Light in the Window - September 30, 2023

As for me, I would seek God,

and to God I would commit my cause.

God does great things and unsearchable,

marvelous things without number.

God gives rain on the earth

and sends waters on the fields;

God sets on high those who are lowly,

and those who mourn are lifted to safety.

(Job 5:8-11)

Dear Covenant Friends,

If you come by the church during the week, you might get a glimpse of people working on the building with the help of a boom lift, a machine designed to elevate workers, tools, and materials to access areas that are otherwise unreachable. The workers are considerate, tucking the lift into a corner of the parking lot each evening, and out of the way for Sundays, weddings and special events. 

I know we are tired of the scaffolding and would rather not see and hear construction machinery around our beloved sanctuary, but I think these visible signs of change are strong reminders of God’s work in us and among us. Rather than becoming inured to their daily presence, I try to use the scaffolding and the lift as prompts for prayer upon my entrance and exit of the church building. When I walk under the scaffolding, I pray for God’s protection and sheltering of the Covenant community and our guests. When I look at the boom lift, I pray that God would lift up our spirits, taking us to otherwise unreachable places of spiritual unity and Christ-like service.

On Sunday we will celebrate communion and all the ways God is at work in us for good. Like our church building, we too can become worn out, a little cracked, dusty and in need of repair. Worship helps us to breathe in God’s healing grace into all our broken places. Worship lifts us up to the heights of God’s glory in community. Worship creates a spiritual scaffolding, a structure for our days and our prayers.

May the peace of the Lord Christ go with you wherever He may send you.

May He guide you through the wilderness, protect you through the storm.

May He bring you home rejoicing at the wonders He has shown you.

May He bring you home rejoicing once again into our doors.

Pastor Jessie

[email protected]

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