Training and Equipping to Work Effectively
Greetings Ministry Partners,
From September 1st to October 25th, I was in the United States sharing the blessings of the CCI missions in Thailand. This journey would not have been possible without careful and detailed planning. Thank God for Dr. David Nelson, President of CCI and the entire team who helped coordinate church visits, home lodging and travel from my country of origin.
It was a very special time to talk, share and be encouraged by the brothers and sisters in the Church. I thank God for sharing in this mission and seeing the greatness of God. He led the mission of CCI to grow through the guidance of God and to contribute to the strengthening of local churches and their growth to the glory of God. I am confident that the mission of CCI would not be possible without the cooperation, partnership, help and sharing from the brothers and sisters in Christ. I have seen many brothers and sisters have the determination and dedication to support the CCI mission to be powerful and truly impact cross-cultural mission. This gives me a lot of strength and encouragement to continue the CCI mission in Thailand to achieve the goals.
This couple and another man attended CCI training and graduated on October 30. Three years before this day, God brought them to know about CCI and they joined a training session with a teacher. They decided to take this training serious. Both of the men had never been trained in the Bible anywhere before. Previously, they were only leaders in the local church. Then their pastor resigned, so there was no pastor or shepherd for the members of the church. Throughout the training, the men had the opportunity to act as pastors to take care of the members. And their CCI training equipped them to run an efficient ministry. They all spent almost three years studying, where they have learned the principles of pastoral teaching and preaching. The members are actively involved in preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and enabling the church to continue to grow and bear fruit.

The couple decided to open a CCI training class at the church, because they both realized that training and preparing to teach believers to be true disciples of Jesus Christ is at the heart of the church and moving in the right direction.

Thank you for your support, help and prayers for making this mission so much of a blessing to others.

May God bless all those who support and pray for the CCI ministry in Thailand.
With love and sincerity,

Kittikun Meetang
CCI Thailand National Director
"First of all, I thank God for having the opportunity to study the living Bible. And thank you to all the teachers who brought us the CCI course. I grew up in a Christian family and was a Christian from a young age, but my understanding of the Bible before and after studying with CCI is completely different. By studying with CCI, I learned the truth and was able to differentiate what was right and wrong in my life. Before I came to the CCI class, I understood that being a Christian and God's mission has nothing to do with ordinary people like me, it is the duty of the pastors and servants of God only. But after studying with CCI, I realized that Christians are one in Jesus Christ. And the mission of the Lord is also part of me.because Jesus Christ is related to all of us. Therefore, God's mission is relevant to me.The Word of God opens the heart to the mind to understand more. It made me closer to the Lord, feeling a part of Jesus Christ. It made me feel happy and joyful in Him. Studying the Bible has made me understand the Word of God better. It has changed my thinking, from now on I will serve the mission of the Lord as best as I can.Thank God for bringing the CCI training to us. May all servants and teachers of CCI pray for me to continue in the service of God. Thank you.

~ Khun Kho Mana
"My name is Don and I am the elder of a church. It's been over 20 years since I became a Christian by hearing the gospel and opening my heart to accept Jesus Christ as our Savior. After becoming a Christian, my life changed. I wanted to be a servant of God, evangelizing and nurturing believers. I wanted to be a servant of God who leads brothers and sisters and to visit and encourage them. Since there is a lack of servants in the church and some servants have attended this CCI class, I had the opportunity to attend this training. Before studying, I didn't have much knowledge and understanding of the Bible. But after studying, I have greatly increased my understanding of the Bible. This training course has been very helpful to the Lord's servants and I would like to invite brothers and sisters to attend this training course to increase our knowledge of the scriptures. God bless."

~ Don
4th generation alumnus
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We are looking forward to our vision for 2025: 

  • We would like to see 1,000 pastors dedicated to bible teaching and making disciple with people in their own church.

  • We want to see 500 committed Christians, who will surrender to serve in full-time ministry.

  • God willing, we would like to expand the ministry to new areas in the east and lower north areas, the west Thai-Myanmar border and also reach out to the Shan people who live in Thailand. In doing so, we pray that we will have 5 more coordinators by 2023.

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