"May your blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow. And may trouble avoid you wherever you go."
~Irish Blessing~
Household Hazardous Waste Collection
Saturday, April 10th
Mark your calendar! KALB is pleased to announce that we will be hosting another Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Event in 2021. If you missed our last event, now is your chance! Springtime is a great time to clean out and gather up all of your household cleaners, household chemicals, old paint, lawn and garden chemicals, or other items that you may have been storing for years. Our collection offers you an opportunity to rid your home of potentially dangerous items and to properly dispose of them once and for all!
DATE: Saturday, April 10, 2021
TIME: 8:00 am to 12:00 pm (noon)
LOCATION: Athens Middle School – 100 US Hwy 31 North – north parking lot between the football stadium and the school
The gates will close at noon sharp, so be sure to arrive in plenty of time. Volunteers will be on site to provide traffic direction in the parking lot and to help unload vehicles. This event will be a drive through drop off event, and residents are encouraged to stay inside your vehicle to allow the volunteers to unload your HHW items. Please note, this event is for LIMESTONE COUNTY RESIDENTS ONLY.
For more information on items accepted, please visit the following page:
Earth Day & Outdoor EXPO
Saturday, April 24th
11:00 am- 2:00 pm
Big Spring Memorial Park
KALB's Earth Day & Outdoor EXPO is ON for 2021!
We are so excited to be able to host our annual Earth Day event this year! This year's event will look a little different and be a little smaller than in years past, but it will still be a fun event for the whole family to enjoy! We plan to provide an outdoor socially distant event at Big Spring Memorial Park in Athens, on Saturday, April 24th from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. There will be vendors located throughout the park that will offer kids activities, earth friendly products, information to share, and more!
Thanks to the Limestone County Water and Sewer Authority, Steve Trash, Rockin' Eco Hero, will perform his show three times at this event (11:30 am, 12:30 pm, and 1:30 pm). Steve Trash has a wonderful way of getting the message of conservation and recycling across in a fun, loud, crazy show loved by kids and adults.
If you are interested in being a vendor/exhibitor or a sponsor
of this event, please contact KALB at 256-233-8000 or email KALBCares@gmail.com. We will be happy to speak with you and provide you with more information!
Free Guided Nature Walk
8:00 am on Saturday, April 24th
Don't Miss this Informative, Relaxing Walk Through Nature Led By Area Expert.
Marbut Bend Walking Trail in West Limestone is a great place to experience nature and the wildlife that call this area home.
Damien Simbeck is extremely knowledgeable about how this area was formed and all of the wildlife that live here. He takes his time and will share his expertise with all who join him.
Join Damien at the trail head by 8:00 a.m. to join this nature walk. Bring binoculars if you have them. Wear comfortable walking shoes and use sun screen and/or insect repellent as needed. This trail is considered handicapped accessible.
Saturday, April 3rd, 7 am - Noon
(for Limestone County residents only)
It's time for spring cleaning, so take advantage of this opportunity!
Limestone County residents are welcome to bring one pickup truck or trailer load of trash to the Republic Services Transfer Station located at 16100 BFI Lane off Hwy. 72 W, just before 7-Mile Post Rd. Gates close promptly at noon, so arrive early!
RESTRICTIONS: Maximum of 4 automobile tires (they can be recycled free at any of the LImestone County district tool sheds), any appliance with Freon must have the compressor removed or be accompanied by a certificate showing the Freon was professionally removed. No household hazardous waste or medical waste. Contractors may NOT dump free. Must provide proof of residency (i.e., a utility bill).
KALB Website (In Case You Missed It
Last Month!)
We are so pleased to announced that KALB has a newly redesigned website! It is still a work in progress and there are a few kinks to be worked out, but our hope is that you will find it much easier to navigate and more user friendly!
We express our deepest gratitude to Professor Katia Maxwell and her CS452 senior level class at Athens State University for redesigning our website as their class project. These students went above and beyond to make sure that we had a final product that both fits our needs and that offers a pleasant experience for those that visit our site.
We invite you to click the link below, take a look, and let us know what you think!
The Recycling Center Manager and Ass
Monday through Friday
6:30 am to 2:30 pm.
The Recycling Center Manager and Assistant Manager are working in the plant full time handling and baling materials. They will not be in the office to answer calls, but will return messages. If you do not leave a message, they cannot return your call. Please be patient as they are doing double duty to accommodate the needs of the community as best they can with less than half of their staff.
NO PLASTIC will be accepted at this time. Watch for updates on the Athens-Limestone Recycling Center and Keep Athens-Limestone Beautiful Facebook pages.
The Recycling Center will accept the
following materials at the
Please SORT BEFORE ARRIVING. If bringing items in a plastic bag, empty your items out of the bag into the correct bins. Do not leave the plastic bags.
Electronics (if you have heavy items, please bring help to unload. We currently do not have staff at the plant to help you. There is a $10 fee for TVs of any size. All other electronics are accepted free of charge.)
- Cardboard (including paperboard: cereal boxes, drink cartons, etc.) (Cardboard MUST be broken down. Unbroken boxes take up too much space!)
- Newspaper (must be separate from other paper)
- Junk Mail, Office Paper, Magazines
- Steel/Tin Cans and Other Steel Items
- Aluminum Cans and Other Aluminum Items
- Glass Bottles and Jars - All Colors (Glass must be sorted by colors: brown, clear, and blue and green. NO other types of glass accepted!)
NO COUNTY TRAILERS will be in place. Materials must be brought to the Lucas Ferry Rd. facility. We do not know when the trailers will be put back in place. We will update on the Keep Athens-Limestone Beautiful and Athens-Limestone Recycling Center Facebook pages.
Athens-Limestone Recycling Center
City of Athens Sanitation Department
(Athens City Curbside Recycling)
We Want to Hear From You!
Here is the link to our most recent articles featured in Athens Now:
February 5, 2021
February 19, 2021
March 5, 2021
Athens Now can be found twice monthly in local grocery stores, pharmacies, doctors offices, the KALB office, etc. KALB's article is always on PAGE 12.
You can also read KALB's Clean, Green, and Beautiful articles (current and past) by clicking the link online at www.KALBCares.com.
Keep Athens-Limestone Beautiful | 256-233-8000 | Fax: 256-233-8012
KALBCares@gmail.com | KALBCares.com