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One of my favorite Bible stories is the story of Ruth and Naomi in the Book of Ruth. It is a beautiful story of love and grace. Also, I can identify with Ruth and Naomi because at different times in the story they are both foreigners, and I have been a foreigner. I have lived in Brazil and Japan, where I taught in Presbyterian mission schools.

In Japan, I was fortunate to become friends with a young Japanese woman named Michiko, who worked in the mission office in Kobe. She and I and another friend went on excursions around Japan visiting such famous places as the Temple of the Golden Pavilion in Kyoto and Osaka Castle. When I returned home, Michiko came and stayed several months with my family, visiting America.

We have not seen each other physically for almost fifty years now, but we have kept in touch through letters and phone calls. She said to me recently, “I am an old lady now,” and I replied, “So am I,” but our friendship has survived time and distance. I think it has done so because we never regarded each other as foreigners, we were just special friends. 


Heavenly Father, Thank you for the diversity of your creation and the fact that you love all peoples of the world. Thank you that in the kingdom of the Christ Child there are no outsiders, only beloved children. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Dr. Malinda Willard is a retired Professor of English. She joined First Presbyterian Church in 1986 and was for many years a member of the Chancel Choir. She was previously ordained as an Elder in a sister church.