November 2022
The purpose of the St. Joseph Public Schools Foundation is to raise, steward and distribute resources to enrich the education of students in the St. Joseph Public Schools District.
View our message

“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.
~ Coretta Scott King

What your gifts mean to students...
In last month's issue of Provisions, we shared photos of teachers receiving grant awards. Some grant projects are already underway and impacting students in a positive way!
Grant Recipients: Mrs. Becker and
Dr. Culver

SJHS English Teachers Tracy Becker and Jamie Culver received a SJPS Foundation grant to present at the National Council of Teachers of English 2022 Annual Convention earlier this month in Anaheim, CA.

Entitled "Love, Light, and Literacy through Book Clubs and Expanding Libraries," their session centered around the Book Love reading initiative at SJHS; and more specifically, how the media center filters light and literacy into the English Language Arts (ELA) classrooms to help enrich the reading culture at SJHS schoolwide.
"Any conference--especially a national conference in our discipline--enhances our approach to teaching our students. We hope to learn new strategies with the teaching of writing and research; how to appropriately integrate culturally responsive texts; and how to "pursue the light," keeping the passion for learning alive in the classroom."
~Mrs. Becker and Dr. Culver
Building a Community of Readers

The SJPS Foundation supports staff professional development, and has also made significant investments in the areas of literacy and reading over the last several years. Previous grants included media center genrefication, little library carts, reading incentive sticker charts, and library Book Love grants at SJHS. Numerous literacy and book grants have also been awarded at the elementary and middle school levels.
Grant Recipient: Mrs. Crandle

BEAR Time is an opportunity presented to students within the school day in which teachers personalize instruction to further meet the unique needs of each learner in their class(es). This may be a time for academic intervention or enrichment, and may also include the development of interpersonal relationship skills, such as teamwork and cooperation, as well. 

During a fall BEAR Time session, Mrs. Crandle's students had an idea for a service project to spread kindness among fellow students and teachers. Inspired by the Facebook Group "St. Joseph Michigan Rocks," the students gathered rocks and decorated them using Sharpies and craft paint. The rocks are soothing in nature--painted with inspirational short messages like "Be Kind" or "Joy" and include various artwork like smiley faces, trees, and other designs. Art supplies were funded by a SJPS Foundation Grant.
Miles T. Class of '23
Gray S. Class of '24
Jade A. Class of '24
Grace Y. Class of '24
“Painting rocks during Bear Time is very fun for me. It’s a break from schoolwork, and I get to focus on creating little pieces of art on the rocks.”
Julius D. Class of '23
Elvia C. Class of '23,
Serenity C. Class of '26
Jacob D. Class of '26
Desmond W. Class of '25

"I'm proud that the students came up with this creative idea. They are experiencing first hand the joy of giving. The project is starting to gain momentum and we will continue to brainstorm designs and messages that convey positivity."
~Mrs. Crandle
Record Numbers Participate in SJPS Robotics
Team 3620: The Average Joes
Season Kickoff - January 7, 2023
Many are aware of St. Joseph High School's renowned Robotics Team, Team 3620:The Average Joes, but did you know the district has a robust "feeder" program for grades 1 through 8?

According to SJPS Robotics Coordinator Morgan Brunsting, 170 students participated in the elementary schools' FIRST® LEGO® League (FLL) and 39 participated in Upton Middle School's FIRST® Tech Challenge (FTC) this fall.

The district provided a shuttle service from all 3 elementary schools to the Edward J. Todd Innovation Center after school, allowing more students to participate.
FLL introduces science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) to children ages 4-16* through fun, exciting hands-on learning. Participants gain real-world problem solving experience through a guided, global robotics program, helping today's students and teachers build a better future together.
Nancy M. 4th grade, Lincoln Elem.
Rhys C. 5th grade, Brown School
Harper M. 3rd grade, Brown School
"I love the LEGOS and building cool new things!"

~ Kai H.
1st Grade, E.P. Clarke Elementary

A special thank you to our 120 parent volunteers who attended meetings and served as team coaches.

FTC students learn to think like engineers. Teams design, build, and code robots to compete in an alliance format against other teams. Robots are built from a reusable platform, powered by Android technology, and can be coded using a variety of levels of Java-based programming.
Divyang V. 7th grade, Upton MS
Brianne V. 8th grade, Upton MS
A Day in the Life of a JoeBot!
Upton Middle School Robotics

Over 15 mentors participated in the FTC program this year. One team has qualified for State which will be held at Kellogg Arena in Battle Creek on December 18. Check out the video!
More Ways to Give to Students and Teachers...
and Family and Friends!
A collection of favorite recipes from SJPS Alumni, Teachers, Administrators, Students, Retirees and Friends of the Foundation! Cookbook features student artwork on cover and tabs.
Relive the memories or enjoy the show for the first time. History buffs will love the SJPS historical facts presented throughout the production.
Certificates available for holiday gift giving

Official brick installer of the
SJPS Foundation!

2022 brick orders were installed last weekend at the main entrance of SJHS! Check them out!
We Can Offer No Greater Gift to our Children than to Dedicate Ourselves to Educational Excellence.
October Memorials
We offer our sincerest sympathies in your bereavement. Gifts to the SJPS Foundation in memory of loved ones are a fitting tribute, and will assist the Foundation in our mission to raise, steward and distribute resources to enrich the education of students in the St. Joseph Public Schools.
In Memory of Jerry Mayes
Dennis and Lynn Bowen
In Memory of Isaac Michelson
Dennis and Lynn Bowen
In Memory of Anne Takacs
Dennis and Lynn Bowen
October Donors
Thank you for thinking of us.
*Andrew and Kim Batson
*Tom and Jamie Birris
*Dennis and Lynn Bowen
*Kris '99 & Amanda '00 Craig
*Christian and Liz Door
*Kris '89 & Sean '85 Ebbert
First Congregational Church
*Fleming Brothers Oil Co.
*Mike '71 and Liz Garey
*Tereck and Emily '94 Halsey
*Jason '93 and Ann LeClear
*Jim '85 & Amy '90 Marohn

**Donor names in bold indicate membership in the
Dr. Marc and Cathy '80 Mavis
Gina and Mark Parrish
Samantha Ribas
*Sue Stewart '81
*Anita Schultz
October SJPS Teacher and Staff Giving
Thank you teachers, administrators and staff for all you do for our students.
Your support means the world to us.
SJPS Foundation | 2580 S. Cleveland Avenue, St. Joseph, MI 49085 | 269-926-3252 | |

The St Joseph Public Schools Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not for profit corporation.