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This story always reminds me of the overwhelming bounty of God’s love. From the world’s perspective the lost son would deserve nothing upon his return home, but God shows us that he deserves all. This story brings me comfort when I run off course, in action or in thought. While my self-serving nature could land me lost and alone, God always welcomes me home with more love and goodness than I could have imagined.  

The beauty of this story is in its duality. At first it is easy to see myself in the Lost Son. However, God’s love is also revealed through the perspective of the older son. He stays at home, sticks to the straight and narrow, puts in the hours of hard work, and expects to come out on top. Shouldn’t he deserve more of a reward than his younger brother for that? Again, God reminds me that His economy is far from my idea of what it should be. As hard as we might try, we are destined to fall short in trying to earn God’s grace—it is a gift only He so generously can give each of us, regardless of how much we think we may deserve it.

With the countless decisions that I make each day—and realizing that the world is more grey than black and white—it’s easy to let each decision weigh on me. I can find myself judging my decisions based on their outcomes, and wondering if my choice is what God would have wanted me to do. This story brings me comfort in knowing that no matter my decisions, God is with me, and welcomes me with celebration and gladness every time I run to Him. It’s not as much what I choose to do, but with Whom I choose to move forward. 


Lord, thank you for your Word and for how you continuously teach us new things through it. Thank you for our congregation and for this collection of Stories that Shape us that you are using to help us learn more about You and each other. Thank you for loving us beyond our understanding, and for celebrating every time we run to you. Let us all share in that celebration and gladness, knowing you are there with each and every one of us despite whether or not we think we measure up or deserve it. 

Millie Oldham has been a member of First Presbyterian for two years, and has been in Spartanburg for almost three (via a few other protestant denominations and cities in the southeast). She and her husband Tanner welcomed their baby girl Mae this past spring and are so thankful to have a church home at First Pres!

Daniel in the Lions Den by Sam (age 9)