From all of us at 2nd Chance Indiana, we wish you and your family a joyful and meaningful celebration of the birth of Jesus, and a healthy, prosperous, and Happy New Year!

Van Transportation
Program Expands
At Volumod!

2nd Chance Indiana’s Transportation Manager, Molly Oliver, knows that many reentrants who have managed to get a good job, often do not have reliable transportation to and from work. They count on friends for a ride, borrow cars, or use cars that are mechanically unreliable—often costing them jobs when they are repeatedly late or don’t show up for work at all. Volumod, maker of modular housing, is committed to employing people coming out of incarceration. So Molly, visited them recently, asking the important question: “Who needs a ride?”
Apparently, plenty of folks do need a ride, and Volumod is grateful for the help to keep their lines moving and their shifts full. Transportation services are just one of the kinds of active support functions necessary to help reentrants walk the path to a normal life after incarceration. More on transportation Here.
Pictured LtoR: with Voumod's Human Resource assistant, Maddie Farris, 2nd Chance Indiana's Molly Oliver, and Commute with Enterprise’s Craig Rak.
Six Inmate Correspondents Are Needed Now!

Writing to a person who is incarcerated can be the most dynamic response to the call on your life that you can possibly imagine.
Not only are you speaking friendship and faith into the life of a person who needs your encouragement, but those letters from prison are also a blessing to the correspondents as well. Who needs your advice? Your humor? For whom can you answer questions? Or share your faith? The answer to all these questions, is the person who is waiting for your letter, and that introduction of your interest in them is your response to Hebrews 13:3.
Please email Sara for all the information, instructions, and the connection you need to contact a person who is patiently waiting for your emails, or written letters. Or, consider volunteering HERE. We need you, but they need you more. And, we'll help you every step of the way, so you feel safe, comfortable, and strong in this important, life-changing work.
Working Together For An"Often Overlooked Talent Pool"

Indiana's Department of Workforce Development leaders, Commissioner Richard Paulk and Chief Workforce Officer Katie Rounds, met with Jim Cotterill and Scott Whiting from 2nd Chance Indiana this month to expand opportunities for folks coming out of incarceration. Said Jim, "It’s wonderful to meet with like minded people who realize that there is an often overlooked talent pool that would love the opportunity to contribute to society. When we put a reentrant to work, everybody wins. The employer, the reentrant, their family members, the local community, and the State of Indiana." However, the most important victory of all is the life that is changed for the better. More on Indiana DWD, Here.
PICTURED LtoR: 2ndChance Indiana's (2CI) Scott Whiting; Indiana Department of Workforce Development (DWD) Commissioner, Richard Paulk; 2CI's Jim Cotterill, and Chief Workforce Officer of DWD, Katie Rounds.
Ellettsville, IN Reentrant Ministry To Partner with
2nd Chance Indiana?

Linda Webb, of Unchained Ministry has been working with reentrants for decades. Her church in Ellettsville, near Bloomington, IN, is deeply involved with connecting folks with transitional housing and jobs in Monroe and Adams County specifically, and to some extent across the state.
There are areas of need that 2nd Chance Indiana (2CI) can help them to fill, and Unchained Ministries can assist us by adding more employment opportunities to the website.
With so much need in every county for reentrants, relationships with boots-on-the-ground county ministries are building a stronger state-wide 2nd Chance Indiana alliance, that is creating a new paradigm for transitioning from incarceration in Indiana. We look forward to more involvement with other dedicated people like Linda from every county! More on Unchained Ministry's good works Here.
Pictured, Left top to Right bottom: 2CI's Scott Whiting, Jim Cotterill, Unchained Ministry's Waymaker, Linda Webb; 2CI's Molly Oliver, and Nancy Cotterill.
Juvenile Incarceration
& Juvenile Deaths

On an average day there are 300 juveniles in Indiana prisons, and more juveniles are imprisoned on charges of firearm abuses than any other illegal act. Despite a decline of 17% in overall homicides for 2023, the death of children under 18 has increased from 16 juvenile murders in 2019 to 23 this year. With the latest victims being a 14-year-old girl and a 13-year-old boy who were shot in two separate incidents, and died from their wounds.
Marshawn Wolley, policy director of the African American Coalition of Indianapolis (ACCI) said “We are failing to protect our children which means we are failing to secure our future...Our children should not be murdered in this city, and our children should not murder each other.”
While the homicide count is lower than the same time last year, the city's deadliest on record, the murder of people age 18 and younger, sadly, has increased. WTHR report Here. Pictured: Marshawn Wolley, policy director of the African American Coalition of Indianapolis.
Data On Reentrant 
Employment Reveal 

In stark contrast to the current jobless rate under 15%, around 60% of formerly incarcerated people are jobless, according to a report released by the Bureau of Justice Statistics.
The report shows that of more than 50,000 people released from federal prisons in 2010, a staggering 33% found no employment at all over four years post-release, and at any given time, no more than 40% of them were employed. People who did find jobs struggled too: Formerly incarcerated people in the study had an average of 3.4 jobs throughout the four-year period, suggesting that they were landing jobs that didn’t offer security or upward mobility, which leads to the statistic that says 89% of those rearrested are unemployed.
It takes a coordinated effort to change the face of recidivism. Some in Indiana are shocked that we spend around $1 Billion a year on incarcerating people. Yet we do little to reign in the 67% recidivism rate. With common sense support efforts, training, job assistance, and wrap around services we can lower the bill, but more importantly, we can change the lives and outcomes of reentrants as well as their families' futures. Check out the report Here!
Reentry and The Deep Freeze Of Reentrant Rejection

I just got a call from a man named Neal. He was recently released from incarceration and is eager to get a job. Most people hear the words “criminal record” and have a pre-conceived idea of a dangerous person, someone nothing like them.
But most people in prison are not lifers, most are not dangerous, and most are very much like us. Yet they are left out in the cold by so many who might give them a second chance. I could tell that Neal is smart and nice, and I know from experience that there is more hope, goodness, optimism, and energy in most reentrants than they will ever be given the opportunity to use.
They want to pour all that into a new life and the lives of their children and families. They want to work, pay their way, stay clean, and get along. They don’t all make it, but a lot of them can and do, with just a realistic amount of help. Without that help, recidivism will continue to be over 65%. Read Nancy’s latest post Here!
Why Support 2nd Chance Indiana?
2nd Chance Indiana's team works to reduce recidivism and rebuild lives through the dignity of work. In the process we believe that our efforts can also have a profound, multi-generational impact by reducing poverty, crime, and homelessness.
Our major focus is to assist the thousands of inmates returning to communities across Indiana after long-term incarceration. 2nd Chance Indiana provides mentored job training inside the correctional facility, and a jobs website for those with a criminal record,, which is filled with job opportunities and support agencies to help reentrants get back to work, support themselves and their families, and contribute to the economic improvement of their neighborhoods.

How You Can Support Jobs for Justice- Involved Individuals
Support For Reentrants After Incarcertion:
Since 2017 UNITE INDY, now 2nd Chance Indiana, has provided a free web-based system,, that connects those released from incarceration with jobs offered by our 45 employer partners, willing to hire people with a criminal record and pay them a living wage.
The site also offers a huge network of support organizations that can help with housing, drug abatement, licensing, clothing and so much more.

A good job found quickly after release from incarceration drives down recidivism about 90%, according to studies. Unemployment is connected to poverty, a criminal record, and re-incarceration. Our poorest neighborhoods contain many who have not been able to get good jobs because they have a criminal record, but 2nd Chance Indiana not only connects them with jobs, it also provides van transportation to many sites to help those who do not have affordable or reliable transportation. In some neighborhoods of Marion County unemployment is extremely high and poverty remains the overwhelming cause of violence and lack of opportunity for children.

Please donate to 2nd Chance Indiana now. There are a number of choices that are all secure and safe. By sending your fully tax deductible gift* now we can have a greater impact meeting needs in our community.
Many, many thanks!

 *UNITE INDY dba 2nd Chance Indiana is approved under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c)(3) as a Public Charity, donors can deduct contributions they make under IRC Section 170.
Corporate Partners
A big Thank YOU to our Corporate Partners for their unwavering support which makes it possible for us to provide our services at no charge to job applicants and employers!

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