April 30, 2021
Join us virtually or in-person for our Sunday Worship Service at 11:00 a.m. To watch virtually: click the button above or visit our website, www.2ndpres.org, and click the "Sunday Live stream" button on the home page.

We will also email an active link on Sunday morning.

Also - if you click the gray button above you will be able to download the worship order so you can follow along at home!

Plan on joining us for in-person worship? Great! With everyone wearing face coverings, however, it may be difficult to recognize each other. So we’re asking everyone to wear their nametags prominently each Sunday. There are a number of them on the board outside the kitchen, but some of you may have taken yours home with you the last time you were here. If you are one of those people, stop what you’re doing right now and go find it so you’ll have it on Sunday. Don’t have a nametag?
Let the church office know and we’ll order you one!
This Sunday is Communion Sunday. There will be pre-filled, self-serve communion cups available to pick up as you enter the sanctuary. Gluten free cups are also available. If you are worshipping with us at home, cups are available in the vestibule Monday through Thursday.
Since our church has resumed in-person worship, we are asking members who might be willing to serve as an usher to please email Betsy Foster at bgf1947@att.net. Thank you!
Copies are also available in the vestibule and narthex.

We have received our permit and will start building TOMORROW!

As you may know, 2PC will be participating with 11 other churches in our Presbytery, UKirk at UTK and Edward Jones Investments in building a Habitat house beginning Saturday, May 1st and continuing May 8th, 15th, 22nd, June 19th and 26th.

The workdays and tasks that will be accomplished on each workday can be accessed via the signup link below. The building site is located on Mint Road (just north of where I-640 crosses North Broadway.)

At this time we want to sign up volunteers to help with the build. Signup must be done online and you can go to:

to sign up. This link is also on our website. 
Obviously, with 13 partners on this build the number of volunteer slots allocated to each partner is limited and will go fast. So if you want to help with this important project of the church don’t delay in signing up.

Additional volunteer slots may open up a few days prior to each workday, so you may want to recheck the signup link from time to time if you have trouble signing up now.

If you have any questions you can contact Joe Clarke at either jclarke859@gmail.com or (865) 335-0421.
With the "opening up" of society again, some folks are asking about visiting our shut-ins.

And while they would love the company, the key is to call before you go.
Each facility has differing protocol and it changes frequently. Reportedly all facilities are fully vaccinated so they are beginning to relax a bit.

For folks shut in at home, the decision is individual.

Just remember - Call before you go!

And thank you for thinking about our fragile community. Cards and calls are always welcome.
They’re called Blessing Boxes, and in the past few months, they’re suddenly everywhere - little charitable dispensaries that people set up in their front yards or another public place. They’re like those “Little Free Libraries” that have been popular for a while, but instead of offering books, they contain things like food, soap, diapers, and other necessities. People who have items to donate fill (and refill) the boxes; people who need those items take them.
You can put anything that people might need or want in your Blessing Box: food, personal hygiene products, and so on. These are the items most commonly donated and used to stock the Blessing Box:

·       Canned food with ring-pulls
·       Socks
·       Mittens
·       Crackers
·       Toilet paper
·       Non-perishable foods
·       Bottled water
·       Small snacks
·       Hand soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste
·       Baby wipes

The most important part of setting up a Blessing Box is to dedicate it to God. “Take what you need, give what you can . . .above all, be blessed!” reads the slogan on many of the boxes. It really is a blessing for the giver and the taker! Wouldn’t this be a great ministry for Second Presbyterian Church to launch?
Pastor Tim is currently leading us in a study of The Book of Confessions. A new lesson is posted on our YouTube channel and on our website each Thursday. We invite you to study the lesson at your leisure. On the 2nd Wednesday of each month, we meet at 7:00 p.m. on Zoom to discuss the lessons from the previous month. 

The newest Bible study is linked below, and has been posted on our YouTube channel, as well as on our website. There are also questions for further reflection on our website (both the video and questions can be found below and under the Wednesday Night Bible Study tab).

Several copies of the Book of Confessions, part 1 are available for your use. These are located in the Church Library. Liz Peebles can bring one to your house if you so desire. There is one copy in large print. It is in a three-ring notebook so a little cumbersome but easy to read. Call Liz at 865-247-4503. 
We are in need of 2 nursery volunteers each Sunday morning for the Nursery and Toddler/Preschool classes. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Holly Grimm at hgrimm@2ndpres.org or 865-243-6353.
We have a new Wi-Fi network for use by anyone who visits the building.

The network is “Second Presbyterian Church” and the password is Psalm100.

This network covers the entire building, as well as the sanctuary courtyard and parking lot. Please feel free to save it as a network that connects automatically for your device.
On the Pastoral Care page of our website, we will share more specific updates regarding those on our prayer list. It will be updated frequently by the church staff.

Visit our website: 2ndpres.org. The page is located under the 'Members' tab.

To keep all information private, the page is password protected. Please contact Audrey at the church office (via email: ajohnson@2ndpres.org or phone: 865.523.2189) for the password.
Compassionate Cuisine is a program from the Care and Compassion committee and our Cooking Teams. This group is collaborating to create a homecooked meal, and will gather safely at the church to package them into individual portions, that they will then distribute to some of our members who are living in their homes but may not be getting out and about to pick up dinner or groceries to make a home-cooked meal.

The teams would love to have your help in cooking and/or distributing meals in hopes that this ministry might be able to grow in the coming months. If you’re interested in helping by cooking a portion of one of the meals and/or would be willing to deliver some of the meals, please contact Leslie Matthews: flowlilly@gmail.com, (865) 765-0549.
The Faith, Science & the Future Sunday School class uses The Wired Word curriculum which looks at current events through the lens of faith.

This class has resumed meeting in person and by phone.
We will be meeting in the Mary Chambers Room at 9:30 a.m. each week. See you then!

Start time: 9:30 a.m.
Phone number to call: (712) 775-8972
Conference code: 179021

*Please be advised this is a long distance call for any who
might be using a home phone with long distance charges.
The May-June Upper Room is available!

There are copies available in the vestibule and narthex.
In order to maintain social distancing guidelines and not take any unnecessary risks, we are still encouraging folks to complete all church business via phone and email and to not come to the church office unless absolutely necessary.

If you do find it necessary, however, we ask the following:

1) Make an appointment.

2) Wear a face covering.

3) Do not come if you are sick.

4) Avoid congregating in groups.

5) Maintain physical distancing.
Prayer List:

Please keep the Barbour family, the Rochelle family, Peter Douglas Hamilton, Amy Cross, and Aggie Bell in your prayers. 
Please contact the Church Office (865.523.2189 or ajohnson@2ndpres.org) with prayer concerns to be listed in the weekly email or bulletin.

Names remain on the prayer list 4 weeks unless requested by the individual or a close family member of the individual to keep them on longer.