Week of May 2, 2021 With St. Martin's

Please sign up for in person worship using this link:

Facebook Live Link:

Wednesday's Healing Service at Noon is live-streamed on Facebook. Use the link above.
Can you speak another language and would be willing to read from the Book of Acts on Pentecost? Contact Fr. Rob at
Parish Work Day
On behalf of Property, Randy and David P. would like to thank everyone who showed up to haul mulch and topsoil last Sunday. We had a lot of hands that made for around 3 hours of work. The flower beds look absolutely beautiful. Please think about stopping by the church to be awed by its beauty.
P.S. If you left a denim shirt at the church during the work day, please contact Alison.
Sunday School Get-together
Heather, Judy and I are organizing an informal gathering at Burnt Mills Park in Bedminster as a way for our Sunday School and Youth Group Families to safely get together outdoors as a very unusual Church School Year nears a close. Burnt Mills Park is only 3 miles down the road from Saint Martin's (heading West on Washington Valley Road).
  • Who: Saint Martin's Families (families with kids or with dog kids or kids at heart)
  • What: Informal Outdoor Gathering (water and pre-wrapped snacks provided)
  • When:  Sunday, May 16th at 4pm
  • Where: Burnt Mills Park (
  • Burnt Mills Park has a small playground, ball fields, access to a long bike/walking path and a dog park so dogs welcome!
  • Why:  Fellowship!  We wanted to find a safe and casual way for our church families to get together outdoors. Meeting outdoors at a park will give grown-ups a chance to catch up while kids have a chance to play outdoors together. Masks requested when social distance not being maintained. Burnt Mills Park is not currently reserving facilities, so we will just show up and have some fun! 

Christine Kellam 
Church Vegetable Garden Update
As you make trips to prep your own yard, please think of St. Martin's: we need a few more bags of manure. These can be dropped by the garden in the back parking lot at any time during the week, and we will be there after church on Sunday to continue the preparation. Please consider contributing to this effort - all food grown will be donated to the food bank on behalf of St. Martin's.

If you want more information reach out to
Prayer Concerns
and Blessings
  • From Jane Linn -  her grandson, Jacob, is very weak following his last round of chemotherapy
  • From Barbara Butler - Jean Hagan for continued healing and Lorna in hospice
  • From Juanita - Gloria and her daughter for pancreas and vaccination issues
  • Peggy Irwin
  • Linda Virtue - continuing to have leg circulation issues
  • Mary Irwin
  • Elsie Francis
  • Denise Carpenter - suffering from afib
  • Fr. Rob's son, Zac's, grandfather in Japan died last week, and a high school friend of Fr. Rob, Stephen, was diagnosed with liver cancer.

New Procedures for Prayers of the People

We are trying a new procedure for the Prayers of the People. If you have a special intention for prayer that you would like to have included in the Prayers of the People on Sunday, please email your prayer request to Br. Philip Muniz at by Friday afternoon of each week. 

You are encouraged to continue to share prayer concerns on Sundays during the Zoom Coffee Hour, but only the names sent to Br. Philip beforehand will be included in the Prayers (unless of course an emergency occurs). 

Len, Marlene, Barbara and Beth distributing food

Outreach wishes to thank everyone who donated food for the food bank. Over 30 pounds of food was delivered to the food pantry.
Mother's Day Crumb Cake
Don't despair if you forgot to order your Mother's Day Crumb Cake. There will be some available for purchase on Sunday after the service at the church.
Keeper of the Light
There is a light at St. Martin's that never goes out. We call it the "Sanctuary Light". It reminds us of the presence of Christ who is with us always. If you would like to be the "Keeper of the Light" for a week, email Philip with the subject "Candle" at
St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
1350 Washington Valley Road,
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Call Us: 908-526-1350
Contact information for Fr. Rob or