Volume 27 Issue 02
February 2021 News & Updates
Upcoming Events:
The Latest Chapter Happenings
Interface management is perceived as a critical skill in the engineering of successful systems but finding useful material on the subject proves elusive. Mr. Davies explores some of the characteristics of the gap between what is documented and what is considered best practice.
Important Update to our Monthly Speaker Series: Dear membership, we would like to alert you to an adjustment being made to the monthly meeting format...Starting this February 17th, we will begin the evening at 6pm where Dave Fadeley will be hosting our first "SE Table talk" prior to the scheduled guest lecturer. This new addition to our format will allow members network time, with opportunity to be introduced, chat, and socialize with other members. Please join us in the fun this month simply by logging-in early anytime between 6 and 6:45pm. See event flyers for the new agenda times.
Upcoming Events
Mike Pafford, Past Chesapeake Chapter President, will facilitate this Interactive Workshop in order to provide attendees with knowledge and practice in using a facilitated hybrid approach for Initial Project Planning (IPP). The approach uses best practices from the Lean Startup Method (LSM) and Agile (Systems Engineering, Software Engineering, and Project Management). The approach is employed by bringing together project planners at the decision-making level in one or more collaborative and facilitated, “IPP Meetup Workshops”.
Ms Zimmerman will discuss the DoD's Digital Engineering Strategy and its implementation as seen by the OUSD(R&E) to include its challenges and how this concept has added value.
Reflections from a Group of Emerging Technical Leaders
Technical leadership is a skill defined in the INCOSE professional competencies. David Fadeley, ESEP, and Myra Parsons-Gross, ESEP, reflect on a shared learning journey about technical leadership from the prospective of a group of emerging technical leaders.
The Latest from Our Blog
Mark Kaczmarek, our very own INCOSE Chesapeake Chapter Membership Director, went to the INCOSE International Workshop for 2021 and reports out on his experience. Out of the 689 attendees -- 27 were from the Chesapeake Chapter. If you went and would like to provide us a report, we’ll add it to this post. Send your experience to

Did you miss out last month?
Dr. Eisner shared a system's engineer's retrospection of lessons to be shared with a future generation. Dr. Eisner has spent a lifetime of practice in the field of systems engineering. This lecture provided a "look back" over his 50-year career with his advice offered to the future generation of Systems Engineers.

This After Action Report includes the program booklet, screen-shots from the event and a link to the HD Video
The INCOSE-CC Website is filled with musingsbook-reports, and after action reports for all our events. Explore and discover a wealth of information and articles at
Welcome all new members to our Chapter. Thank you for being part of INCOSE Chesapeake Chapter!

Consider advertising your openings by being part of an email campaign as well as a web site announcement. We have over 1200 contacts on our mailing list. Contact us at

The Chesapeake Chapter is always looking for volunteers to speak at our upcoming meetings! Please contact our Programs Director if you would like the opportunity to speak or can recommend someone.
INCOSE Chesapeake Chapter Events are now on Eventbrite - check us out at
This is the monthly newsletter for INCOSE Chesapeake, a local chapter of INCOSE International. We are a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing a forum for professionals practicing the art and science of Systems Engineering in the Northern & Central Maryland & Southern Pennsylvania area
The Chesapeake Chapter of INCOSE is proud to recognize the following organizations for sponsoring our endeavors to expanding the understanding and appreciation of Systems Engineering in the local area:
Keep up with the latest news and events. Find out about our new Board of Directors. Explore our extensive library of previous lectures from our Monthly Dinner Meetings. Learn of the Benefits of Joining INCOSE. Check out Systems Engineering education in the local area. All this and more awaits you at our INCOSE Chesapeake Chapter Website.

For any comments or suggestions about this newsletter please e-mail our Communications Officer. We value your feedback.
2021 Board of Director Officers (read more at website)
  • President: Jeff Berlet, ESEP
  • Past President: Mark Evans, ASEP
  • President-Elect: Dr. David Flanigan, CSEP
  • Treasurer:  John Boccio, ESEP
  • Secretary: Jim DeCamp, ASEP
  • Communications: Mike. Anderson, CSEP
  • Programs: Clinton Hilliard, CSEP
  • Membership: Mark Kaczmarek, ASEP