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Issue 1 - August 25, 2021


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School Lunch Menu



26 Grades 1-5 Partnership Planning Conferences / Kindergarten Open House

30 First Day of School (Grades 1-5) / Kindergarten Conferences

31 First Day of School (Kindergarten)


6 No School (Labor Day)

14 Picture Day


Chris Holden | @MonsieurHolden | 952.848.4100


Dear Normandale Families,


T minus five days until Normandale students return to school. Normandale staff are excited to meet, greet and teach your students this school year! Below you will find useful information for the start of the school year.


Partnership Planning Conferences (Grades 1-5): By now you should have received the Sign-up Genius link for Partnership Planning Conferences on Thursday, August 26. Please take time to fill out the form that was linked to the sign-up and bring it with you to your conference. Remember to wear a mask if you are attending an in-person Partnership Planning Conference. Please contact the Normandale office with any questions at 952-848-4100. 

Kindergarten Open House: Kindergarten Open House is scheduled for Thursday, August 26 between 8 and 9:30 am. Remember to wear a mask if you attend.


Kindergarten Conferences: Kindergarten families should have received a Sign-up Genius link for Kindergarten Conferences on Monday, August 30. Remember to wear a mask if you are attending an in-person conference. Please contact the Normandale office with any questions at 952-848-4100.


Student Drop-off and Pick-up: We will be following the same procedures as last year for student drop-off and pick-up. Students can be dropped off at door 10 between 8:25 and 8:35. Students should not exit their vehicle until 8:25am. Families with student(s) ONLY in grades 3, 4 or 5 will pick up their student(s) by the sidewalk between Kuhlman Stadium and door 10. Families with students in grades K-2 (and any older siblings) will pick up their students in the circle by door 10. 


Breakfast: Breakfast for students in grades 1-5 will be “grab and go” from the cafeteria. Students will then proceed to their classrooms to eat their breakfast. Kindergarten students will be served breakfast in their classrooms, starting the second week of school.


Lunch: In an effort to reduce the potential spread of COVID-19 and to reduce the need to quarantine students, we will be piloting a new lunch procedure for the start of the school year. While there are significant logistical challenges with having students eat outdoors at Normandale (the cafeteria is a long walk from outdoor areas, the outdoor areas are small and they are next to a busy frontage road) we will give the following plan a try. 

  • Students that bring a cold lunch to school may eat outside on the steps under the awning at door 10. We do not need, nor do we expect every student to elect this option. Each student that eats outside will effectively reduce the number of students eating in the cafeteria.
  • Students eating in the cafeteria will have access to school lunch.
  • Students eating in the cafeteria will sit with their classmates at assigned seats.

This effort will require additional adult supervision beyond Normandale staff. If you are interested in helping supervise lunch please sign-up here


Parent/Student Handbook: Please take time to look through our 2021-22 Parent/Student Handbook.


Chris Holden

Principal, Normandale Elementary French Immersion School



The Health and Safety Measures resolution that was approved by the Edina School Board on August 17 includes universal masking for all students and adults in Edina transportation and indoor school settings. Please remember your mask when you visit Normandale for Partnership Planning conferences and open houses.



We are happy to announce a MASK FITTING EVENT on Thursday August 26 from 8am-2pm (conference day) to help start off our school year! 

Bring your children and all of their masks to the table outside the front door where healthcare workers will check for good fit/seals and have information on recommended masks for kids. 

Families can come anytime or sign up using the linked spreadsheet to help us manage numbers. 

Sign up here


Normandale Picture Day is scheduled for Tuesday September 14th 

Retakes: Tuesday October 26th 

2021-2022 School Picture Provider: Josten's. 

NEW THIS YEAR: You do NOT order pictures before you see them! Josten's allows parents/caregivers to look at student pictures before ordering. 

Regardless of order status ALL students will have their picture taken for the 2021-2022 school yearbook. Pictures will be taken throughout the day with your student's classroom.

More details to follow.

Questions? Please contact Kelly Ingvaldson at


Do you have a trip or a holiday coming up that you'll need to miss school for? This is the form for you! Please complete and turn this form into the Normandale school office at least five school days prior to departure. Per School Board Policy 503, forms not turned in 5 school days prior to being absent will result in the absence being marked as unexcused.


The Minnesota Department of Health is requesting that schools continue to track COVID related cases among their student population.  


Please fill out this form to report ALL illness symptoms (even if you don't think they are COVID related), a positive COVID case or a quarantine due to close contact. An EPS staff member will then follow up with you.  

Monitoring the number of cases within the district is an important factor in determining when it will be safe to return to in-person learning. 


Thank you, and stay safe.


1 Vax to school.png


*NO REGISTRATION required - arrive during posted vaccination clinic hours.

The EPS clinics are open to anyone wanting a first or second dose of COVID-19 vaccine. The Pfizer vaccine is provided. You can receive a second dose at these clinics as long as the first dose was Pfizer, and the first dose was not given less than 17 days from the day of the clinic.

Students MUST BE 12 years old on the day of their vaccination. Consent forms are required. Please see the Vaccination Clinic page for more information.

Clinic Dates

Thursday, Aug. 26

Edina High School (map)

Performing Arts Center (EPAC) Door 3

Noon - 7 p.m.

Friday, Sept. 17

Edina High School

Performing Arts Center (EPAC), Door 3

2 - 6 p.m.

*If you are receiving a first dose at this clinic, find a location to receive your second dose of the vaccine at:

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