May 2021

Monthly Newsletter

Hingham Congregational Church
United Church of Christ
366 Main St,
Hingham MA 02043
Photos from our first in person service of 2021!
60 people shared communion, sang hymns, enjoyed the music by choir members, and enjoyed the guest speaker, the prayers and sermon!
A Note from Our Moderator
As the end of my time as the moderator draws near, I have to admit, it has been nothing like I expected. My tenure started with a recently renovated, vibrant church. The HCC Off Broadway committee put on a fantastic show and regaled us with the talents and generosity
of many church members. We were having fun together, working together, and celebrating together. We enthusiastically launched a committee to plan for our next five years. Wow, did things change! That old joke, “Do you want to make God laugh? Just tell him your plans!” feels more relevant than ever.  
The pandemic turned life upside down. It silenced the celebration. It also opened our eyes to the quiet gifts we give each other. When we were forced to separate, we found ways to stick together. I imagine more than a few church members who would have never considered praying over the internet quickly mastered Zooming. We learned computer skills because it mattered. We leaned on each other and trusted in each other even when there was no physical proof of our support. We reached out to others in need without always knowing if we were reaching out to help them, or if we really needed the support ourselves. We kept the faith alive; when one of us doubted, there were others to keep it strong. The celebration wasn’t silenced. It just wasn’t as loud. But it was there, continues to be there, and will always be. For that, I am so honored to be part of the wonderful congregation of HCC.  
-Lynn Mayo 

May 23, 2021 at 11:00 am
To the Members of the Hingham Congregational Church:
In accordance with Article VI, section 2 of the Bylaws, the members of the Hingham Congregational Church are hereby notified that the Congregational Annual Meeting of the Church will take place on Sunday, May 23, 2021 at 11:00 am. Given the current social distancing guidelines, we will announce how and when the meeting will take place closer to the meeting date.
The purpose of this meeting is:
1. To hear and vote on the annual reports of the Boards and Committees;
2. To receive reports from the pastors and moderator regarding the status of the church;
3. To hear and vote on the slate of officers, Boards and Committees presented by the Nominating Committee and endorsed by the Executive Council, these to take effect at the conclusion of the meeting;
4. To transact any other business that may properly come before the meeting.
This is an important meeting and participation by all members of the Congregation is requested. 
Meredith Anderson

Outreach News
Lunches With Love: ️ 
Grocery store gift card collection for Boston Area immigrant moms
for Mother’s Day.

The ramifications of COVID 19 have been felt by every segment of society, but the immigrant population has been especially hard hit. Many of these people work in service industry jobs like restaurants and have had their hours cut severely.
Boston area immigrant families served by the International Institute of New England (IINE- https://iine.org) spent years in refugee camps overseas and now are struggling to make ends meet in their new neighborhoods here.
Let’s celebrate Mother’s Day by donating $10 to the Lunches With Love Gift Card Drive. All gift cards will be distributed to immigrant families by IINE caseworkers.
Current total $310; Goal $550
Please donate $10 via:
*Venmo: Mary-jenkins-63
*Check mailed to Mary Jenkins, 33 Mast Hill Rd, Hingham 02043
Thank you so much, Mary 

VIRTUAL TOUR OF PINE STREET INN Wednesday May 12th at 7:30 pm

To follow up Mission Sunday, speaker, Scottie Wait, The Director of Corporate Engagement from Pine Street Inn, will bring us up to date on how they are meeting current needs. 

Pine Street Inn provides important services such as housing, meals, emergency assistance and job training for those in need. Over time they have grown and changed to meet the changing needs of the community.

Please join the Zoom Meeting on Wednesday, May 12th at 7:30pm when Scottie will conduct a virtual tour of Pine Street Inn so we can see how they work to help their guests
https://zoom.us/s/96949678300#success. ID# 969 4967 8300. Passcode 248811

Hingham Food Pantry Condiment Drive
Hingham Food Pantry is requesting donations of condiments to meet the needs of the people they serve. They are looking for condiments such as mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise and relish. Also items such as salad dressing, barbecue and soy sauce. Please make donations in small bottles or containers.
This drive will start on May 1 and last through May 30. We are still using Covid-19 precautions so please bring your donations to the back porch on the lower level of the Church Office near the parking lot. There will be a specially marked plastic bin for your donations. Monetary contributions are also welcome. You can make donations on the special offering page of the HCC website or write a check to the Hingham Congregational Church with “Hingham Food Pantry” in the memo line. Checks can be mailed, brought to Sunday service or dropped off at the Church office.
Thank You…

Thank you!
For contributing to One Great Hour of Sharing and Wellspring Easter Food Boxes. At this time we have received contributions of $1,025 for OGHS and $1,665 for Wellspring. Your contributions are a big help for these organizations and their mission.
HCC Anti-Racism Group
The Pilgrim Church in Sherborn partners with the Bethel AME Church in Jamaica Plain and together they have produced a thought-provoking video about the church’s role in understanding and resisting racism. I hope you’ll take a few minutes to watch it.

Debbie Edmundson dedmundson@comcast.net
The Farm To Food Pantry program
Do you like to cook? Does it make you sad to see good food go to waste? If you answered yes, please consider signing up for a Farm to Food Pantry program to help save food from the trash by preparing value added products to share with local food pantries. 
In partnership with Holly Hill Farm in Cohasset and their Farm to Food Pantry food rescue program we will be preparing sauces, soups, casseroles, and pestos to share.
We would especially love to have our youth participate and we encourage them to visit Holly Hill Farm to learn how food grows and to understand why growing organically is better for human health and better for the environment.

The Farm To Food Pantry program started in 2012 with this vision and insight:
  • Educate participants (teens and adults) about organic and regenerative agriculture techniques.
  • Help participants understand that not everyone can afford to shop at the grocery store and that approximately 7% of our neighbors experience food insecurity. 
  • COVID-19 increased food that, even amongst our seemingly affluent local communities. 
  • The food pantry at Wellspring in Hull experienced a 38% increase in clients in 2020 compared to 2019.
  • Growing food is resource intensive in terms of labor, time, and precious natural resources so rescuing food that is past its prime and preparing value-added products helps save food from the trash and benefits everyone. 
  • Holly Hill Farm composts approximately 1,500 lbs. of food waste per week in our farm’s composting system. Volunteers will learn about the important environmental benefits of making and using compost on our farm fields.

Holly Hill Farm envisions bringing food from the farm (grown in the Farm to Food Pantry garden or gleaned from the fields) to HCC’s kitchen several times this growing season to prepare sauces, soups, casseroles, and pestos.

Participants will learn culinary skills and also understand that the food they are preparing will feed those who can’t afford to purchase food in a grocery store.

If you're looking for meaningful ways to give back to your community, and this program appeals to you please contact Kit Schlosky for more details at knschlosky@gmail.com or by calling 781-915-7299.
Thank you! Vaccinated youth are welcomed to participate as well.
The Hingham Unity Council
Hingham Unity Council has events coming up in May and June, including a candidates’ forum, a drive-in movie night, a race talk focusing on Asian American Pacific Islanders in Hingham, and a book discussion. Take a look and sign up!
Check out their website, hinghamunity.org for more information.
Weekly HCC Virtual Coffee Hour
  Sundays at 11:00 am Via Zoom!
Please reach out to Meredith Anderson if you have any questions.
HCC Zoom Café
First Tuesday of each month at 9:30am.
June 1
Meeting ID: 731 1464 2117 Passcode: huh390

 Please join us for a time of fellowship and conversation!
Fellowship Committee
In keeping with the recent celebration of Earth Day, here is a quick little quiz made available by Project Drawdown. (“Drawdown”— the point in the future when levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere stop climbing and start to steadily decline)
RANK each of the items from MOST important to LEAST, and then check below in this edition of HORIZONS for the answers. Some surprises may be in store. Followup quizzes will appear in the months ahead

QUIZ “How We Move People & Goods” (Rank these 1-4)
  1. Fly less…and on fuel-saving planes
  2. Invest in high-speed trains
  3. Drive and electric car
  4. Ship goods more efficiently

Of Note!
Per the Hingham DPW, we had to say good-bye to the Linden Tree on the Pleasant St side of the church. They paved over, where once it stood.
O Linden Tree!
O Linden Tree, O Linden Tree
We weep and gnash our teeth for thee

Where once your leaves reached to the skies
Now only dark macadam lies

Once I hit you with a truck
Now I say, au revoir, good luck

Perhaps you’ll be chopped up and split
A warming fire ‘round which we’ll sit

The Town of Hingham took you down
Your church will guard your great renown

Rev. Dr. Peter W. Allen
Evening Prayer Time
with Pastors

Wednesday Evenings
7:00 pm

Links will be sent out on Wednesdays
Growing in Faith Together
Bible Study 
Thursday Mornings at 9 am 
in a virtual format.
Please contact
Rev. Dr. Peter Allen to connect (pastor@hccucc.com).
Call for Spring Music Volunteers! 
We are in need of volunteer musicians. Senior choir will continue to gather on ZOOM, Now Thursdays 7:15 -8:45
We will create virtual choir anthems. David Giessow
Tuesday Night Bible Study at 7 pm
Tuesday night bible study is continuing via zoom at 7:00 pm. 

To get more information, please speak with Paul Jeffery (pauljeffrey888@gmail.com), Terri Fortin (terrifortin@comcast.net) , Todd Anderson (toddkanderson78@gmail.com)

Please keep in 

       your prayers...

  • Tracy Allen, recovering from surgery
  • Mike & Tamara Newberry with health concerns, friends of Mark Beck
  • Jeff Collins, whose Brother, Mark, passed away recently
  • Nick Nasson, with health concerns
  • Kris Shorey, following surgery 
  • Peter Edson’s sister, Dale, with health concerns
  • Ann Holmes, Priscilla Anderson’s mother
  • Al Carpenter 
  • Ryan Lamonde, prayers for peace and courage 
  • People in abusive households
  • Allan Bacon, Carolyn Antoine's brother
  • Peter Edson
  • Daryl Denelle, seeking ordination 

Wishing a Happy May Birthday
to our HCC family.
Wishing a Happy May Anniversary to:  
18 - Michael & Ruth Whitner - 47 years
21 - Robert & Karen Hale - 27 years
25 - Jeff & Susan Jiohnson - 36 years
26 Tracy & Peter Allen, Jason & Rachel Scott
28 Brice & Kristina Shorey
31 Paul & Janet Cappers - 52 years
What's happening in May at HCC?

1 - c - Drive electric car
2 - d - Ship goods more efficiently
3 - a - Fly less…and on fuel-saving planes
4 - b - Invest in high-speed trains

Planes and ships that cross the globe use a lot of energy, and
adopting more efficient shipping practices and flying fuel-saving planes would keep a lot of CO2 out of the atmosphere.
BUT, if more people started driving electric vehicles, carbon emissions would be cut even more. PD’s analysis concludes that if just 16% of the miles we drive were traveled in an electric-powered vehicle (vs. gas-powered), it would keep 10 GIGATONS of carbon emissions out of the air.