Please Do Your Part In Saving Lives


This year, many of us will be celebrating the holidays. Many of us will not. We will be mourning our loved ones who were killed because drivers chose to drive impaired or distracted.
Drunk Driving - Each time I see Matt’s smiling face on his mother’s Facebook page, my heart breaks for Connie. Matt was her only child. He was killed by a drunk driver.
Distracted Driving - Or when I look at a picture of Margay, who was burned to death in a school bus crash because a truck driver chose to use his phone, I weep for her mother Elissa. 
Drugged Driving – I can understand Ed Woods' anger each time he relives the nightmare crash that killed his son, Brian, and seriously injured his pregnant wife. Their unborn baby survived, never knowing her father. Two other people were killed in that crime.

Right now, We Save Lives needs your help. You have the power to help us win this war against increasing traffic violence. We are asking you to donate as much as you can so that we can continue our fight against drunk, drugged and distracted driving.   

We need to continue educating people about how to drive safe and how to keep someone else from driving dangerously. We really need your support. You have the ability to change the culture of acceptance surrounding death and injury on our roadways.

You can give now through our website or send a check to:

We Save Lives
3305 Wyndham Circle #155
Alexandria VA 22302
Thank you, as always for caring about this deadly epidemic that will only get worse without your help.

Your safety is always our priority,
Candace Lightner
Founder, We Save Lives  
Founder, MADD

Because we care . . .
We Save Lives depends upon contributions and sponsorships to help fund our ongoing drunk, drugged and distracted driving campaigns. These include our Drop the "A" Word petition drive, Action Alerts, Legislative support, and our Celebration of Life program, honoring victims and survivors of drunk, drugged and distracted driving and boating. If you are interested in Giving Back to your community and saving lives please consider becoming a We Save Lives sponsor. You may contact us at
Shop and Help Save a Life!