Season's Greetings,
This issue of our newsletter kicks off the celebration of our 45th anniversary. In 1972, a group of community leaders concerned with supporting elder friends started a planning project that introduced the first nutrition program in St. Johnsbury. Their efforts led to the formal incorporation of the NEKCOA on June 18, 1979. What started as a “project seniors” plan in southern Caledonia County has extended across the entire Northeast Kingdom supporting over 4,700 people per year and providing nutritional programs, and other positive aging and wellness related services, to thousands.
From a national perspective, our work continues to be essential as we find ourselves in times of limited resources, scams, and a shortage of residential care facilities and support for caregivers. These challenges can lead to difficult decisions made by state legislators and members of Congress. The Older Americans Act (OAA), the legislation that initiated the start of the national Area Agencies on Aging in 1965, continues to be a critical source of funding. The OAA supports legal services, nutrition programs, caregiver support, case management, transportation, and wellness activities to name a few. Our work continues to help aging friends, families, and neighbors to manage the challenges of this complex world. As we witness more people desiring to age in their own home, our services become more vital.
With 2024 just around the corner, I remain grateful for the impact our organization has made on the lives of those we serve. We treasure the dedication of our staff and Board of Directors, the value of our vast network of community partners, the commitment of our volunteers, and the financial support from generous individuals and businesses.
There is much to be thankful for, but the need remains great. As always, call us if you have a concern, a question, or an idea (800) 642-5119.
Wishing you a happy holiday season,
Meg Burmeister
Executive Director