September 28, 2023/ 13th of Tishri 5784/ Parsha Sukkot
Candle Lighting: 6:24 PM
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Early Childhood/Lower School | |
This morning at Morning Assembly, the division introduced the fourth in the Middah review series - "What’s the Question?" focusing on asking polite questions instead of making demands or statements. Each month, students will focus on a new Middah, introduced by a funny video. Students are currently reviewing a new middah each week that was introduced last year. Each time a new middah is introduced, students can earn a new bracelet. We've enjoyed watching students' arms fill up with their bracelets! Watch the video that was shown to introduce the new middah here.
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EC and Lower School are ready for sukkot! They've been busy learning all about the chag, its customs, halachot, and have gone in depth about the sukkah, arbah minim, and ushpizin. Students can't wait to decorate their sukkot with the crafts they made and show off all their knowledge over yom tov! | |
Lower School guidance counselors meet with Early Childhood and Lower School to focus on social emotional learning. This week guidance counselor Esther Klahr met with EC3, EC4 and Gan Gimmel, and last week met with first grade, 2A and 3A. With EC3 they read "The Emotions Book" and started a conversation about feelings. With the other classes, Ms Klahr introduced what a guidance counselor does utilizing Mr. Potato Head, explaining her role with each piece of the Mr. Potato Head body to illustrate what aspects she focuses on and how she can be helpful to them. | |
Second graders embarked on an engineering design lesson. They first learned about how birds use their beaks for different actions, and the variety of beaks they have. They learned about beak structure and how it can help birds get food based on how the beak is formed. They designed their own engineering design to get a bead out of a bottle using chopsticks, popsicle sticks, tape, and rubber bands. | |
Fifth grade kicked off their Advisory sessions. Advisory meets every two weeks and provides a non-academic, valuable opportunity for our teachers to engage with our students about the social and emotional dynamics and issues that impact our fifth graders. In their inaugural advisory, they took a deep dive into what KushnerCARES (Community, Accountability, Respect, Empathy, and Self-Awareness) means and how they can champion these values in their behaviors every day. Through an activity and a video, they discussed the words’ meanings and talked about the significance of these values and how their adherence to them enhances every community. | |
Thank you to Rabbi James Proops of Suburban Torah in Livingston for sharing an inspirational Shabbat Shuvah drasha with our 7th and 8th graders. His words helped students get into the mindset of setting goals and what they want to work on and how to achieve those goals as they headed into Yom Kippur and the new year. | |
Morah Nechama's 7th grade chumash classes enjoyed a Chumash Domino Game. There was a picture of each phrase from the pesukim they were learning on each side of the domino. Students had to read and understand the phrase and match to its correct picture...which had another phrase to match to, which continued the chain they were building. Students did a great job matching the common phrases from the Pesukim and understanding the Chumash Text. | |
We are so proud of our students who completed the Middle School Aseret Yemei Teshuva challenge. Each day from Rosh Hashana to Yom Kippur students were tasked to put their best foot forward to start this new year, completing specific mitzvah-related challenges, which motivated and enhanced the time before Yom Kippur. Sixth, seventh and eighth graders who completed the challenge received certificates. We look forward to handing out certificates to 5th graders next week and celebrating with everyone who participated with an ice pop party! | |
This week in Kushner's GrowTorah program, in advance of Sukkot the Middle School students learned all about the science and history of the Arba Minim. Farmer Shimon of GrowTorah and the students first learned about the Etrog, or Citrus medica, also known as Citron in English. We learned about how the Etrog is one of the three original species of citrus from which most of the oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruits were developed by breeding, and showed a graph to display the relationships. We learned about how most citrus and stone fruits are not grown on their own roots and why, and we learned that this grafting is not permitted for etrogim to be used for the mitzvah. Farmer Shimon showed some seeds of a new citrus called US-852, and the teachers conferred with him about how it could be grown at Kushner. The students also learned about the date palm, the source of the Lulav, which is called Phoenix dactylifera ("date-bearing Phoenecian palm" for the Greeks). The students learned that 2,000 year old date palm seeds from Masada were successfully sprouted, and now there are male and female plants of this ancient variety, and even dates! The students asked questions about how such tall trees could be pollinated (fans) and harvested (cherry pickers). Next they learned about Hadasim, known as Myrtus communis or myrtle, and about this beautiful plant's edible berries, which were a surprise to the students. This plant's leaves, berries and oils were used by our ancestors in Israel long ago. Last, they discussed the Aravot/Arvei Nahal, or Willow. Specifically Salix alba, the common Willow of Israel, as opposed to the 350 other Willow species around the world. We learned about why it is called alba, or white, and how it is also male or female, like the date palm. They learned that its bark was traditionally used for pain relief, and that is how aspirin was developed! An information-packed pre-Sukkot session to be sure. Looking forward to next time, and Chag Sameach from GrowTorah!
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Students from the RKYHS AIPAC group were privileged to attend a breakfast and briefing with Bret Stephens, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and U.S. foreign policy expert. Stephens discussed the topic "Israel will be fine. It’s America I worry about." Bret Stephens is an Opinion columnist for The New York Times and editor-in-chief of Sapir, a new quarterly dedicated to exploring issues of Jewish concern. He previously worked as foreign-affairs columnist for The Wall Street Journal and as editor-in-chief of The Jerusalem Post. The program was hosted by Jewish Federation of Greater Metrowest. | |
Mah rabu maasecha Hashem - Hashem, how great are your works! RKYHS is exploring this theme all year, both inside and outside of the classroom. In tandem with our school-wide learning of sefer Bereishit, students today had a program exploring the interplay of science and faith. Members of the Jewish Life Committee led student learning on the topic of the age of the universe, considering different ways of reconciling the rabbinic year of 5784 with scientific understandings. Students also had the opportunity to hear from a panel of both Judaic and general studies teachers, who discussed their perspectives on different scientific topics as people of faith.
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The initial meeting of SOAR (Students Antisemitism and Racism) took place this week. A group of RKYHS 11th and 12th grade students participate in a joint seminar with students from St Benedict's Preparatory School in Newark, NJ to combat racism and antisemitism, and increase cultural and racial understanding and awareness. Having students grounded in a solid understanding of these topics through education and authentic interaction, they acquire the necessary skills to fight society’s modern forms of hate. Through readings, movies, group trips, and conversation, students from both schools will have an opportunity to learn from each other about their lived experiences.
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Rabbanit Shoval's classes were learning the halachot in the mishnah for a kosher sukkah. Students were tasked with bringing their learning to life and recreating sukkot incorporating the halachot. They used PowerPoint, edible sukkah designs, models from various materials, videos and more. The more creative the better! | |
The RKYHS Video Chug launched their premiere edition of the Kushner ReKap. This weekly news broadcast is written, filmed, hosted, and edited entirely by students and covers the goings on at school from the previous week and promotes upcoming events and programs. Click here to watch the first broadcast! | |
RKYHS female students went shopping at school this week! Pink Orchid, a women's clothing store in Passaic, NJ which offers fashionable, on trend modest clothing, came to RKYHS to hold a pop up shop at school. RKYHS and JKHA Middle School girls were able to peruse the offerings adding more frum fashion to their closets!
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Chugim started this week! Every Tuesday students have ‘chug’ or ‘club’ periods where students meet with the clubs that they are involved in. Close to 70 chugim were offered at the chug fair with many of them meeting during chug period as well as throughout the week. Chugim run across the board and students could be found on Tuesday working on Robotics, learning to play guitar in the guitar chug, tuning their vocal chords in the all new RKYHS Choir, filming for the video chug, learning chess strategy with Rabbi Pecaric, meeting with their chug to plan upcoming programs and site visits, and much more! | |
A focused room full of Seniors gathered this morning for a Senior Application Bootcamp. The students were greeted with Hot chocolate, cereal, stickers and relaxing music and then began to work! All students had the opportunity to work on their college applications with the college guidance team on hand to answer all questions and assist.
RKYHS hosted more college and universities this week to meet with students. This week brought representatives from Hebrew U, Montclair State, Middlesex College, Penn State and Ramapo.
Please click here for the latest updates in college guidance.
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Mazel Tov to Ariella (Kastner) (RKYHS ‘09) and Michael Feinberg on the birth of a baby girl!
Mazel Tov to Deena (Buechler) (JKHA ‘05/RKYHS ‘09) and Henry Bernstein on the birth of a baby girl!
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September 28 - 13 Tishrei
Today’s Day of Learning
is dedicated
in memory of
Daniel ben Shraga Yair VMiriam
in commemoration of his yahrzeit
Click Here to Donate
We Invite You to Dedicate Our Children's Torah Learning at JKHA/RKYHS
If you are interested in sponsoring a Day of Learning, contact Aly Greenstein: or (862) 437-8001
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Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest’s is turning 100 and the Centennial Opening Event welcomes everyone—especially members of JKHA/RKYHS! As day school parents, we know you will enjoy the celebration of 100 years of our Jewish communal history and share the excitement for the next 100. A century of our vibrant Jewish community is something to be very proud of—JKHA/RKYHS is an important part of that story. We hope you will attend! Register here. | | | | |