Spring 2021
New Success Story + Local Impact Handout Templates
As local budget reviews and planning discussions ramp up, we're providing a new set of pandemic success story handouts and local impact 1-pagers.
These customizable resources feature key COVID-19 efforts and updated impact data to help you convey Extension's value. Localize and promote the materials through your websites, social channels and newsletters; share with county commissioners or granting agencies; present at budget meetings; add links in your email signature; or use them in whatever way is most helpful.

Annual Report, New Impact Resources Available
Find the latest annual report for NC State Extension, along with new impact handouts, resources and data that will help you promote your programs and tout our efforts across the state.

We Still Grow North Carolina | Pandemic Response Stories
While the pandemic has presented extraordinary challenges, Extension never stopped delivering on our promise. Our experts are connecting with North Carolinians in new and innovative ways, transporting Extension into homes, businesses and communities.

Extension Marketing and Communications offers a variety of resources to help you connect with your audiences and demonstrate impact. Find these and other tools in a new "Impacts" section of our brand site below.

Serving North Carolinians in Their Time of Need
Keeping farmworkers safe. Supporting overwhelmed parents and teachers. Fighting food insecurity in underserved populations. Helping restaurants reopen and operate safely.

When COVID-19 hit, Extension was there for our North Carolina neighbors. Rural and urban, small and large, high-tech and high-touch – we meet people where they are.

Watch and share our COVID-19 pandemic response video.
North Carolina 4-H Impacts Magazine
This pandemic has challenged youth and adults to find new ways to learn, play and live. Each community has been affected differently during this time, and 4-H agents, volunteers and youth have stepped up and used their talents and resources to help others.

Cool Tech Tool | Virtual Background Resources
You're now able to create your own virtual backgrounds for web conferencing tools like Zoom with a new NC State Virtual Background Generator. You also can download ready-to-go Extension Virtual Background Graphics.

Find more Zoom tools and resources on the Extension Brand Site »
Bolster Local Donations During Day of Giving
It’s that time again! Extension will again play a vital role in the NC State Day of Giving on March 24, 2021.

Extension local centers have the opportunity to put the NC State brand to work for your own Day of Giving fundraising efforts. The goal is to generate donations from all 101 centers, with all money raised going back to your local programs and activities.

Watch Dr. Bonanno's video for more details, and find additional tools and guidance at Extension Day of Giving Toolkit.

We regularly add new and updated materials to the brand site, check back often and let us know if you have ideas or needs for other resources.