Monday Morning Memo

April 19, 2021                Esperanza Estates                    Green Valley, AZ
9:00 AM
8:00 AM

Neighborhood Flowers in Esperanza Estates

EEHOA Board Meeting Today, Monday April 19
The April meeting of the EEHOA Board is today, Monday, April, 19, at 1 pm.  The meeting will be held online via Zoom. Please see the meeting agenda below.  All residents are welcome to attend.  If you are new to the neighborhood, or even if you aren't new, it's a great way to find out what's going on in Esperanza Estates.

Topic: EEHOA  Board Meeting 4/19/2021
Time: Apr 19, 2021 12:30 pm room is opened, 1:00 pm meeting start
Password: EEHOA
From Mary Harp
PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE IN DAY AND TIME:  The Gardeners will meet on Wednesday, April 21, from 8:00 until approximately 9:30 a.m. at the new cactus beds next to 1101 Norte.  Bring tools for transplanting. 
Wanted:  EE folks who can volunteer to water newer plants during the upcoming hot months.   You may also call Rod Harp at 520.329.9103 if you have any questions. 
Great Job With Housekeeping in the Ramada!
From Dave Sielken, EEHOA President
Kudos on the housekeeping of recent Ramada users.  I have even had a compliment from subsequent users.  We greatly appreciate your efforts!
Just a gentle reminder to clean-up crews to return the trash can(s) to the enclosure. Cans left out tend to provide a "buffet" to the Javelinas that frequently pass along the bordering wash at night.  You know how "gentle" the javalinas are!
Pesky Weeds!
From Tom Cooke, EEHOA Board
If you plan on leaving for the summer months please make arrangements to have your yard tended to and kept weed free while you were gone. It is board policy to take care of weedy yards at the owners expense plus a surcharge. You won't receive a warning letter but you will receive a bill. Please take care of this yourself so the board doesn't have to. Your neighbors who spend the summer here will be appreciative for not having to put up with the pesky weeds in a neglected yard. 
Reserving The Ramada
Do you need a location for a private party or gathering?  Our EE Ramada is available!  All you have to do is reserve it. There is no charge to use the Ramada, and it's easy to sign up on the calendar on the bulletin board at the Ramada.  We ask that users print the name of the group or sponsor, hours of your gatherings, and a phone number.  Use is on a first come first served basis.  The rules are simple....gathering must end by 9 PM, not involve loud music or noise, and all posted rules be observed. All trash must be placed in the secure area before leaving.  Thanks in advance, and enjoy our fabulous Ramada facility!
Food Donations
Just a fiendly reminder....we always welcome non-perishable food donations for our collection at the Ramada.  Many thanks to the Lavoi's who deliver the food to the Community Food Bank.  Your donations are greatly appreciated!
Green Valley Directories
Don't forget to pick up your copy of the Green Valley Directory.  Waiting for you on the counter in the Ramada!
Caring Connections is a way to share information with EE neighbors regarding someone who may be experiencing a health crisis, going through a difficult time, or could use some neighborly assistance.  With the isolation of Covid, we often don't know what's happening right next door.  Our neighbors want to know, so they can help one another.  If you know of a situation, please call Judy Hayes, 720-201-9260, or email  We obtain approval before sharing.
Open Garage Door Thefts
Source:  Green Valley Sheriff's Auxillary Scam Squad, April 13, 2021

The weather here has been unpredictable. Hot or cool, damp or dry. It does not take much thought to leave the garage door open to relieve that musty smell. It is also the time when gardeners feel the need to attack those pesky weeds and feed the legitimate plants. It is too much bother to close that garage door each time you need to grab a different tool; so we just leave the door open.
That open garage door is the object of this article. An SAV member reported that thefts from cars in open garages have risen recently. When you return from that grocery run, the car is parked in the garage. Of course it is safe; it is basically in the house! It does not need to be locked! That would be a complete waste of time! But, not if you leave the garage door open.
In less than a minute, a determined thief can reach in an open window or quietly open a car door, grab anything that looks valuable and slip outside as if nothing unusual has happened.
Another problem with that open garage door is the valuables we store in the garage. Hand tools, power tools, Christmas ornaments, outdoor furniture are just a few of those valuables stored in garages. Again, only a few moments are needed to remove some of them, never to be returned.

The moral of this article is simple. Keep that garage door closed as much as possible. If the door needs to be open, be observant. Check the neighborhood for strangers, workmen, and anyone watching your open garage. Every few minutes observe your garage. If you must be away for a while, close the door.
Check your neighbor's open garage door, also. Share this article and share the responsibilities.
"When you laugh at yourself, you never run out of things to laugh at."
Thanks Neighbor Louise McCabe
Source: Clean Family Jokes
Source: Furbutts

Source: Lynn Miclea Author
Thanks Neighbor Andy Kramek
Source:  A Catastrophe of Chaos

The inventor of the treadmill died at the age of 54
The inventor of gymnastics died at the age of 57
The world bodybuilding champion  died at the age of 41
The best footballer in the world, Maradona, died at the age of 60
And then....
KFC inventor died at 94
Investor of Nutella brand died at the age of 88
Cigarette maker Winston died at the age of 102
The inventor of opium died at the age of 116 in an earthquake️
Hennessy inventor dies at 98
How did doctors come to the conclusion that exercise prolongs life?
The rabbit is always jumping, but it lives for only 2 years. The turtle that doesn't exercise at all, lives  400 years.
Have a drink
Take a nap

If you wake up, have bacon & eggs!!

Thanks Neighbor Barb Copeland
Please share your jokes....Judy Hayes at  
Let's keep Esperanza Estates laughing!!
Quorum Determination
Approval of Minutes
Treasurer's Report
Committee Reports: Architectural Control, Capital Projects, Common Area Maintenance, Green Valley Council, Recreational Facilities, Finance, Neighborhood Relations, Hospitality, Neighborhood Watch, Enhancement Team, Gardeners
Old Business
New Business
Quick Links... 

The MMM, published weekly and sent to Esperanza Estates residents, is the Newsletter referred to in the EE HOA Bylaws for providing official notice of Board actions to homeowners.  Back issues are available on the EE website. Clicking the 'SafeUnsubscribe' link below will remove your email address from future mailings.