
Free Alternative Starter Webinar Tomorrow

Start a New Alternative Course Registration Still Open
Some Scholarship Funds Available

A Press Release You Can Use to Help Us Spread the word

Number of Black Homeschoolers now "Overwhelming!"

Stuart Grauer: What We Use to Measure School Success

An Article About a New AERO Member, In California, Dharma Realm Buddhist University


New Link!


Free Alternative Starter Webinar (Sunday) at Noon
Chris Mercogliano Will Join!

Tomorrow, Sunday, at noon we will have a free Alternative Starter webinar, open to anyone who is interested. The format will be similar to what we do at Alternative Starter workshops at the AERO Conference. We will work with each person who has a vision of the alternative they want to start, one at a time. All participants are free to chime in with the ideas, suggestions and resources. Chris Mercogliano, long-time staff member and Co-Director of Albany Free School will participate.

Jerry Mintz and Chris Mercogliano will be coordinating the Alternative Starter Course which starts September 20 and runs through January. Several other resource people are expected to join the course, such as Maysaa Bazna, founder of Pono, and Ken Danford, Co-Founder of North Star and Director of Liberated Learners.

If you are thinking of starting a new alternative you should not miss this free webinar. But others who have information and resources to share should also drop in.

Join with this Zoom Link:
Start a New Alternative Course Registration Still Open: Registration Closes Soon
Some Scholarship Funds Available
Don't Miss Sunday Free Webinar!

Registrations are coming in. Limited to 25 individuals or groups.

AERO received some funds for scholarship help which we will apply on a first come first served basis. Contact with any questions

Read about the details HERE

Remember you can also register by becoming a sustainer at $50 a month

New school by former AERO school starter
A Press Release You Can Use to Help Us Spread the word

Start An Educational Alternative: Be Part of the Solution 

At a time when the U.S. education system is failing under the burden of the ill-conceived No Child Left Behind program and Common Core, it is crucial that we create alternative models

That’s why this year’s Start Your Own Alternative course may be the most important one we have ever had. There has never been a greater need to offer real learner-centered educational alternatives. 

The goal of our fifteen-week course is to help educators assess the feasibility and find the resources required to turn the dream of a new alternative into a sustainable and nurturing educational environment. 

The course is designed to address practical as well as philosophical issues pertinent to the process. This includes clarifying the educational vision, building a suitable educational model, mastering the governance techniques, fundraising, legal set up and student and staff recruitment.

This is your chance! Register here
Number of Black Homeschoolers now "Overwhelming!"

Organizations that support Black families who opt to home-school their children say the demand for educational resources has become "overwhelming."........"

....According to a survey by the Census Bureau, 3.3 percent of Black families were home-schooling their children in spring 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic, but the figure jumped to 16.1 percent of Black children in the fall of 2020......
Stuart Grauer: What We Use to Measure School Success

Dear AERO: One development we LOVE at Grauer School is Panorma. I hope my explanation helps any among you,

ThePanorama Survey "is a set of scales, or groups of questions, that measure perceptions of teaching and learning: so we find out how kids and teachers feel about inclusion, engagement, and a great many social and emotional factors that contribute to learning and a great learning community. Now, after 5 years,  Panorama serves over 5 million students in 7,000 schools in 40 states nationwide”

Panorama Schools, like the Grauer School, have relied on Panorama’s surveys and analytics as central tools for understanding student needs and progress across climate and culture, family engagement, and social-emotional learning.

Whether you like rankings for not, we simply must find ways to get national norms on whatever it really is we are aspiring too. 
An Article About a New AERO Member, In California, Dharma Realm Buddhist University

DRBU was established in 1976. It is now 44 years on, and yet, really just taking off. For universities, 44 years are just baby steps. Good universities take time to mature and show their worth, as is hinted at in the Chinese saying: “only when the road is long do you truly know the horse.” But time alone is not enough. Great universities have to offer and deliver something that is both timeless and timely.....

Read the article HERE

Parts and Crafts has Opening for Afternoons and After School

Contact Kelly Taylor,
577 Somerville Ave
Somerville, MA 02143
Note to schools: We have deleted most old job posts. Let us know if you still have an opening. Job posts are free for AERO members!
Let us know if you would like to advertise in this weekly e-newsletter!

If you haven't seen them, take a look at our new advertisers below, Time4Learning, and Class Action Learning