Special Edition

Falcon Flyer

November 3, 2022

Greetings Rondout Families, Faculty and Friends,

We hope to see many of you on Saturday for this year's first Family Day of Service. Drop in for a few minutes or for the entire time. Whatever time or resources you can spare to share will go along way in making a difference within our community. Questions??? Send us an email or give us a call. Thanks in advance for your participation.

Take care…

Ms. Elizabeth Davis


Dr. Jenny Wojcik


Family Day of Service 

Caring For Our Community



10 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Join us to work on

  • Making blankets for Project Linus,
  • Sorting food for a Thanksgiving Food Drive,
  • Making Placemats/Cards for the VA Hospital
  • Thank you Cards for First Responders
  • Making Goody Bags filled with your candy donations with notes of appreciation for the USO at Great Lakes. 
RSVP Preferred but  Drop-ins are Welcome for our Family Day of ServiceClick here to RSVP

Please bring in your wrapped candies and treats to put into goody bags which will be donated to the USO at Great Lakes. we will be packaging the treats on Saturday with notes of thanks and encouragement.

Thanksgiving Food Drive for North Chicago Community Partners Community Care Closet

"Sharing is Caring"

Please send in items from the Food Drive Wish List during between November 7th and November 15th. Items can be dropped off on Saturday November 5th. Donations can also be dropped off during the school day on the rack outside the main office.

Food drive wish list:

Paper towels




Canned mixed vegetables

Laundry detergent

Dish detergent

Body wash




Baby Wipes

Household cleaners

Canned tuna

Thank you for making a difference!!!!

Hope to see you on Saturday