Updates in Pediatrics
Editor: Jack Wolfsdorf, MD, FAAP

header with photos of various children
March 16, 2022 | Volume 13 | Issue 11
Efficacy and safety of enteral recombinant human (rh) insulin in preterm infants
Recombinant (biosynthetic) human insulin is a form of insulin produced by the insertion of genetic information for a proinsulin fusion (F) protein into microorganisms -Escherichia coli and yeast, which is superior to animal (extracted from pancreatic tissue) or semisynthetic insulin (modified and purified animal insulin) products.

Feeding preterm infants is difficult because of the immaturity/intolerance of their gastrointestinal (GI) tracts (poor motility and deficient lactase activity).

Previous studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects of breastmilk on gut maturation due to a number of factors; one of these is insulin which is present in maternal milk 3-4-fold higher than in maternal blood.

A randomized, multicenter, double-blind, placebo controlled clinical trial of 303 preterm infants (gestational age 26-32 weeks; birth weight >500g) randomly assigned them to receive, orally, either a low dose rh insulin, a high dose rh insulin or placebo for 28 days to assess efficacy to enhance feeding, and safety. Outcomes were measured as “Time to full enteral feeds” (150ml/kg/day on >3 consecutive days).

Enteral feedings of 2 different rh-insulin dosages in preterm infants appears safe and to be associated with a significantly reduced “Time to full feeds”.
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Registration is open!
The 57th Pediatric Postgraduate Course - Perspectives in Pediatrics is just around the corner. Register for this virtual event to be held on April 2-3.
beach boardwalk
Coming Soon!
The 2nd Annual Pediatric Hospital Medicine Self-Assesment
May 12- 15, 2022
Will be held at W Hotel in Fort Lauderdale Beach, FL.
"Cognitive Preservation Strategies in Pediatric Brain Tumors"

This Virtual Grand Round was recorded LIVE and includes the post-session Q&A portion. This content is available for free - without CME credit (Fee may apply for those who wish to claim CME).
Monthly Features
Breastfeeding: Is your baby eating enough?
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