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TAD Talks
A GREAT Meeting with David Bossie
What a great pleasure it was to have David Bossie on our Election Integrity call last Friday. We discussed the Democrats' frightening effort to compromise our elections, and David's first hand experience fighting for his freedom of speech. Democrats in the House of Representatives passed HR1, ironically titled the "For the People Act." The bill could have more appropriately been named the "For the Incumbents Act." In addition to significantly weakening election integrity, the Democrat wish list would make it harder to challenge incumbents. Not surprising for a party obsessed with holding power.

This bill now goes to the Chuck Schumer controlled Senate. Hopefully we the people can help stop HR1 there but boy does it really illustrate the disturbing vision the Democrats have for our country. We must take back the US House and Senate next year to check the ambitions of Schumer, Pelosi and Biden to stifle dissent, protect politicians and fundamentally change our democratic institutions. If you missed this truly fascinating meeting, you can watch the recording on my website here!
Mark Your Calendar!
Next Election Integrity Meeting is Friday, March 19th!
Up next is a discussion with Representative Candy Noble. Rep. Noble is a leader in the House to protect Texans from radical liberal efforts to defund our police. The left has started a movement in the country to divert funding for police to pet projects and progressive pipedreams. These dangerous fantasies compromise one of the very basic duties of government, to protect the safety of our communities.

Rep. Noble has introduced legislation that would freeze municipal revenues if they join this dangerous "defund the police" movement. To learn more about this effort to protect Texans listen in this Friday! Registration for the Friday morning meetings can be found at the bottom of this email!
CALL TO ACTION : NFRW "Keep Nine Amendment"
“The Supreme Court of the United States shall be composed of nine Justices.”

For more information on the "Keep Nine Amendment" visit keepnine.org or click here to read "An Argument for the Keep Nine Amendment," by NFRW President Ann Schockett.
RNC Continues to fight for Election Transparency
The RNC continues to fight back against efforts to reduce transparency in our elections. As part of this, the RNC and North Carolina Republican Party submitted comments to the North Carolina Board of Elections opposing a change to their rules which would limit access to our poll watchers. The Democrat Board of Elections is trying to say that we can't replace poll watchers throughout the day – despite the polls being open for 13 hours. Additionally, they are trying to restrict the movement of poll watchers to be able to observe and move around the county or state. 
Not only is this rule in direct conflict with their own state’s election laws, but it would eliminate transparency and accountability in our elections. Poll watchers MUST have the right to meaningfully access and observe our elections processes.
Election laws cannot be rescinded and rewritten at will, and transparency should ALWAYS be the goal. The RNC is continuing to monitor these developments and will intervene as necessary to ensure our elections are safe and transparent. 
Read more about our recent efforts to uphold the integrity of our elections processes:
  1. Fox News: RNC to press state, local election officials on election security measures
  2. Fox News: Republican Party launching new election integrity committee
Register for Election Integrity Meeting!
Meeting Details
When: Every Friday beginning January 22nd, 2021, through May 28th, 2021
Time: 7:00 a.m. CST

To access the meetings, use the Zoom link or meeting details below!
Meeting ID: 897 9361 5836
Passcode: 237762
You do not have to use zoom to participate. You are welcome to call in and listen. To join us in these important conversations, please see the dial in information included below. 
Dial In Number: +1 346 248 7799
Meeting ID: 897 9361 5836
Passcode: 237762
For your convenience you may download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Thank you for allowing me to continue to serve you as your Texas Representative to the RNC! As always, feel free to reach out to me
with any questions you might have at tad@toniannedashiell.com,
or follow me on Facebook or Twitter at the links below. Thank you
for being a strong Texas Republican, and together, let us work to
Keep Texas RED!
Paid for by Toni Anne Dashiell RNC National Committeewoman for Texas