The Physical Origin of Gratitude

We hear often this time of year the message to give thanks, give to others and generally be kind and grateful. But have you ever thought about what this means physically? We may offer up gratitude, but how do we come about that feeling in our physical form? In Traditional Chinese Medicine we often talk about what organ is responsible for a certain emotion, feeling or physical sense. What is responsible for gratitude and true thanks giving?
Pain in the Neck?
I see a lot of patients with acute and chronic neck and shoulder pain in my office. While acupuncture can successfully relieve the pain, it does take a long time to fully recover and return to your normal healthy state. Some patients have constant years of pain only to progress into unbearable frozen shoulder status which can take even longer to heal. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), these conditions are due to lack of blood flow. In areas of the body with large muscle groups, there is a large amount of blood flow. But the shoulder and neck area contain many tendons and ligaments. With these smaller muscle groups and non-vascular tissue, blood flow is often compromised and tightness and pain can easily accumulate. Shoulder and neck pain can be a natural aspect of aging aggravated by repetitive stress and stressful situations, working hunched over a computer, and improper diet leading to circulation problems. The muscles tighten and contract as does the connective tissue. Acupuncture helps to direct blood flow to the area while relaxing the tendons and ligaments.

Neck and Shoulder AC and CR are two formulas for acute and chronic shoulder pain from Evergreen Herbs carried in the Acupuncture by Andrea office.

Whiplash or injuries, lack of movement or acute flare ups are greatly reduced with the AC version of this formula. It helps to invigorate qi and blood flow and moves stagnation while relieving pain.

When there is chronic and prolonged pain, slow recovery post-surgery, repetitive stress or arthritis, I recommend the CR version of the Neck and Shoulder formula. With an analgesic action for pain relief, a muscle relaxing herb for relieving spasms and cramps and a boosting herb that helps growth of new and stronger bones, this is the formula to ease your chronic pain. 
It's a Thanks-Giving
I am always grateful for your business, but even more for your continued support, kind words and friendship. I try to take time every day to look around and give thanks for not only all that is good in my life, but also for those tougher things from which I have learned. Both can teach us to have gratitude.

The Acupuncture by Andrea office will be closed November 23-25 so that we can celebrate the holiday with our families. I’m looking forward to the cooking of the family meal, and as much whipped cream as I can fit on one piece of pie!

Be Well, enjoy your holiday and I will see you when I return.
What is Stoicism?
"Our life is what our thoughts make it." - Marcus Aurelius

For those of us who live our lives in the real world, there is a branch of philosophy created just for us: Stoicism. It’s a philosophy dedicated to making us more resilient, happier, more virtuous and wiser. As a result, we can become better people, better parents and better professionals. 
Stoicism has been a common interest for many great leaders. Practiced by kings, presidents, artists, writers and entrepreneurs, adherents include Marcus Aurelius. Frederick the Great, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Theodore Roosevelt.
What is Stoicism? Who were the Stoics? How can you be a Stoic? Learn more in this article or watch the short video.