Advantage Advisor
Monthly Newsletter
October 2nd, 2023
As Halloween approaches, it’s easy to get caught up in the spooky spirit and start overspending on costumes, decorations, and party supplies. However, fear not because in this blog post, we will share some chillingly good tips on navigating the Spooky Season while keeping your budget intact.

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In This Issue:

  • Frighteningly Fun Ways To Save Money This Halloween
  • 10 Questions To Ask A Credit Counselor Before Starting A Debt Management Program
  • The Secret To Success With A Debt Management Program
  • The Ultimate Money-Saving Guide To Frugal Halloween Fun
  • Clients Speak Out (Reviews)
When you find yourself buried under a mountain of debt or struggling to manage your finances, seeking help from a credit counselor can be a wise decision. Credit counseling agencies are non-profit organizations dedicated to assisting individuals like you in getting back on track... Read more here!
From balancing the demands of daily life to paying bills and managing debts, it can become extremely overwhelming to master your finances. However, a person can regain control of their finances with the help of a Debt Management Program if they are dealing with unsecured debt. These programs can help... Read more here!
Halloween will be here before we know it. Save your money for the giant-sized candy bars you’ll be giving out to trick-or-treaters by skipping the exorbitant store-bought costumes and the over-priced decorations. We’ll show you some awesome... Read more here!
"Even though I was several states away and the entire process was completed via phone and internet - the whole thing was seamless. There was one occasion where I was going to have trouble making my scheduled payment. Advantage Credit Counseling worked with me and my circumstances to come to a successful conclusion. I would recommend ACCS to anyone looking to pay off debt. Thank you!" ~ Minnie F.
"Very professional and very good experience. They helped me a lot. Thank you all so much!” ~ Stella S.
"You handled my credit counseling with the utmost service. I could not ask for a better group to handle my financial situation. Thanks to all of you." ~ Jeffrey M.
Disclaimer: The information provided is for informational purposes only. The materials are general in nature, and are not offered as advice or guarantee, and should not be relied upon without advice from an attorney or a financial advisor. Reading the information does not constitute a legal contract, consulting, or any other relationship with Advantage Credit Counseling Service.