April 16th, 2021
The Heart of Virginia Council, Boy Scouts of America Key 3: Incoming Council President Chip Phillips, Council Commissioner Tom Wood and Scout Executive George McGovern are holding 3 Virtual Fireside Chats seeking feedback on how we can better serve our units and families.
Lend a Helping Hand
The Heart of Virginia Council needs volunteer help getting our camps ready for the summer. Volunteers can help with various projects that need completing on April 24th and May 22nd. You must register if you plan on helping and time slots are available for each day or you may assist for the full day. We will provide equipment, materials, lunch, snacks, water, and a day outdoors.
Cub Camp Changes
Cub Adventure Camp 2021: Back to the Old West has made some changes, sessions 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 will no longer be offered. Don't let this change deter you from joining in the camp festivities because Sessions 1 and 2 are still available and Session 3 will now be held on July 9th through July 12th. To ensure that you can be a part of the summertime fun, register now.
FOS Door Prize Tickets
Help Support the Heart of Virginia Council by purchasing Door Prize Tickets in our Friends of Scouting Dinner Door Prize Drawing. There are over 60 prizes with a $50+ value that you can win. Winners do not have to be present, prizes can be mailed or picked up at the HOVC Office.
Ticket costs are as follows:
1 for $25
3 for $50
7 for $100.
Sign up for our information session! Philmont Scout Ranch is a national high adventure base, owned and operated by the Boy Scouts of America. Philmont is large, comprising 137,493 acres or about 215 square miles of rugged mountain wilderness in the Sangre de Cristo range of the Rockies. Sign up for our informational session on April 29th to learn more about our 2022 Council Contingent.
β€œThe real way to gain happiness is to give it to others.”-Robert Baden-Powell
Scout Shop Hours of Operation
Mon-Tues 9:00am-5:30pm
Wednesday 12n-6pm
Thursday-Friday 9:00am-5:30pm
Saturday 9:00am- 12pm

Prepared.For Life.