Letter from the President l 3.10.21
Dear Parents and Guardians,
The entire educational community here at Carondelet High School is honored to be in partnership with you in the important work of educating and forming your daughters in mind, heart, and spirit. As you well know, any educational endeavor takes many resources to build a firm foundation for lifelong learners who seek to be individuals striving for justice and equity for all peoples. 
In reflecting on our past year together, we relied on your trust and partnership to provide a safe and dependable educational experience under extraordinary circumstances. I am proud and appreciative of the resilience, grace, and generosity demonstrated by our entire community since last spring. We understand that the uncertainty of the times has weighed heavy on everyone in one way or another, and in the coming academic year our intent is to streamline the financial requirements of attending Carondelet.
I’m pleased to share that the Board of Trustees has approved a 2021-22 budget where tuition will remain flat at the current rate of $20,745. One-time required costs associated with academics, including registration and book fees, will be bundled into the annual cost of attending Carondelet and combined with regular tuition payments so that contracted financial obligations remain consistent throughout the year. Please refer to the financial model below that reflects the new bundled approach and consistent bottom line obligation.
We balance all expenses with our mission to deliver an outstanding experience for your daughters while attracting and retaining exceptional faculty and staff through fair and equitable compensation. As we build on our vision for the future, we are pleased to expand our curricular offerings for next year to include new and innovative classes including Engineering for Social Good, Women's Health Issues in a Global Perspective, and diversified math and computer science courses. As always, we will continue to foster the social-emotional development of our students with particular focus in the coming year on transitioning to a world beyond the pandemic.
Though tuition remains flat, costs to support our comprehensive and unique offerings continue to rise. Each year, our budget is set so that tuition covers just 90 percent of our annual operating costs. We continue to rely on the generosity of our Carondelet community to make up the difference through tax-deductible contributions. Please keep this in mind as you consider your philanthropy for the year. The balance between tuition reliance and charitable contributions over time will keep Carondelet accessible to as many families as possible, now and into the future. We remain steadfast in our commitment to provide excellence in all areas of our curriculum and student life experience so that our young women can discover and become their very best selves. We appreciate your support. 
In addition to keeping tuition flat, we recently removed the financial obligations and minimum hour requirements around our parent volunteer program so that generous parent volunteers may engage freely in various celebratory and fundraising activities throughout the year. Our dedicated parent community enhances the campus experience exponentially and we are grateful to these partners who help deliver on our mission.

You will receive an email on April 1 from Jessica Mix, Director of Enrollment, with a link enabling you to log in and complete the enrollment process for your daughter for the 2021-22 school year. Please pay particular attention to the re-registration deadline of May 7 and the required re-registration initial tuition deposit of 2.5% of annual tuition due at that time. We are experiencing unprecedented enrollment demand from transfer students in all grades. In fairness to these families, we will begin to offer contracts to transfer students beginning May 10 to fill any enrollment spots available by that deadline.

We are committed to assisting families in need whenever possible. If you have applied for tuition assistance, please know that you are still required to submit your daughter’s initial tuition deposit of 2.5% of contracted tuition by the appropriate deadlines.

On behalf of all of us, thank you for your continued support of quality Catholic education for your daughter. I am grateful for the privilege to return to Carondelet as president and embrace the charism of the Sisters of St. Joseph in this educational ministry. Thank you for entrusting your most precious gift to us.

In partnership,

Carondelet High School l 1133 Winton Drive l Concord, CA 94518 l CarondeletHS.org