HOVC Scouter Newsletter | November 3, 2023 | |
Venturing is a co-ed program for youth, aged 14 to 20, that’s all about building adventures with your friends through high adventure outdoor activities and challenging real-world projects. Our newest Venturing unit, Crew 711, celebrated their inaugural ceremony last night, awarding five Scouts with their first rank in the program. Congratulations to each of you! Learn more about Venturing and Crew 711! | |
LAST CHANCE to Buy A Pie to Keep Them Dry
A Fundraiser for New Tents and Platforms at Camp!
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Now this is a fundraiser you can sink your teeth into! Our Buy a Pie to Keep Them Dry campaign CLOSES soon! Buy your pies before this Monday, November 6th at midnight! Your order supports local Scouting by providing new tents and platforms for attendees of Cub Adventure Camp and Camp T. Brady Saunders (we welcome over 5,000 Scouts each year)! Pies will be ready for pick-up just in time for Thanksgiving - November 17th & 18th!
[Buy A Pie to Keep Them Dry]
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Leadership Center Under Construction as Work Begins
on the Dominion Energy Plaza, November 6th
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Through a contribution from Dominion Energy, work will begin on Monday, November 6th, on the Dominion Energy Plaza at the Heart of Virginia Council Leadership Center. For the next 4–6 weeks, while the Plaza is under construction, we will be utilizing a temporary entrance to the Leadership Center.
[Get the Details & See the Map]
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Interested in a career that helps grow strong families and better communities? Consider coming to work right now for the Heart of Virginia Council as a District Executive or a Camp Ranger. Both jobs are full-time, salaried, with medical, dental, and retirement benefits.
[Join Our Team!]
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Girl Troop Fantastic Friend Frenzy, December 9th |
Bring your Friends to Camp to experience the FUN in Scouting! Participate in Shooting Sports, Climbing Tower, Games, Scout Competitions, and a Campfire Program complete with s'mores! Cost: Free, Your troop just needs to bring one or more girls that are not currently in Scouts.
[Attend the Frenzy]
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2024 Winter Camp Volunteers Needed | |
2024 Winter Camp (January 12th-15th at the HOVC Scout Reservation) is shaping up to be one of the best Winter Camps YET(I). To make it the very best, we need volunteers, like merit badge counselors, shuttle drivers, kitchen staff, and support staff. Come for the whole weekend or a day or two. Sign up by December 11th to be guaranteed a cool (and warm) staff hoodie. Staff also receive a special patch, indoor housing, and meals.
[Register to Volunteer]
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Scout Shop Hours of Operation
Monday-Tuesday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Wednesday 12:00 noon - 6:00 pm
Thursday-Friday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 12:00 noon
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