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2021 Programs Now Open
MKI Certificate Cohort
Program Applications Open!

Join a welcoming group of community development professionals with our certificate cohort program for 2021.
A Congratulations are in Order...

Congratulations to
Melinda Ward, our most recent Certificate Cohort graduate.

Best wishes from everyone at Mel King!
Small Business Development Program

Are you a small business counselor or small business technical assistance provider?

Get certified online through our Business Development Certificate program with MGCC and Cambridge College!
Program Spotlight!
Partner Events
Community Organizing & Planning

Nonprofit Governance

Racial Equity

Economic Development

Real Estate Development

Fellowship Opportunity
Featured Resources
Living in Boston During COVID-19: Vaccination Planning and Hesitancy
 Boston Area Research Initiative, Center for Survey Research, Boston Public Health Commission
This fifth report in a series describes Boston respondents’ intentions to get the COVID-19 vaccine, when available.
Interaction Institute for Social Change and Mel King Institute
This report reflects a broad consensus developed over the group’s 15-month learning journey to explore the drivers and impacts of gentrification on communities in Greater Boston, as well as strategies and solutions.
What We're Reading...
Advancing Antiracism in Community Development - Shelterforce

Community organizing and community development share deep roots. Grassroots movements that opposed urban renewal fought to flip the false narratives of "urban decay" and "blight" that led to the destruction of communities of color, and in doing...

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