The Messenger

In Christ, We Worship, Love, Grow, Serve and Send.
FEBRUARY 2021 | Vol. XXXXII No. 2
Our Midweek Wednesday offering during Lent this year will go to benefit GraceWorks Ministries in Franklin. GraceWorks reaches out to the community in many ways to help households through their food pantry, thrift store, family support, instructional and seasonal programs, and more.

How to give? Use the Lenten envelopes in your offering envelope box or write a check with "Lenten offering - GraceWorks" in the memo line and mail to St. Andrew. Or you may go to our website and click the Giving/Online Giving tab at the top of the home page. Select a one-time or reoccurring donation, Other Outreach, and be sure to note in the OPTIONAL line at the bottom of the page, "GraceWorks."
Resources available for Lent
As we prepare for the season of Lent, resources are available for ELCA World Hunger’s 40 Days of Giving. Experience how the grace of Christ calls us to engage in transformative works of love around the world through ELCA World Hunger as God calls us into the ministry of hope, liberation and restoration. Watch a new video, subscribe to receive devotional emails, download a weekly study guide and explore the Action Guide for Congregations at
Lenten Hunger Walk
Bishop Kevin Strickland and the Advocacy Policy Committee invite everyone to join them in walking a mile every day over the forty days of Lent, and raising through sponsorship or contribution, $40 for ELCA World Hunger.

From the Council President
by Jen Fisher
I have spent many years observing Lent by giving up something that I saw as a luxury or vice: drinking soft drinks, eating desserts, saying negative things. I often wondered if I was truly participating in this act of “fasting” as a way to deepen my own reflection on my faith, practice self-discipline and remember the sacrifices Jesus made during his time in the wilderness, or if I was just going through the motions.

Then about 10 years ago, I was introduced to the concept of adding a new spiritual practice to my life during the 40-day Lenten journey by a good friend. She was planning to add a daily devotion to her routine in hopes of making a new habit that she would continue after Lent. I really liked this idea, and I tried it a few times over these last few years, but it never really stuck with me. It felt more like a New Year’s resolution that I always started strongly but ended up dropping after a week or so. ....Read more.
Health Ministries
How is Your Heart?
by Cornelia Pearson, RN, MN

I hope that you pledged last month with Courage, Hope, Compassion and Love to follow Public Health guidance regarding Covid-19 in order to help prevent the spread of this destructive disease. (See my January 2021 Newsletter article) As I write, we are in the midst of not knowing when we will be notified that we can get the vaccine and knowing that the virus continues to mutate and spread at a rapid pace. This and other stress producing events have challenged our ability to cope! 

But --- once again it is the “Month of Hearts!” - designated as such  ....Read more.
Birth News
Nicholas and Marissa Walters announce the birth of their new son, Tobias Lee Walters, who was born Thursday, January 21, 2021 at 4:46 p.m. Tobias weighed 8 lbs. 5oz. Mom and baby are doing great! Eli is super excited to be a big brother!
Congratulations to the Walters family on this happy news!

Congratulations, Wayne and Marilyn Kruse!

Fifty years ago on December 19, 1970, it was a dreary, rainy, cool day in Cincinnati, Ohio. The rain stopped before the service, but not before the wedding party had to tromp through a wet puddle-filled parking lot to get into the church. The Best Man forgot his socks and the Maid of Honor insulted the Pastor when she remarked on what an unusual chandelier was hanging by the altar - it was the Advent Wreath. Fifty years later, we are enduring the restrictions of a pandemic. But with the help of our children and friends, we did get to celebrate our 50th Wedding Anniversary sitting on our front porch and laughing together. 

Thanks to everyone for your kind words and thoughtful messages.  
Wayne & Marilyn Kruse
Remembering Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Ansley, second grade student, studied and celebrated Martin Luther King, Jr. in January.

"I have a dream that everyone in the entire world will love God and tell about God."

The artwork shown at the right was submitted by proud grandmother and former St. Andrew member, Jan Nastoff.
Thank you for remembering us in so many kind and thoughtful ways, not only during December with cards and gifts, but throughout the year as you give of yourselves to the mission and ministry of St. Andrew. Thank you for the privilege of sharing our gifts with you and for your faithful support and partnership in the gospel.
Grace and Peace,
St. Andrew Staff
To the St. Andrew Staff,
As the Christmas season comes to a close, I would like to say thank you to all for everything you do throughout the year, especially making it possible for us to worship remotely and stay connected.
God’s blessings in the New Year,
Jonathan Hains
Dear St. Andrew Family,
Just a note thanking everyone who sent cards and prayer for Bob during his illness. Know that your thoughts and prayers were felt, and we felt blessed by your kindness. You all will always be my family, as we shared so many times together. Lots of great memories.  
Your sister in Christ,
Judy Mowery
Dear St. Andrew friends,
Thank you for all the expressions of sympathy, calls, and cards sent last month at the loss of my brother, Warren. It helps to know that others care at a time when hearts are heavy.
Grace and peace,
Jolene Richardson
The Columbarium and Meditation Garden
by Ron Hartman
The Columbarium/Meditation Garden at St. Andrew Lutheran Church was constructed in conjunction with the building program that produced our new nave and narthex. This area of our facility was dedicated in 2010. During the last ten years, the Columbarium ministry has developed and matured into what you see today out of the west facing windows of the narthex. You can also view this area as you walk up the walkway from our back parking lot along Mack Hatcher Parkway.
A columbarium is a permanent structure made up of spaces or niches, where the cremated remains ...Read more.
From the Director for Youth and Children’s Ministries
by Liza Hawkins
One day, I am going to get to write a newsletter recounting all of the fun, new, in-person activities we have been up to. Alas, today is not that day. Today is a day that I am still hopeful that folks will make safe decisions, get vaccinated as it becomes available, and stay invested in our church community even while we are apart. This distant time has forced all of us to think creatively and try new ways of being together. 
For our youth, we have developed a fun routine of hanging out a couple of times a week. We usually spend this time playing online games together. The one featured in the picture here is called “Joke Boat” and involves players coming up with mad-lib type answers and then creating jokes with each other’s answers. Our middle and high schoolers are pretty excellent joke writers. ...Read more.
Diversity and Justice Committee Update
Did you know that St. Andrew has a (relatively) new Diversity and Justice Committee? 
Last year, the Southeastern Synod of the ELCA developed a Diversity and Justice Task Force and Bishop Kevin Strickland urged congregations to form their own groups committed to inclusion, education, authentic diversity, and God’s dream of justice for God’s people. Our committee formed last summer, and we are working toward creating our own vision statement for St. Andrew.

We hope to have discussion and education-focused events here at St. Andrew, and we also are committed to joining in the larger conversations happening in our deanery and around this synod. This month, on February 21, our synod is hosting a viewing of Ava DuVernay’s movie Selma and then a discussion on Zoom. If you are interested in participating, you can register here

Stay tuned for more information from the Diversity & Justice Committee! 
If you have any questions or would like to join this group, please reach out to our co-chairs, Elaina and Allison Bussone or Liza Hawkins.
Tuesday, February 16, 2021 ~ 6:30 p.m.
Women of St. Andrew, please join us for an evening of fun and discovery on February 16, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. WELCA is going to have an exciting night of meeting and greeting Deb Faulkner, the City of Franklin's own Chief of Police! 
Chief Deborah Faulkner commands 143 men and women of the Franklin Police department. Before joining Franklin’s Police Department, Deb was Tennessee’s Inspector General and also had retired from the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department. She has a PhD from Vanderbilt University, Master's Degree from Middle Tennessee State, and Bachelor’s Degree in journalism from The University of Memphis.
Please join us on February 16 to learn how Deb Faulkner went from journalism to Chief of Police!

Meeting ID: 861 3384 9904
Passcode: WELCA
Dial by your location - 1.301.715.8592
It's Time to Hold our Quilt-a-Thon 
Since we are not able to gather in person to have our Quilt-a-thon, we are going to host the event virtually. Quilt kits will be available all month for you to come and pick up at the church. Please let Jolene know you are coming by phone 615.794.1624 or by email.
You can do as many as you want or just one; it is up to you. Do you have friends who would like to help? Please take a kit to them, too! 

All kits come complete with instructions. There are two ways you can participate: ...Read more.
JOIN THE EVENT ;February 22 
Meeting ID: 891 5185 2479
Passcode: Quilt
We had a big response for the January breakfast. As usual, the members of St. Andrew were SO GENEROUS and we had an unbelievable amount of donations! We took to Nashville 16 casseroles, over 150 servings of sausage and close to 200 servings of fruit!  As usual, the folks at the mission were thrilled! 
In grateful appreciation to our folks for their outreach to feed the community,
Laura McElroy
St. Paul Breakfast Coordinator
Members bringing food for St. Paul Breakfast Ministry in December
To our friends at The Lutheran Church of St. Andrew: Thank you so much for your generous donations last year. We are proud to consider you close partners in our mission to build affordable homes and stronger communities, and provide life-changing opportunities for hard-working families. We pray that your donations will act as seeds of blessings for your congregation. Wishing you a blessed New Year.
The Habitat for Humanity Williamson-Maury Team: Harmony, Kim, and Julie
Education – A Weapon for Change
by Keith Logan, Executive Director
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Those are the words of Nelson Mandela and they are so relevant for the future of Haiti. Where close to half of the adult population remains illiterate, change is critical in this country of 11 million people. That change must start with educating the next generation; close to 40% of the population is under the age of 14 (compared to approx. 21% in the U.S.). Haitian parents must value education and strive for their children to stay in school. It is especially important for those parents that do not have an education themselves to understand this reality.

Haitian schools teach the children far more than just reading, writing and arithmetic. With many of the children living in remote, isolated areas, the school setting teaches them social skills, leadership, and how to work well with others. If a child is malnourished or has not eaten recently, the learning process often falls on deaf ears. Through the dedicated support of many donors, Trinity HOPE provides a nutritious noon meal to over 33,500 children, teachers and cooks every school day in 160+ Christian schools throughout Haiti. In addition, by continued blessings provided by God, Trinity HOPE plans to add another 8,000 – 10,000 children to their feeding programs over the next 6 months. This meal is a tremendous incentive for parents to find a way to send their children to school, and helps the child better learn and retain their lessons. If you would like to help Trinity HOPE change the country of Haiti one bowl of beans and rice at a time, please visit our website at, or call 615-394-4950 to learn more. Thank you for your support in 2021, and God’s blessings on your new year.
The Nominating Committee is on the lookout for new servant-leaders at St. Andrew! This committee is tasked with discerning who might be a good addition to the congregational council (essentially St. Andrew’s board of directors). At the beginning of each year we pray, discuss, and listen, then ask people if they would be willing to run for council. At the May congregational meeting, the congregation elects new people to the council. The new members begin their two-term terms that summer. ...Read more.
February Anniversaries
February 2            John & Carol Robertson
February 24          Frank & Cindy Hale
February 26          Barry & Melissa Brackebusch 
Jolene Richardson, The Messenger Editor