See what is happening at Grace Lutheran!

March 24, 2022
This is a quick weekly reminder of what is happening at Grace
in worship and in ways to connect and serve.
Pastor's Message
Use this where you need it. Love, Mom

When I returned from my January trip to Arizona to see my parents, I noticed a thank you note sent to Grace. The handwriting was familiar, but also different. It was from my mom, but her normal script was shaky and changed from her weakness and disease.   My heart broke a little when I saw it. Since then, I discover another note my mom sent me in mid-December that has been safely stored away in my wallet. At that point, her writing had not transformed at all. The cancer and treatment had not yet resulted in the loss of her speech and her writing ability, as it eventually would. Her note read as follows: 
Josie- Please use this check to help with your Xmas families. Love Mom 
In December, I had told her that people were messaging us for gifts and for diapers and so in typical mom fashion, she sent me a check to help cover some of these expenses. It wasn’t uncommon to receive random checks to Grace from mom with a note: “Use where needed.” What a gift! My mom’s generosity was a constant in my life. Maybe I even missed it at times. My dad said that her checking account, outside of her Lifetime fitness’s monthly bill was pretty much all charities. She gave every month to the humane society of Minnesota, Feed My Starving Children, Interfaith Outreach, and the list went on and on. Even though she only attended Grace a few times, she gave to our church and to the ministries we support here at Grace including giving emergency aid to Grace 4 Rakai and Gifts of Grace. 
Up until the end, she would often ask me about the needs at Grace, the capital campaign and more. I will confess that while we were supposed to keep the number hush, hush after commitment weekend, that I told mom. “Mom we are over $1.2 million.” I whispered to her at her bedside. “Mom we did it!” “Mom people are still giving. We might be able to do more. We might be able to get the kitchen and expand our fellowship space. Don’t tell anyone, mom.” I would tell her. Of course, she didn’t. She couldn’t.      
I never got to tell her the final number, well to be honest, I don’t think we have reached it yet. But I didn’t even get to tell her the number we told you all on Sunday, the number I will share with you right now: as of this weekend we have raised $1,472,190! Our goal was $1,200,000. It’s amazing! Isn’t it? I cannot even express to you how moved I am by the generosity of all of you. People have stretched and given in ways that have literally moved me to tears many times. Your commitments are investments in the future of Grace, and more than that they are a testimony of the strength of our ministry. I am thrilled to be on this journey with you, to have stretched myself, to have grown along with you, to have cried tears of gratitude, and to have witness your spirit of abundance and generosity. I know we are not yet, at the end of our journey, or the end even of this campaign. God is still doing amazing things and inviting us to do more. I am so, so, grateful for your faithfulness, for your trust, for the ways in which you give of yourselves.   
My heart hurts as I write this, knowing that I won’t receive that random check in the mail again with a note from my mom. My mom believed in me and in our ministry at Grace. She never lost confidence in what I was doing even when the pandemic made me feel so helpless. She kept sending the random check: “Use this where you need it.”  I wish more than anything that I could call her up and tell her, “Mom did you see that? We have raised $1.47 million dollars. Can you believe that? Can you believe what God is doing? I am so grateful!” While I can’t tell her that amazing news, I share it all with you. Can you believe what God is doing? It’s amazing! 
Pastor Joanna Mitchell 
P.S I am so grateful to all of you for the care you have given to me and my family.  I have felt your prayers and your love to my core. Thank you! I am also so grateful for the tremendous team on our staff. They have seamlessly filled in and picked up the pieces when I have left town for a weekend here or there, or a week as I did last time. They have done all of this with such great compassion and care. Words cannot express the gratitude I hold in my heart in having you as my family of faith and for allowing me to grieve as I need to at this time. I want to say a special word of thanks to Pastor Maria who has supported me in so many ways and who in her first years of ministry has undergone more change and uncertainty than any new pastor should have to; and yet, she has done it with incredible grace and leadership. I couldn’t ask for a better colleague, partner in ministry and friend.   
Entering the Giving Phase of Transforming Inside and Out Generosity Campaign

We are in the beginning of our GIVING phase of our Transforming Inside and Out Generosity campaign. We give thanks for the tremendous commitments we have received toward our campaign, over and above our goal!

As we begin fulfilling our gifts to the “Transforming: Inside & Out” campaign, we invite everyone to participate in “First Fruits” giving. Last week in worship, I shared my own journey with the concept of “first fruits giving.” After setting up my recurring gifts in Realm, my commitment every two weeks for the next 36 months (3 years) for the Transforming Inside and Out Campaign, I did something I have never done before. I decided to give more. I decided to give a one time gift. A gift bigger than I have ever given. And that isn’t to brag but to confess, I have been changed. I have been transformed --by you all, by this journey we have started on together, and by God! After doing this, I shared it with a friend. She asked, “how did it feel?” I can tell you, it felt like nothing I have ever felt before. I was filled with gratitude and hope for the future, where God is leading. I didn’t have remorse, thinking “what did I just do?!” Instead, I giggled! I was filled with joy! 

This is the spirit in which you are invited into this practice of First-fruits giving. In the Bible, farmers would give the first and best of their harvest, their choice lamb in offering to God. We are invited to this practice as well! 
If you are able, please bring as much of your gift as you can to this weekend’s worship services and place it in the offering. We’d love to receive the biggest offering we’ve ever gathered at Grace this week! Many of us are also giving online or setting up recurring giving–this week is a great time to set that up in Realm. If you have questions about making a gift online, making a non-cash gift, or other questions related to your “Transforming” pledge, please contact Frances at If you are bringing your offering and placing it in the baskets in the narthex, our offering envelopes have our campaign on them so you can dedicate your giving. If you need new offering envelopes, please reach out to Kris Miller in the church office. She will gladly get new envelopes for you.

We are all still growing, how might you take this next step in your generosity journey? 

With thanksgiving,
Pastor Maria Markman
Special Worship
Night Of Worship With Jennifer Marie
Friday, March 25th at 6:30pm

Come and worship through song with Jennifer Marie on Friday March 25th at 6:30pm
Jennifer is a local Andover resident that began her music ministry in 2021. She loves to lead worship at her local church and felt the Lord’s calling to pursue her long standing love of writing music to share the gospel message through song. You can learn more about Jennifer Marie at

The evening will be filled with popular worship songs you know and love, and well as original material from Jennifer. All are welcome and encouraged to invite friends and family!

Admission is free, and a free-will offering will be taken during the evening to support her ministry. 
There is still time to participate! Turn in your Commitment Card!

"The Word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighborhood...Generous inside and out. We all live off God's generous abundance, gift after gift." John 1

We believe God is leading us to a time of transformation inside and out as we invest in our church so that we might better minister to our congregation and serve our community!

You are welcome to drop off your Commitment Card at the church office today or anytime before and after worships, or whenever you are in the church!
-Wednesdays at 1pm and 7:30pm Lenten Worship (Holden Evening Prayer and the Study of the Shema)
-Saturdays at 5:00pm Contemporary
-Sundays at 8:45am Traditional
-Sundays at 10:30am Contemporary
We do not require masks but wearing masks is a personal choice for all attending in-person worship. If you are unvaccinated we strongly recommend masks. We do ask if you are not feeling well or ill please stay home. We will continue to live stream worship services for those who do not feel comfortable coming to worship or those who are out of the area.

Fellowship is after Worship on Sundays. Coffee, water and treats will be available in the Narthex after worship.

Lent & Easter Worships
Easter Plant Donations
Due April 3rd

Sunday, April 3rd, is the deadline for Easter Plant donations. If you want to donate Easter Plants in memory of a loved one or in celebration of a life event, please sign up on the blue sheets or call the Church Office at 763-421-6520 no later than April 3rd. Proceeds will be donated to the suffering people of Ukraine and to feed the hungry through ACBC Food Shelf in Anoka.
Sunday, April 10th

Eggstravaganza begins with BINGO in the Fellowship Hall at 9:45am and the Easter Egg Hunt follows after the 10:30am Children’s Easter Pageant that takes during Worship. Donations are still needed for Eggstravaganza. Take a slip from the board in the Narthex to donate items needed and drop off those items in the Church Office or Church Kitchen (if it’s hot dogs or carrots).
Lent Worship Times
Wednesday Lenten Suppers - March 30th & April 6th - 5:45pm (serving ends at 6:30pm)
Wednesday Lenten Worship - March 30th & April 6th - 1:00pm & 7:30pm

Join us this Lent for a time of education and a time of worship and learning. Wednesday evenings have opportunities for people of all ages. 6:30pm-7:30pm.
  • Kids night out will meet in the preschool daycare classrooms during Lent
  • Catechism will be exploring the Shema
  • Adults are invited to a time of study in room 105/107

Join us for Worship at 7:30pm where we will be using Holden Evening Prayer and learning the Shema together through the Bible Project.

Lenten Devotion Opportunity
If you are looking for a way to dive deeper this Lent and add a daily devotion, we have a wonderful opportunity for you. John Anderson, one of our members and a bible study leader has written a daily Lenten Devotion. We hope you will enjoy his words, reflections and images that allow us to see and experience the presence of God among us. Click here for access to the overall devotion. Click here to read today's.

Holy Week Worship Times
Maundy Thursday Worship - April 14th - 1:00pm & 7:00pm
Good Friday Worship - April 15th - 1:00pm & 7:00pm
Easter Vigil Worship - April 16th - 5:00pm

Easter Sunday Worship Times
Sunday, April 17th -7:00am*, 8:45am & 10:30am (*Please note the change from March's GraceNotes)
Ministries News
Let's Play BINGO!

When:                 Saturday, March 26
Time:                   2:00 – 3:30 p.m.
Where:               Grace Fellowship Hall
BINGO Caller: Our very own pun queen, Jan Anderson! 
We will be playing BINGO, socializing to catch up from a long break, we will have light snacks, and prizes given to each winner. Free will donation for expenses. Come for laughs, fun and fellowship together! . 
Resurrection Gardens
Sunday, March 27th*

EVERYONE is Welcome to participate. It is a fun activity for your family, a great teaching tool about Jesus’ resurrection, and a beautiful centerpiece that will grow just in time for Easter. Each kit is $20. Please register on Realm by clicking below. (*Please note Date Change)
Arise With the Guys
April 23rd at 9:00am

Attention All Grace Guys You are invited to attend Arise With the Guys at Grace Church in Eden Prairie on April 23 at 9:00am. Guest speakers are Ben Roethlisberger and Tony Dungy, two athletes and men of strong faith. Cost is $10 but if you attend the free breakfast at 7:00am, tickets are free. Carpooling from Grace is available. For more information, see the link on our website or contact Daron Yates for more information.
Grace's Opportunities for Giving
Food Donations for Grace Food Shelf

The Grace food shelf could use a few donations. Please drop your donations off at the Church office. Please remember we can not take perishable, expired items, or items in glass containers. We are in need of the following:
canned soup
boxed cereal
canned vegetables
canned chili/kidney beans
canned baked beans
boxed pasta noodles
canned pasta sauce
canned dinners (stew, beef-a-roni, chili, etc)
Noisy Offering
Noisy Offering collected from March 16th to March 31st will be going to ACBC Food Shelf in Anoka.
What do the different giving accounts mean?

When you log into Realm and go Giving, there are several drop down choices that you can choose when entering your giving online. Here is a general breakdown of your choices.

Ministry Operations-is our general operating fund. (i.e. salaries, electricity, water)
Transforming Inside & Out/Building Fund- is where the current capital campaign for the expansion/upgrades of the building.
Capital Funds-are the funds that go towards mortgage, building up keep, etc.
Gifts of Grace-are funds that go towards one time ministry (i.e. helping someone with rent or scholarships)
Noisy Offering-are funds that go to charities/ministries that we use the bread pans for at worship.
Miscellaneous Income-funds that are to go to a designated ministry (i.e. Quilters, flowers, WOW, Men's Ministry) or to something that has not been designated above.
Contributions/Gifts of Stocks & Mutual Funds

Hello friends! Just a note to let you know that a new bank account has been activated to allow for the receipt of contributions/gifts of stock & mutual funds. It's a little more complicated than a regular bank account and we appreciate your patience as we got the account going. Information is available via our website

Also, please make sure you are receiving our Grace emails from Realm. I've heard some might be going into "spam" folders, so take a look in case you're missing any! Lots of activities and events are happening at Grace and announced via Realm - don't miss out! 

Thank you for your continued support of our ministry work at Grace. The energy, collaboration and love is heartfelt by all!  
Give Electronically through GraceRealm
Consider electronic giving on GraceRealm. It’s a convenient way to give consistently throughout the year. If you have any questions, contact Frances or Marie in the Church Office or Click on the GraceRealm link below.

If you are wondering where your giving is for the year, please log in to GraceRealm. Find Giving on the tool bar. Then select My Giving History.  
Grace's Resources
Prayers of the Church

Please pray for: Emily Oberg, Lois Vadner, Mary Anderson, Jeff, Heather & Julie Kintzler, The Fernandez Family, Colleen Wernimont, Julie Caldwell, Dick Thompson, Rick Breyette, Pat Cairl, Eric Nelson, Shirley Fystrom, Ann McFarlane, Baby Cash Hawkenson, Nancy Coughlin, Baby Sawyer, Rick Burnham, Kathy Beckman, Betty Thompson, Harland Johnson, Jason Beckman, Lu Henning, Jeffrey Kintzler, Alison Husak, Juleen Klawiter, Carroll Potter, Clint Trousil, Luke Galland, John Malecha, Christopher Sluis, Julie Swedberg, LaDonna Lilyquist, Charlotte Montei, Elsie Weisenberger, Linda Christiansen, Judi Wold, and Ralph Wernimont.

For those who have experienced the death of a loved one especially; Pastor Joanna & her family upon the death of her mother, Margret; Nancy Jenkins and family upon the death of Nancy’s mother, Lois.
GraceNotes Deadline
Friday, March 25th at 5pm

Please have your articles into Marie Kolar by 5pm on Friday, March 25th. We will have GraceNotes into homes around April 4th. Please have your articles in Word format and email them to