fair. Theresa Hull, East Bay Smiles and Molar Express Community Dental Programs Coordinator, Heidy Hernandez, Dental Assistant, and Kimberly Remington, Assistant Baby Steps Coordinator, staffed the EBCAP table to share information about services and resources.
Photo captions:
- Theresa and Heidy taking a selfie at the EBCAP resource table.
- EBCAP resource table all set up and ready for visitors.
- Kimberly posing at the EBCAP table, ready to talk to visitors about EBCAP and Baby Steps.
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Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program | |
To view the LIHEAP page, please visit
or click the image above.
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