The Messenger of St. Mark's | Eastertide | May 7, 2021
St. Mark's Pastoral Emergency Phone Line: 505-800-2422.
For a complete listing and schedule of our online / in-person offerings available, please click on the button below:
Our Offices are Reopening – Volunteers Needed!
St. Mark’s Offices are officially reopening this month and we need a small crew of front-desk volunteers to help. The main duties are answering the phone and helping greet people who come into the office. Secondary duties might be helping out staff with mailings, bulletins, and updating our master calendars.
Hours are Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Please contact Parish Administrator, Jennifer Lind, at 262-2484 or by email for questions or to volunteer.  
Spring Plant Fundraiser
Sunday, May 9 - Outside in the St. Mark’s EAST Parking Lot
St. Mark’s Montessori and St. Mark’s are partnering with East Central Ministries to host a sale of high-quality, local and organically grown plants. Half of the proceeds from this sale will go towards our newest mosaic mural project “Cosmos”.
  • lots of heirloom and hybrid tomatoes, all colors and sizes
  • peppers- heritage chile, hot, and bell...
  • strawberry plants and a mix of herbs
  • wave petunia hanging baskets
Sale Schedule:
  • Friday (today), May 7 from 2:00 p.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Sunday, May 9 from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Tricia Morton is point of contact for this fundraiser, so you email her here if you have any questions.

Forms of payment accepted: Cash, Check or Card.
Help us Prepare for Pentecost
The 50 days of Easter culminates on Sunday, May 23rd with the Feast of Pentecost. We're planning a Spirit-filled celebration, including a dramatic pre-recorded reading of the Story of Pentecost from the Book of Acts.  

Children and Youth Needed: To run, jump, leap, swirl and twirl with red-ribbon sticks to represent the fiery wind of the Holy Spirit! We will make short video clips with ribbon sticks during "in person" Children's Chapel and immediately following the liturgy on Sunday, May 9th. If you cannot join us "in person" on May 9th, please drop by to borrow a ribbon stick from the West Entrance of St. Mark's and shoot video clips at home. Please email short video clips to Mother Sylvia (email here) by midnight on Sunday, May 9th. 

Readers of All Ages Needed: To read this single line in any language of your choice: "Christ is Risen! And he has given the power of the Holy Spirit to all of us!"
Please record the sentence above using the voice memo app on your phone, and text it to Sylvia+ at 510 932 1315 by midnight on Sunday, May 9th.
A Friendly Reminder Regarding Donations & Gifts
St. Mark's is thankful for your continued support for our community outreach. Below are the most common ways we accept your contributions:

  1. Writing a check to St. Mark's Episcopal Church and notating your fund designation in the memo field.
  2. Automated bank transfers to St. Mark's Episcopal Church Account from your financial institution.
  3. Donations through the Diocesan website.
  4. Gifts through our PayPal site.

For good measure, if this is a new transaction, please follow up with an email to noting your contribution amount and intent. 

For questions or concerns about donations and gifts, please forward your email to with a note so we can confirm the situation.

Also important: Please be mindful if you ever get requests via email or text that appear to be a clergy or staff request for gifts or money - please confirm by calling the staff at St. Mark's prior to engaging with the request.
LGBTQ+ Ministry - Diocese of the Rio Grande - Evening Prayer
Sixth Sunday of Easter - May 9 at 6:00 p.m. (MST)

Preacher: Rev’d David Martin
Deacon, St Mark’s Episcopal Church, Albuquerque, NM

For more information contact Fr. Chuck Jones (via email).
Hybrid Worship Fundraising Art Gallery
St. Mark's is seeking ways to offer Hybrid Worship (both virtual and in-person worship) that will continue post-pandemic. This entails procuring and installing video and sound equipment to offer those unable to attend in-person worship a high-quality experience. It also will provide those attending in-person the ability to immerse themselves in our worship experience without obstructed or truncated views.

We have set up an online art gallery that is comprised of stunning artwork created by the loving hands of parishioners of St. Mark's. If a particular piece catches your eye, please call our office at 505-262-2484 for instructions on how make your donation and to take home the artwork. Anyone feeling moved to help contribute the fund may do so at any time by submitting a check to St. Mark's with "Hybrid Worship Fund" in the memo line.

Keep checking the gallery - we are adding new art pieces regularly!

If you have artwork you'd like to submit, please contact Erin Cook, via email, for instructions.
Reservation Forms for Upcoming In-Person Liturgies
Sunday Liturgy & Holy Eucharist, May 9, 2021, 9:30 a.m. - Nave
Registration is Full

Thursday Holy Eucharist, May 13, 2021, 11:00 a.m. - Nave

Sunday Liturgy & Holy Eucharist, May 16, 2021, 9:30 a.m. - Nave
All are welcome to give and/or pledge to St. Mark's by mail (St. Mark's has a secure mailbox and is checked regularly): 431 Richmond Place NE, Albuquerque, NM 87106.

-- or --

You may give electronically through the Diocese of the Rio Grande Parish Donation site and check the box next to "Albuquerque-St. Mark's". Just fill out the rest of the information and click the Next button at the bottom of the page. Please make sure fill out "special instructions or comment" to let us know how to apply your gift (i.e.: pledge, congregational relief fund, etc.).

-- or --

You may give electronically (including pledge payments) to St. Mark's - securely via PayPal® - anytime. Please consider checking the box that says, "I’d like to add to my donation to help offset the cost of processing."
Working Classroom Art Show - Grand Opening - Tonight!
Manuel Hernandez (one of our Courtyard Tree Mosaic instructors and artists), teacher at Working Classroom, has an art show going on for the next four weeks.

If you get a chance, stop by today, May 7th, from 5-8 for the grand opening, that includes art, food and merchandise. The show is located at La Esquinita, 507 4th Street SW.
"MOM" with the Rev. Jan Hosea ANEW2 on May 22
Invite your friends to the Zoom gathering on May 22 at 10:00 a.m. for a fun exploration of biblical women who were moms and/or mentors to other women. Join in to learn what the relationships of Elizabeth and Mary, Naomi and Ruth, Leah and Rachel, Sarah and Hagar can teach us. With the Rev. Jan Hosea we'll consider how we also are and can be mentors and moms (biological or not) to those with whom we interact.  

Email Cindy Davis for the Zoom Link. (If you have participated in past ANEW2 events, you will automatically get the link.)  
Pentecost "Pilgrimage in Place"
May 16-23, 2021
We've been indoors too long, and isolated even longer. So set an intention and lace up your sneakers: let's walk and pray! Find your holy place(s). Create your route and schedule. Walk alone or in a small, safe group. Connect with other pilgrims via Zoom during our opening & closing worship gatherings and drop in for optional Zoom chats throughout the week. Sponsored by the New Mexico Pilgrimage for Unity.
Email submissions should be sent (via email) to the Communications Coordinator by 2:00 p.m. each Thursday for inclusion on Friday e-news. Please see submission guidelines here.
St. Mark's Episcopal Church
431 Richmond Place NE | Albuquerque, NM 87106 |505-262-2484 |
© 2021