Free Alternative Starter Webinar (Sunday) at Noon
Chris Mercogliano Will Join!
Tomorrow, Sunday, at noon we will have a free Alternative Starter webinar, open to anyone who is interested. The format will be similar to what we do at Alternative Starter workshops at the AERO Conference. We will work with each person who has a vision of the alternative they want to start, one at a time. All participants are free to chime in with the ideas, suggestions and resources. Chris Mercogliano, long-time staff member and Co-Director of Albany Free School will participate.
Jerry Mintz and Chris Mercogliano will be coordinating the Alternative Starter Course which starts September 20 and runs through January. Several other resource people are expected to join the course, such as Maysaa Bazna, founder of Pono, and Ken Danford, Co-Founder of North Star and Director of Liberated Learners.
If you are thinking of starting a new alternative you should not miss this free webinar. But others who have information and resources to share should also drop in.
Join with this Zoom Link: