Hi all! Thanks so much to those of you (and I was humbled by how many of you) who reached out because you were worried about me. After all, I hadn't sent an eletter since November, and that one had a whole lot of musing about problems with my left foot. (Which is healing fine, thanks for the prayers.)
The intervening months were full of craziness at the Day Job, and a lot of waiting. It was the first time in a few years I wasn't on deadline for a book. My friend who published the Your Daily Tripod blog for years ended it due to health issues of his own. All of a sudden, beyond my work for
Living Faith, I wasn't writing, and wasn't sure I ever wanted to again. I thought about doing some Saints for Lent videos, and my friend Karin did some great research on that topic. But I didn't feel called to follow through.
So I prayed. And I waited.
I picked Re-emerge for my 2022 word. I wasn't sure why. After all, I haven't been a total hermit since March 2020. I've stayed overnight in hotels, I've been on a plane, I went back to in-person Bible study, I went into the Day Job one day. I even got my hair cut last week! But I was still waiting in my soul. And I'm a bit surprised at my level of patience. Faith and trust do grow if you tend to them.
Re-emerging for me, I think, means increasing reliance on God--for everything. And as you'll see below, some things have started to fall into place as I've waited.
I hope your 2022 has had some grace-filled discoveries too.