September 2021
Hybrid Meeting for Worship is back

Friends, the option to worship in-person is at two locations: Third Street Meetinghouse and Hector Meetinghouse. Both events are on Sundays at 10:30am.

In addition, Friends may join the group at Third Street Meetinghouse using Zoom. Join online with this link or from your Zoom app with Meeting ID: 372 632 479 and password: friends. You can also join by phone by calling (929) 205-6099 and entering Meeting ID: 372 632 479 when prompted.
Fruits of the Spirit
Earthcare Committees Project Abundance garden is flourishing adjacent to the Third Street Meetinghouse. Photo from Melissa Travis Dunham, on August 26th.
Sharing gifts to support one another

The nominating committee is tasked with perceiving where friends are led to share their gifts in the way that  best serve the meeting in roles on various committees. 

This is a leading that we give serious thought, and in which we commit a large amount of time. We would like the input of the individuals of the Ithaca Monthly meeting as to where they feel the spirit and light is leading them to serve the community. 

We have all been given different gifts and blessed with different views of the world. Do you feel led in a certain way to help the meeting as a whole? Are you good at organizing? Adept at finances? It could be that you feel led to comfort others spiritually, or to reach out to people who are not Quakers. You may want to work in a small group, but haven’t discovered where yet. We would like to know what your gifts are and how you are being nudged towards them by the spirit of the light within us.  We would love to help with discernment and answering questions.  You can respond to any of the members of the committee.

— Michelle Brimage, David Horton, Carolyn Kenyon, Cai Quirk, Ellie Rosenberg

Return of the Quaker Women

Quaker Women's Fellowship will resume September 17 at 7 pm on Zoom. Please join us every third Friday evening for a friendly, informal virtual gathering. You don't have to attend Meeting, or even change out of your sweat pants to hang out and chat. 

Supporting Federal Recognition for the Traditional Gayogoho:no Community

At IMM’s Peace and Social Justice Committee meeting on Sunday, August 15, we discussed a recent article from the Finger Lakes Times about Gayogoho:no (Cayuga*) people again living on their traditional lands around Cayuga Lake, and their interactions with the Seneca County Board of Supervisors (We are deeply concerned about violence instigated by the federally-recognized Cayuga chief, Clint Halftown, against traditional Gayogoho:no living in Seneca Falls. However the article describes an inspiring development at the August 10 meeting of the Seneca County Board of Supervisors.

Worship at Hector

Meeting for Worship at the Hector Meetinghouse, 10:30a on Sundays, will be outdoors when weather permits. Bring a chair if you can.

The Hector Meetinghouse is located 5 miles northwest of Ithaca at 5066 Perry City Road, off Route 96. There is no running water or electricity, but a port-a-potty is available. Park along the road on the same side as the Meetinghouse, keeping driveways clear.
Where are Monthly Meeting minutes?

The minutes from Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business can be found on the right-side column of our website.
September Calendar of Ithaca Monthly Meeting
Earthcare Committee
Sunday, September 5, 12:30p

This committee meeting is open to all who would like to attend. Contact the clerk of the committee for the link to the Zoom meeting.
Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business
Sunday, September 12, 12:30p

Please send agenda items to the Clerk by the preceding Monday. (Contact information is at the bottom of this newsletter.)
Womens Fellowship
Friday, September 17, 7p

Please join us every third Friday evening for a friendly, informal virtual gathering. You don't have to attend Meeting, or even change out of your sweat pants to hang out and chat.
Peace and Social Justice Committee
Sunday, September 19, 12:30p

This is an open committee, meaning that all are welcome; participation does not go through the Nominating Committee process. Please feel free to come and bring your own concerns or interests. At this time we are meeting via Zoom; use the gray button below or: 
  • Meeting ID: 874 5684 8390
  • Password: peace
If you have any questions, please call Elizabeth Schneider 607-351-0057.
Mens Fellowship
Thursday, October 7, 7p

We are going to Ithaca Bakery! In the evening! Quaker men—and anyone who wants to hang out with Quaker men—are warmly invited.
Womens Chair Yoga now by Zoom
Monday & Thursdays, 11a to noon
This long-running group, which met for years at the meetinghouse, now runs on Zoom, making it more accessible than ever. To join in, email <> The group is about half Friends and half neighbors, nurturing the Inner Light. No yoga experience required. There is a sliding-scale fee. For more info or questions, Nancy Gabriel, 607-339-7123;
120 Third Street • Ithaca NY 14850
Gina Varrichio, Clerk

Pat Sewell, Treasurer
Marin Clarkberg, Newsletter editor
Newsletter contributions due on
last Monday of the month at 5pm