Friday Newsletter

October 6, 2023

From the Pastor's Desk

We are honoring our third graders this week with a Presentation of Bibles as well as celebrating Westminster’s founding month, October 1957. We’ll have some WPC trivia during worship. We are continuing our exploration of mental wellness and we’ll look at how the ten commandments might shed light on our understanding of trauma as well as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. There are a handful of links below that touch on what we have covered this fall in our collective exploration of our own emotional and mental health.


Ever onward,

Pastor Kelly


Resources for our journey –


988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline | Federal Communications Commission (

Why Oregon is the worst-ranked state for youth mental health | PBS News Weekend

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): More Than the Winter Blues (

NIMH » Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (

Helping Children and Adolescents Cope With Traumatic Events (


Pastor Kelly

This Sunday

Worship Service: 10 am

Sunday School: 10 am

Coffee Hour w/ Farewell to Bev: 11:15 am

Mid-High Youth: 11:15 am

High School Youth: 6:00 pm


Please join us at the coffee hour after the service on October 8th as we say farewell to Bev Silveira who is moving to Baltimore on Oct 19 to be closer to her daughter, Cindy. Bev, along with husband Ben, joined the church in 1997 and has been a very involved, contributing member of our congregation since then including singing in the Chancel Choir and ringing Handbells. Come wish her well as she makes this move!

Women's Night Out is Monday, October 9, at 6 pm at the Masonry Grill (120 Commercial NE). RSVP to Sue Ray at or 503-319-0511.

The Art Committee thanks everyone who has signed up to help with this year’s Art Festival. It takes many helpers to make the Show successful. If you haven’t signed up and would like to help, let us know here, or just show up and we will have a spot for you. If you aren’t able to volunteer, visit the Show and enjoy the artwork being presented by our 55 artists. A great way to find unique gifts for family and friends, and even yourself. Plan to attend Deanna White’s presentation at 9 on Saturday morning. Deanna’s work is colorful and fun. She will speak of her “inspiration and exploration of media and process”. A slide show will show her life in art through the years. Check out the flyer for all the hours and events. Thank you for your support of the Westminster Festival of Fine Art!

Leadership Corner

For Elders, Deacons, Committee Chairs & Staff

10/18 @ 6pm Session

10/22 @ 11:30am Showing of What’s Really Causing Church Decline and What We Can Do About It - Faith+Lead in Russell Hall

10/25 @ 6:15pm Deacons

11/8 @ 6:30-7:45pm Leadership Lab (Winter). Coordinating & sharing programs for Dec/Jan/Feb.

11/19 @ 10am Elder-led worship service

11/19 @ 11:30am Open debrief with Elders. Topics: Budget & Scouts.

Deacon Retreat TBD

Book: The Agile Church. Deacons, pick up a copy in the church office.

Save the Date

October 12-15: Fine Arts Festival

October 22: Stewardship Pancake Breakfast

October 25: Trunk or Treat

November 12: Stewardship Hoedown Luncheon

November 19: Open Debrief with Elders: Budget & Scouts

In the Community

Presbyterians for Earth Care presents a free webinar to discuss the new papal document, Apostolic Exhortation Laudate Deum (“Praise God”) of Pope Francis to all people of good will on the Climate Crisis, that was released Wednesday (October 4) as a sequel to Laudato Si and to discuss its importance for churches and God’s creation. The webinar is hosted by Presbyterians for Earth Care and sponsored by Center for Climate Justice and Faith at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary. Register here for the free webinar scheduled for Tuesday, October 10, at 4:30 PDT.

Ever travel to Arizona? Westminster folks are always welcome at Orangewood Presbyterian Church (7321 N. 10th Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85020, 602-944-1508). Dan Sherwood will be sitting near the sound booth. Luci Sherwood will be in the choir loft. We'd love to say hello!


Salem's 34th Annual Peace Lecture is Wednesday, October 18, at 7:30 pm. The lecture will be delivered by the Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis, an ordained Presbyterian minister who teaches at Union Theological Seminary in New York, directs the Kairos Center for Religions, Rights and Social Justice, and is co-chair of the Poor People's Campaign. The title of her lecture, "Peace, Peace When There Is No Peace: Addressing Poverty, Racism, and Militarism from the Bottom Up" includes areas which she is eminently equipped to address and are also the issues the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was dealing with at the time of his assassination in 1968. The lecture will be held in the Mary Hudson Hall at Willamette University. There is no charge, but donations are accepted. Westminster has been a long-time supporter of the Peace Lecture through our local missions budget.

Temple Beth Sholom will be holding their annual Chanukkah & Craft Bazaar on November 12, and they're extending the invitation to individuals from our congregation to attend or even register as a vendor! All are welcome, this is not limited to Chanukkah items. Register here or view more info here.


Due to travel, illness, and a busy fall schedule, the New Member Information Class that was scheduled for October 8 and 15, 2023 has been moved to January 21 and 28, 2024. If you are interested in learning more about the Westminster Church and what it means to be a Presbyterian, please mark your calendars for this wonderful opportunity. More information to come. 

Our new photo directory project is well underway. Thank you to all who have gotten their photo taken or have submitted a photo. The plan is to have the directory available, both a printed and an online version, by mid December. If you have not yet had a photo taken or submitted, there are three ways in which to do so: 1. Stay after worship service on either October 8 or October 15 and join the queue to have our photographer snap your photo. It only takes a minute or so, and you can enjoy coffee hour in Boulder Hall while you wait. Photos will be taken right outside of Russell Hall, by the Mission, Peace, Eco-Justice bulletin board. These will be the last opportunities for this option. 2. Submit your photo via the provided email: Put the name(s) of who is in the photo in the subject line. Include any updated information, as well. 3. If you are unable to submit a photo via the #1 or #2 options—you may request a photographer come to YOU. Please contact Katie Nelson,, 503-580-5631, or Ellen Chambers,, 503-364-5767. The deadline for submitting photos will be November 26 in order to give the committee time to produce the directory and get it published by mid December.

The new church calendar is online now. Access it here. You'll notice it looks quite different. The most important thing to know is that it is interactive. You can scroll down to see everything, you can click to move to a different month or day. The other big difference is that the version on the website is now only showing West Pres events, not everything going on in our building. Questions? Ask or call the church office. Committee chairs and ministry leaders, please take a moment to make sure you've communicated about dates/times of meetings and other events, including what space in the building you prefer to use.

Deadline for placing info in the Friday Newsletter is every Thursday at 9 am!

Leadership Corner

For Elders, Deacons, Committee Chairs & Staff

10/18 @ 6pm Session

10/22 @ 11:30am Showing of What’s Really Causing Church Decline and What We Can Do About It - Faith+Lead in Russell Hall

10/25 @ 6:15pm Deacons

11/8 @ 6:30-7:45pm Leadership Lab (Winter). Coordinating & sharing programs for Dec/Jan/Feb.

11/19 @ 10am Elder-led worship service

11/19 @ 11:30am Open debrief with Elders. Topics: Budget & Scouts.

Deacon Retreat TBD

Book: The Agile Church. Deacons, pick up a copy in the church office.


Blessings to Rachelle Martin Hughes. Rachelle baked all of the bread for World Communion Sunday. Each loaf was kneaded with prayer and baked with love. Thank you, Rachelle. 

Thanks to everyone for the successful blood drive that we had on Sept 25. This drive was only three units short of our goal of 32 units! And our Blood Program Leader team did it all (or almost all) without any personal telephone calls. The Red Cross is learning that they can still count on the Westminster location to deliver nearly all the units that are set as goal. In the future let's make that ALL the life affirming units that the RC expects from us! Even if you have not given before or for a long time, believing that you might be ineligible to give, the RC has eased up on many restrictions recently to get more donations. The next RC blood drive at Westminster will be on Dec. 18. We realize that this is a busy time of year for many folks, but just think what a great life-affirming gift a transfusion of blood might make to someone in hospital! Thanks Westminster members and community members!  


For Karen Freed, for strength and peace during medical tests and procedures, to be able to stay close to God and seek God's comfort.

For Raj, for physical and mental healing.

For Michelle B.'s relationship with her siblings.

**If you would like a written prayer included in Sunday's worship bulletin or here, please email or call the church office (503-364-3327) or fill out the prayer request form on the website by Thursday at 10 am each week.

Westminster Presbyterian Church


3737 Liberty Rd. S 

Salem, OR 97302

PHONE: 503-364-3327

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