Professional Painting Contractor serving Hillsborough, Pasco, and Pinellas Counties

(813) 727-9909

Summer Is Coming To An End

But The Fun Doesn't Have To

The sun is setting on summer, which means the new school year will begin soon. If you haven't made much time for fun with your family this summer, it's not too late! Keep reading for a few ideas for family fun around the Tampa Bay area, as well as tips to get you and the kids ready for back to school:

  • Schedule a Beach Day, go boating, fishing, or snorkeling at one of Florida's amazing springs
  • See the sunsets at Pier 60 celebration - with music, dancing, waterslides, and crafts
  • Watch a performance at the Straz Center or at the Tampa Theatre
  • Visit one of Tampa's famous attractions - Busch Gardens, Adventure Island, Florida Aquarium, Glazer's Children Museum, MOSI
  • Have a family bike ride down the famous Bayshore Boulevard fitness trail
  • Your older kids may enjoy a day relaxing at a local spa just before school begins

You can find more ideas on which has a variety of fun things to do in Tampa Bay for families and kids. I hope this helps!

Back to School Tips

School Supplies

  • Set a budget and stick to it. Supplies can get pricey and finding the best deals by shopping early will help you stay within your budget.
  • Make sure to bring your child's school supply list with you. There's no need to buy extra things that aren't on the list.
  • Bring you student with you when you shop. Although they may want a few more of the expensive fancy folders, bringing them helps them to get excited for school and gives them a sense of ownership of their supplies. 

Get Organized

  • Setting up routines, having supplies ready, communicating what to expect, are all things that will benefit your child when getting ready for back to school.
  • Some questions to think about are: What will breakfast look like daily? Lunches? Do you need to pack a snack? What clothing and shoes do they need daily, gym clothes? Do they need anything extra for before/after care? Do they go directly to an extra curricular activity, do they need to pack anything extra for the activity? Where will backpacks be stored daily? Where will homework or important papers go so they don't get lost?
  • There are lots of questions to answer ahead of time but this will ensure a much easier, stress free, process of getting out of the door in the morning and staying on time. 


  • Always have a plan and share it with your child. Knowing how they are getting to and from school helps to ease their mind when they know what to expect.
  • Talk with them about who is allowed to pick them up and on what days.
  • If your child is attending a before or after care program talk with them about what that looks like in their day, how to get to the program, and who will be signing them out of the program at the end of their day. 
  • For younger bus riders, keep your phone number and address somewhere safe in their backpack and teach them about when it is and is not okay to share this information with others.

Homework Routine

  • Develop a routine with your child outlining when and where they will be completing their homework.
  • Children need a quiet place away from any distractions.
  • Keep in mind after school activities and what the homework routine will look like on those days.
  • Some homework helps include timers, checklists, and visual cues.

Sleep Routine

  • Develop a school sleep routine at least two weeks prior to the start of school. This allows for your child to get into the sleep habits needed for a full rested night and successful school day.
  • Children require anywhere from 9-12 hours per night.

Practice Opening Everything!

  • Prepare your elementary student by having them open everything they can! From thermoses to Ziplock bags, to lunch boxes, backpacks, water bottles, crayon box, glue stick, and any other container you may pack with them.
  • This helps to ease their frustration, it eases their mind from being scared to ask for help in the middle of lunch chaos, and gives them independency.
  • Also practice zippers on sweatshirts, jackets, backpacks, lunch boxes, pants/shorts. If your school requires a belt, practice that as well to avoid bathroom accidents. Sometimes they can be tricky!

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Tampa Bay Homeowners Have A Great Investment

Despite the US housing marketing showing weakness this year due to high mortgage rates, elevated home prices, and constrained inventory, Tampa Bay’s housing market has been strong and is expected to remain so this year. 

If you are a homeowner, consider yourself a wise investor! But to ensure your home remains in good condition, make sure to keep up with regular maintenance. You can read about these tips in our June article, but the easiest way to keep your home looking nice is with an interior or exterior paint job by Presto Painting Services.

A bright, clean home will give you a good feeling about your property and it often helps it feel larger and brighter than it is. Having fresh paint on your walls is a psychological boost for you and anyone who walks in your door. Even if you can't get your whole house done at once, we are offering a small interior paint special this summer. If you need baseboards touched up or a smaller space repainted, look below for our Painter For A Day ad!

Participate in our first Photo Dump Contest! Just snap a picture of your home in any area that has been painted by us, post it on Facebook or Nextdoor, and tag us to receive a Thank You gift. Tag up to 5 friends to be entered in a drawing for a $100 Gift Card!

Contest ends August 31.

We look forward to seeing our work 'lived in' and loved by our customers!

Interior & Exterior Painting - Licensed, Insured & Bonded

(813) 727-9909