Weeklyish Round Up: ScoutCon; Calling Youth Members 14+ and More

  • What's On for ScoutCon: Week of May 23-29
  • Week 5: Disaster Masters! Share Your Adventures
  • Council Voting Representatives: Youth Reps Wanted
  • Family Adventure Camp and LIT Training Coming to Woodland Trails this Summer
  • Long Weekend Safety Tips

What's on for ScoutCon: Week of May 23 - 29

Skills Night: Water Gathering + Solar Still + Filtering + Fire Starting
Wednesday May 26, 8 pm

Water water everywhere… Let's gather, stop and think! In a survival situation, you don't want a waterborne illness adding to your situation. Gather 'round for tips and tricks for collecting and filtering, distilling and boiling water.

Scouter Training: Basic STEM Activity Ideas
Thursday May 27, 8 pm

Hooray for STEM - there are so many great, age and skill-appropriate activities we can do that involve Science, Technology, Engineering & Math. Here we'll go over some of the tried, tested and true activities - some may be filled with so much fun and excitement that we might forget that we're learning!

Scouter's Mug Up
Friday May 28, 8 pm

Grab your mug and drop-in to join us for an evening chat of tips, tricks and share your experiences. Gather virtually with fellow Section Scouters to explore new resources and discover some great ideas as we Spring into Adventure. Come for it all, or pop in when you can - it's casual!

Scouter Training: AdventureSmart - Survive Outside
Saturday May 29, 5:30 pm

Let’s kick surviving outdoors up a notch. Teaming up with Adventure Smart, Survive Outside is designed to provide individuals with the knowledge, skills and tools required to present the Survive Outside program to Youth. Focusing on Trip Planning, Training, and Taking the Essentials, this webinar includes information on alerting the Search and Rescue system and survivability pending rescue.

GC & GSS Workshop: Planning for Success - Fall Focus
Saturday May 29, 12 pm

Learn from past great adventures to inspire even better future adventures. We have invited young adventure seekers to share with you their planning process to determine what to do, how to do it, when to do it to ensure youth are excited to up their adventure game.

It's Thursday of Week 5: How Have You Mastered Your Disasters?

Our first aid skills have been put to the test! How have our youth fared this week in testing our their skills? How much ketchup was used in the process? Anyone find their first aid kits woefully low on band-aids like I did?

Share your pictures and adventures with is on our Facebook page and tag us on Instagram @swcscouts.

Calling all Youth Members 14 to 26!
Would you like to be a Council Voting Representative at Scouts Canada’s Annual General Meeting repping SWC? Or do you know someone who you would like to nominate? Nominations are open until Tuesday, May 25, 2021.

We strongly encourage youth members to apply and take part.
Click on the Nomination Form or FAQ for more details.

Family Camp Adventures and LIT Day Camp Training at Woodland Trails Coming this Summer!

Woodland Trails Scout Camp is excited to announce that this summer we will be hosting Family Adventure Camp as well as Leader in Training Day Camp.
Family Adventure Camp offers scouting families the opportunity to book Facilities such as Lodges, Cabooses, Villages (tabins), and Tent sites for a weekend. Families can also book an extended weekend camping trip by adding Thursday or Sunday/Monday night to their stay. Families that are registered for overnight stays will be able to schedule fun family bubble programming such as Archery, Mountain Biking, Sports, Astronomy, Guided Hikes, Wilderness Survival and Orienteering as well as many more exciting program options!

To Book Your Family Adventure Camp, please visit:

Scouting Members who are 11-17 can register for our Leader in Training Day Camp. This weekly day-program is designed with outdoor adventure, personal growth, and community-building in mind. We endeavour to excite and challenge our youth with adventure while placing an emphasis on safety. The program runs daily, Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Before and after care options are available from 7:30 am and until 6:30 pm for an additional fee. LIT cohorts will also have access to traditional Adventureland programming options on top of the leadership development programming. Youth will be placed in cohorts that will be limited in size as well as sorted by age. Participants will also be required to bring their own lunch.

To Register for LIT, please visit:

If you have questions regarding Family Adventure Camp or Leader in Training Day camp at Woodland trails, please reach out to our Team at

LIT Program and Family Adventure Camp is also being hosted at Camp Samac in Oshawa and Family Adventure Camp at Camp Opemikon.

Check it all out here.
Long Weekend Wishes

The Shining Waters Council Key 3 wishes you and your family a safe and restful Victoria Day Long Weekend.

It wouldn't be like us not to add some safety tips, so here are some to keep in mind this weekend.

Yours in scouting
Nikki, Kit, Jason and Mandy
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