Advantage Advisor
Monthly Newsletter
February / 2021
Valentine’s Day while budgeting doesn’t have to be tricky and unfulfilling. The day is truly for showing love to loved ones, and money doesn’t have to be a major factor in showing affection. Most people go all out, spending far more money than expected, leaving them with a bit of remorse for overspending.

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In This Issue:

Budget-Friendly Valentine’s Day
Money Milestones To Hit
Cancel The Subscriptions
Take Control Of Your Finances
Clients Speak Out (Reviews)
Company News & Events
The Advantage Challenge
Managing money is a skill that takes practice. When a person is in his or her 20’s, careers are just getting off the ground. Spending that hard-earned cash seems to be their new goal. Although a few indulgences are understandable, consider a few objectives that should be part of those.... Read more!
Suppose you’ve just found yourself hit with a charge on your credit card statement for a subscription that you had completely forgotten about. It does happen more often than you think. Sometimes people just don’t realize they signed up for a monthly subscription. Luckily, you can take.... Read more!
When it comes to managing your finances, it can feel overwhelming if you’re not in control of each dollar that you earn. You may experience stress and avoid tracking your spending, which can make it easy to lose money and get into debt. If you want to.... Read more!
"I greatly appreciate the assistance I received from ACCS. They were affirming, supporting, non-judgmental, and provided excellent service. I was embarrassed to seek out help, but I'm so glad that I did! Thank you!" ~ Hanah D.
"Thank you for all that you do!!! Very positive experience!" ~ Jackie S.
"I was so grateful for the help of consolidating and getting a lower rate. Using their services has taken a weight off me and improved my financial situation. Thank you so much!!" ~ Marianne B.
Advantage Credit Counseling Service is teaming up with Susquehanna County Trehab Workforce and Pennsylvania Careerlink for a February Financial Bootcamp series.

It's every Wednesday in February! Check out the image on the left for more info. You do have to register ahead of time.

Please contact Jenna Downs by email at to register!

We hope that you'll join us!
Are you up for the Advantage Challenge?

Advantage CCS challenges YOU to Sign-up for an Automatic Savings Plan!

A lot of online banks have this type of system in place so it wouldn’t be difficult to find one. There are online banks that have been pushing people to save by giving promos for higher interest rates when you deposit more than usual in a particular month.

Another option is for you to sign up with your company’s cooperative if your organization has one. Take advantage of it as they usually offer annual dividends with higher rates compared to banks. Having an auto-save option will allow you to treat savings like a deduction since you won’t be able to touch the amount and be tempted to spend it. 

Let us know if you're up for this challenge and keep us updated on your progress! Email us at: