Hello! It's Been a While!
Hi all! Thanks so much to those of you (and I was humbled by how many of you) who reached out because you were worried about me. After all, I hadn't sent an eletter since November, and that one had a whole lot of musing about problems with my left foot. (Which is healing fine, thanks for the prayers.)

The intervening months were full of craziness at the Day Job, and a lot of waiting. It was the first time in a few years I wasn't on deadline for a book. My friend who published the Your Daily Tripod blog for years ended it due to health issues of his own. All of a sudden, beyond my work for Living Faith, I wasn't writing, and wasn't sure I ever wanted to again. I thought about doing some Saints for Lent videos, and my friend Karin did some great research on that topic. But I didn't feel called to follow through.

So I prayed. And I waited.

I picked Re-emerge for my 2022 word. I wasn't sure why. After all, I haven't been a total hermit since March 2020. I've stayed overnight in hotels, I've been on a plane, I went back to in-person Bible study, I went into the Day Job one day. I even got my hair cut last week! But I was still waiting in my soul. And I'm a bit surprised at my level of patience. Faith and trust do grow if you tend to them.

Re-emerging for me, I think, means increasing reliance on God--for everything. And as you'll see below, some things have started to fall into place as I've waited.

I hope your 2022 has had some grace-filled discoveries too.
On the Nightstand: How to Relax by Thich Nhat Hanh
Thich Nhat Hanh, the Vietnamese Buddhist monk, died earlier this year at age 95. I had a vague recollection of him meeting with the Trappist monk and writer Thomas Merton during the Vietnam War, but that was about it. But the obituaries about him intrigued me, and I learned that a friend had been on one of his retreats in upstate New York 30-odd years ago. Then I was at my favorite local bookstore, and saw his How to Relax, and goodness knows I can use help with that. I had to smile when I opened to the first page: "You don't need to set aside special time for resting and relaxing. You don't need a special pillow or any fancy equipment. You don't need a whole hour. In fact, now is a very good time to relax."

I'm looking forward to learning more about relaxing, even in short snippets, this month.

What Re-emerging Looks Like for Me
When you read this, I'll be at the San Damiano Spiritual Life Center in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley for a Faithbooking retreat. The crucifix is in the chapel there. While I'm at San Damiano, I'll be working on a booklet on the seven joys and the seven sorrows of Mary. (Not sure what they are? Here's one resource.)

Then on March 12, I'll be helping out with exhibitors at the annual women's conference sponsored by my diocese and the Arlington Diocese Council of Catholic Women.

And... in one of those answers from God, last week I was presented with the opportunity to rent San Damiano for a retreat April 22-23. After prayer and discussion with some friends, I said yes. If you're in the DC area, please save the date and watch the Future with Hope Women website as more details become available.

So, I thank you for your prayers, and I thank the Almighty for the many gifts provided. I pray that your Lent--after all, we are on the precipice of that holy season--may be fruitful.

Blessings, Melanie