Because Presbyterians love making hygiene kits
Hygiene kits from Mission Presbytery were donated to Angry Tias and Abuelas for distribution to the migrant camp in Reynosa.
September 2, 2021
Response to Hurricane Ida
As Hurricane Ida hit southern Louisiana last week, our first thoughts were, of course, to spring into action and do something to help. Until Emergency Operations have had time to evaluate the area, we need to hold fast and wait for now. Yes, the news reports and images show us all kinds of things that families need, but we do not know what is already in the area.

The first thing we can do is to pray for our friends and colleagues, and sister congregations in the affected area. There are also three things needed in almost all natural disasters: 
  • Cleanup buckets are needed ASAP. Bucket assembly video 
  • Hygiene kit checklist 
  • Cash. Which can be moved to where it is needed quickly and easily. You can send donations to Mission Presbytery for Hurricane IDA, either as a check or by using the green “Give Now” button on our webpage. We will distribute the funds to support areas and organizations where requested and/or to offset any cost we incur responding with equipment. You can also give directly to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) by either designating a gift to them through the Presbytery or by clicking here to access their website. 

Because of the Delta variant, we will not be organizing any volunteer deployments at present. We will drive in equipment and other supplies if there is a need.

More aid will be needed as the days and weeks expose the extent of the crisis and how IDA has impacted individuals and communities, but we will have to wait for those. Please keep an eye on the Mission Presbytery Facebook page for announcements on how you and your congregation can help and respond.
FPC/Lampasas Accepts Challenge
Responding to the presbytery’s challenge to raise $65,000 for the large pickup to haul generators and portable showers to disaster areas, the Session of First Presbyterian Church, Lampasas invited the congregation to give, and that the church would match their donation up to $1000. As of 8/29/21 almost $900 has been raised, so the church will cut a check for about $1800 this week for the purchase of the pickup.

FPC Lampasas challenges other churches in the presbytery to try something like this so this truck can be purchased as soon as possible. Let’s get ‘er done!
Presbytery Office to Remain Closed Until October 4th
The Presbytery offices remain closed until Monday, October 4th. We will continue to be available to you during regular office hours, Monday-Friday 8:30 am-5:00 pm. If you get the answering machine when you call the office, press the extension for the staff member you wish to reach. We receive a recording of your message in our email inboxes and will return your call as soon as possible. Arrangements can also be made for someone to meet you at the office if it is necessary to do so. Occasionally, individual staff members may need to work from the office, but it will remain closed to the public. 

We hope and pray that you are taking every precaution to keep your congregations safe as well, both in your church office and on Sundays. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about this decision. 

Blessings, Sallie
Stated Clerk's Notes
A measure of thanks... a measure of grace... a measure of presence... being open to being taught, inspired, forgiven, and seeing Christ in others. A prayer for Labor Day.

(Also make note of the announcements from last week, but updates in blue.)
Sallie's Ponderings
With Labor Day weekend ahead, Sallie gives thanks for the laborers in "our particular vineyard": Pastors, Commissioned Pastors, and Congregational Leaders.

While thinking about (and praying for) all kinds of workers who toil under different circumstances, do something extra kind for your pastoral leaders this weekend.
In The Know
Celebrate SoL's 20th Anniversary
Our overarching theme for this year is SoL Center: 20 Years of Honoring Sacred Spaces. Across two decades the Center has endeavored to create opportunities to connect diverse traditions and foster thriving communities of learning. 
Throughout the year from September 2021 to September 2022 we’ve planned events around four central tenets: Recognition, Education, Celebration, and Service. 

The year kicks off this Fall with Mayor Nirenberg honoring SoL’s contributions to the San Antonio area.
In Spring 2022, we will partner with the McNay Museum and local artists. 
A celebratory dinner will also mark our Spring calendar. 
Later next year we will sponsor an inter-generational, interfaith work day with the San Antonio Food Bank.
Join with us in as many of these events as possible as we accentuate SoL’s role in the community.

Stay tuned for more details!
Holy Land Sampler with Hope Presbyterian Church
This 11-day journey to the Holy Land will bring you close encounters with the land of ancient Judaism and Christianity. Watch the scriptures come to life as you walk through the wilderness and pray in the Garden of Gethsemane. Experience modern religious traditions, and build deep and lasting relationships with others through group reflections and shared worship.
Holy Land Sampler - Progressive Pilgrimage

Your group will depart Austin-Bergstrom International at 5:35 PM on Delta 2393 to New York's JFK Airport. You will depart JFK via Delta 234 at 11:45 PM, arriving in Tel Aviv the next day at 5:35 PM. Those wishing to fly from an airport other than ...

Read more
Leadership Openings
Read more information about all of the following postings on the "Leadership Openings" page of our website at:

Faith/Fe Presbyterian church in Lockhart is looking for a part time pastor 20-25 hours a week, short commute from Austin, pastor expenses included in salary, opened to Teaching Elder or Commissioned Pastor. Please contact Marissa R Mendez, clerk of session at or
San Pedro Presbyterian Church in San Antonio seeks a part-time Children's Ministry Director. This is a part-time, salaried position that averages 20 to 25 hours a week. The job includes one office day to work with other staff, Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings.

San Pedro Presbyterian Church in San Antonion seeks a full-time Youth Ministries Director. This is a full-time, salaried position. The job includes offices day to work with other staff, Sunday mornings, Wednesday evenings and flexibility to work with youth for special events as needed.

Emmanuel Presbyterian Church in San Antonio seeks a part-time Church Life Administrator. Roles include bookkeeping, chief communicator and office manager. If interested, send an e-mail with your First and Last Name, Phone Number and Resume to

Hope Presbyterian Church in Northwest Austin is seeking a part-time organist for a permanent position. lease contact Nick Boltz, Director of Music at or call the church at 512-258-9117 x 225.

Forest Hills Presbyterian Church in Helotes seeks a Worship Pianist. Full job description HERE

Hospice Austin has a PRN-on-call chaplain position.
Resources and Links
We are Mission Presbytery, serving Christ in the World. In the Reformed Tradition, together we,
  • Establish and equip congregations and session to carry out their missions;
  • Recruit, receive, ordain, develop, and care for those called to service in the church;
  • Enable mission and witness to the Gospel that congregations cannot accomplish alone; and
  • Steward our resources faithfully and generously.
We are better together.
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