Wasn’t it a treat to hear from our own Beth Guy this past Sunday? Allisonville Christian Church has always been an amazing teaching congregation, with a strong commitment to undergirding and supporting its own as they explore and begin to live into their call, and we were witness to this with Beth in our pulpit. She reminded us that God is ALWAYS with us, even when we go (or are thrown!) into the fire. 

What a message of hope and assurance! No matter what, God is with us. He will not abandon us.

When was the last time you took a true leap of faith? Jumped into the fire? For me, it was 2014. After a long marriage and a very painful divorce, I had created a nice little life for myself. I had recovered financially enough to buy my own home, my children were “grown and flown” (for the most part), I had a career I loved, and tons of friends who kept me busy and entertained. My mother passed away in September of 2014, and I reconnected with a friend of my brother’s who had been so loving and supportive to our family during the days after our mom passed away. I had NO interest in dating anyone, especially someone with young children. But here was this wonderful person, seemingly deposited at my feet from the Heavens, who wanted to date me AND who had four young children! What on Earth was I doing?

Have you ever felt God’s presence so clearly that there was NO WAY you could ignore it? That’s what I felt as I began to date Ken. All of my “what-ifs”, fears, and anxieties about entering a relationship fell away (for the first time ever), my heart was opened, and I jumped into the fire. Of course, there were bumps, but I always felt God’s presence, like a warm prayer shawl placed lovingly on my shoulders, calming me and showing me the way. God was with me, right beside me.

Thanks be to God for undergirding us in our leaps of faith. 

~Ginny Campbell