November 2022
Thank you to everyone who joined us for our CTE RE-Open House on October 25th! It was fantastic to have our space buzzing with many Faculty and Staff stopping by for a visit. We welcome you to continue to drop by any time to help us to keep that buzz going!
As the Fall term is well underway, so is our planning for Spring and Summer 2023! We’re excited that over 70 Faculty have now started on their journey towards completing the Certificate in University Teaching and Learning. See below for our next workshop series offerings for this exciting certificate.
Gathering Formative Feedback for Teaching Development
As midterms come to a close and we find ourselves in the second half of the term, do you find yourself wondering what your students are thinking? Wondering why some struggled with the last assignment? Unsure if last week’s class activity had the impact you were hoping for?
Formative Feedback for Teaching Development is a powerful approach to gathering student feedback that can be acted on as soon as the very next class! Read this blogpost to learn more and contact the Educational Developers at cte@capilanou.ca for support in bringing this approach to your classes.
Spotlight on Faculty - Jari Osborne
Get inspired by Jari Osborne’s Inspiration Story Assignment!
Jari Osborne, MOPA instructor, used an ungrading approach to deepen students’ learning and self-reflection. Let’s learn how! Click here to read her post.
Jari Osborne
Instructor, Motion Picture Arts
Are you making videos for your course? Ready to level up? We have a new home studio kit available to borrow in the CTE to help you experiment with some simple low cost equipment for your home studio including a USB microphone, high definition camera and ring light with a tripod. Take a selfie while using the kit and you could be entered in a draw for a free Yeti microphone!
Did you know that CapU has a policy of not keeping Teams video recordings and Zoom video recordings for more than 120 days? Starting on Dec 20, 2022 your recordings of 120 days or older will begin to be deleted. If you’d like to keep using them, you can download the video as an .mp4 file and upload it to Kaltura to add to your Media. If you would like assistance in downloading your recordings and uploading them to Kaltura – book a consultation with Mary or Frank
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Student Help
Our Student Digital Ambassadors are ready to offer peer-to-peer support for students navigating the online environment and the educational technology tools at CapU. They are available virtually Monday through Saturday from 12pm to 6pm on Microsoft Teams.
*Note that Live Chat is no longer available as an Ed Tech support option at CapU for both faculty and students. Send faculty questions to edtech@capilanou.ca and we will respond as quickly as possible.
Upcoming CTE Events and Workshops
Series #1- Visually recording — through stick figure comics — our experiences with the “Decolonize First” workbook.
Tuesdays until Nov 29 4-5pm
Series #2 – The UN-settling Lab. Season 1: Showing the invisibles.
Fridays until Nov 25 4-5pm
Gradebook Guru
Nov 10, 24, Dec 8 10:30-11:30am
Bring your gradebook setup and organization questions to this regular drop in session with the Educational Technologists in the CTE.
Nov 24, Jan 26, Feb 23 1-2:20pm
Looking for new ways to engage and include all students? Come practice and experience the power of Liberating Structures in a safe and welcoming peer environment. The group meets monthly, and all faculty are welcome to drop in!
Plan Ahead for Spring 2023 – Offerings in the Certificate for University Teaching and Learning
Congratulations and Acknowledgements
Please join us in congratulating:
Brit Paris and Barry Magrill in the CTE have just been awarded a CapU-SHHRC Explore Grant for their project titled “Post-Pandemic Feedback Practices in Higher Education: An Investigation of Changes in Instructor to Student Feedback in a Teaching Focused University”. Stay tuned for more information on how to participate!
Doug Alards-Tomalin has been awarded a CARS Unified grant for his project titled “An Analysis of the Barriers Marginalized Students Face Utilizing Open Educational Resources (OERs) at CapU”!
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Have a teaching and learning publication you’d like to share? Want to celebrate a colleague’s accomplishment? Let us know about the amazing work in teaching and learning that you or your colleagues have done! Send us a note to let us know who should be celebrated in upcoming months.
We are available for 1:1 Consultations, in-person and virtually. Drop by Fir 402
Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm or
reach out to book a specific time from the link below.
The Centre for Teaching Excellence (CTE) fosters excellence, innovation, and collaboration in teaching and learning by supporting faculty and staff through programming, mentoring, professional development opportunities, and research on effective teaching.