
Well, that was quick, and here we go again. Georgia! (see below)

But before we do. Happy Armistice Day. And Veteran's Day. And 11.11!

My head is a little a jumble today as workers are re-siding the house and electricians are also working here. So, there's screeching and hammering going on - but so it goes. This project has been going on for a month and it's coming to a close soon!

Meanwhile, my Dad has had Covid for the last week or more and has been in the hospital. My Brother, Sister, and Mom have all been working overtime to manage his care and find him a rehab place - I think now have him settled there and he's resting. It's been a tough week for them and I'm grateful for all of their hard work to manage my Dad's care in a system that is not easy to navigate.

I'm putting the finishing touches on a Benefit Concert and Silent Auction for Carlton Ward which will take place on November 15th at the Alberta Abbey in Portland. I hope you'll come or there are lots of ways to participate. And Donate!
A good day for democracy!

On Wednesday, President Biden described the midterm results as, " A good day for democracy!" Indeed, it was a good day for all Americans! Although the political outcome remains in doubt at the congressional level, the constitutional outcome is...

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So politically in the US, it was a remarkably good night for Democrats this year. Above see Robert Hubbell's analysis, and there is so much good writing about this. Michael Moore was on target and I was so glad for his many missives leading up to election night. Reading his words gave me hope that the red wave was actually a red mirage and it turned out to be true. The results could have been better, but they could have been a lot worse.

A highlight for me is that in Oregon Tina Kotek won. That gives me such a great sigh of relief as the race was way closer than it should have been. She's going to be a great governor and we're lucky to have her. Also, in Portland, Charter Reform won. That's going to be an interesting change for Portland and I'm excited to see how it all unfolds.

OK, Georgia. There will be a run-off on December 6th. Here are some of the resources I put together the last time we did this dance. I think Georgians will be pretty embarrassed if they don't elect Senator Raphael Warnock, but I want to make sure that happens. I will be writing to you again about this closer to December 6th.

Here's my Georgia playlist to get you in the mood.

Here are resources to help you find things you'd like to do - postcarding, phone banking, etc.

Here's everything I wrote about this the last time it happened including links to songs and ways you can help get out the vote!

And here's a very short video (55 seconds) about how you can find out whom you know in Georgia to reach out and encourage them to vote. I've also used this technique while traveling to find friends around the world.

That's going to do it for this month's 11. I hope you are doing well - feel free to write me and let me know how things are going. If you're in Portland, please consider coming by next Tuesday, 11.15, and saying hi. Really, it's going to be a memorable night.

Lots of love,


PS - My last email to you before the election featured a few of these guys. Here is their take a couple of days after the election. Enjoy.