September 29, 2023

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October 10 — Kings Board of Education Work Session, 5:30 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conference Room 2.

October 17 — Kings Board of Education Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conference Room 2.

October 19 — The Future of Education - Preparing Students for Their Future, Not Our Past, 7:00 p.m., KHS Auditorium.



October 28 — Open Community Forum Master Facilities Planning, 10:00 a.m., KHS Auditorium.

More event information can be found at:

2023-2024 Academic Calendar

Knight Nation News is a weekly publication from the Kings Local School District. If you know someone who isn't receiving it but would like to,

click here to subscribe.

Be a Part of the Process

The first Facility Master Planning Community Forum took place on Thursday, September 28.

We appreciate the parents and community members who attended both in person and online. SHP, the design firm hired by the Kings Board of Education, presented information and potential building plans vetted by the Master Planning Community Advisory Team (CAT).

The meeting was livestreamed on the Kings Youtube channel. If you weren't able to attend, the Forum was recorded. We encourage our community to watch the presentation and then complete the survey. Please share this with your friends and neighbors who may not receive District communications. The more we hear from our community, the stronger the solution will be.

The next Community Forum will take place on Saturday, October 28 at 10:00 a.m. at Kings High School Auditorium.


We want to remind all families that next week, October 2-6 is the annual count week for our transportation department.

Kings receives funding from the state of Ohio based in part on each student that rides the bus during this period. Last year, Kings received $376 for each student who rode during count week.

We encourage our students to ride October 2-6 if they plan to ride throughout the year!

KHS National Merit Commended Students

The National Merit qualifying program recently recognized 34,000 commended students throughout the nation for their exceptional academic promise.

We are very pleased to announce that two of those chosen are Kings High School Seniors, Mackenzie Beck and Johnathan VonAllmen.

Although these students will not continue in the 2024 competition for National Merit Scholarships, they placed among the top 50,000 students who entered the 2024 competition by taking the 2022 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship qualifying test. The highest possible score on the PSAT/NMSQT is 228, and to reach the level of commended, a student needs a score between 207 and 219. 

A spokesperson from the National Merit organization said, “These students represent a valuable national resource; recognizing their accomplishments, as well as the key role their schools play in their academic development, is vital to the advancement of educational excellence in our nation.”

Mackenzie is the daughter of Kristen and David Beck. Her current GPA is 4.47. While she is still undecided on a major, Mackenzie is considering The Ohio State University, University of Tennessee, and Miami University.

While in high school, Mackenzie participates in Varsity Women's Soccer and Lacrosse, National Honor Society, Spanish National Honor Society, RAISE Team, Spanish Club, and Kings Freshman Camp.

Johnathan is the son of Christine and Keith VonAllmen. His future plans include studying Paleontology at either the University of Chicago, Yale University, The Ohio State University, or the University of Cincinnati. His current GPA is 4.43. At KHS he is involved in Kings Theatre, Ski Club, National Honor Society, Spanish National Honor Society, and he is the President of the Dungeons & Dragons Club.

Congratulations to Mackenzie and Johnathan!

Niche Ranks Kings as a Best School District has again ranked the best school district for 2024.

Kings has historically performed well in Niche rankings, which are based on academic and student life data from the U.S. Department of Education. They also use teacher salaries, racial and economic diversity, and surveys from Niche users as a part of their methodology.

Kings is ranked in the top 8% of school districts in the nation and 7% in Ohio. Kings is ranked #45 out of 605 school districts in Ohio and ranked the 11th best school district in the Cincinnati/NKY Area.

We take pride in the recognition that Kings is a great place to learn, a great place to work, and a great community to live!

KHS Homecoming Royalty Crowned

Congratulations to Kings High School seniors Payten Butler and Drew Burdine for being named 2023 KHS Homecoming Queen and King on Friday, September 22. 

The King and Queen were voted on by their peers. 

KHS Homecoming Court

The Kings High School Homecoming Court was named last week. Congratulations to the following students who have been voted by their peers to represent KHS this year. 

Freshman Court:  Oliva Allen, Jaden Hornbeck, Lucy Kohls, and Maxwell Peters. Sophomore Court: Marin Bodey, Grady McKelvey, Madison Titler, and Ben Lockwood. Junior Court: Bella Bradds, Sam Strickland, Lily Medina and Toriano Johnson. Senior Court: Kenzie Beck, Sam Lockwood, Skyler Brandt, Jack Bender, Payten Butler, Aric Schauer, Madeline Hartke, Drew Burdine, MacKayla Heigl, Paul Kelly, Alyssa Johnson, and Aidan Shutt.

Kings Homecoming Highlights

What a night it was in Kings Mills on Friday, September 22. The weather was beautiful and the streets of Kings Mills were packed with kids and adults alike to watch the Kings Homecoming parade. 

The Kings Education Association hosted its second Homecoming Block Party on the practice fields by Kings High School.The community enjoyed music, face painting, bracelet making, the dunk tank, and inflatables. KEA President Sam Mizener wants to thank the Ohio Education Association which awarded KEA with a grant to defray the costs of the Block Party. 

A highlight of this year's parade was the outpouring of support for South Lebanon Elementary first grader, Ashton Hawkins. Ashton was diagnosed with brain cancer (Medullablastoma) only five weeks ago. She spent several weeks at Cincinnati Children's Hospital. Unfortunately, another tumor was found on the opposite side of her brain and she had to undergo another surgery this week.

Ashton and her family led the Homecoming Parade which included #AshtonStrong and cancer awareness posters. They were recognized before the football game on Friday Night. In a tribute to Ashton and the battle she is fighting, the announcer said, The local Kings School District and Kings Football Program welcome the Hawkins Family: Amanda, Kurtis, Sage, Ashton, Sloane, Eden, and Koa. The Hawkins family and all of Knight Nation stand with Ashton as she continues to be #AshtonStrong through each step of conquering cancer. As September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, we would like to send strength and perseverance to Ashton and all children who are fighting battles. At this time, we ask everyone who is willing and able to please stand to know Ashton and her family that Knights never fight our battles alone.”

If you'd like to follow Ashton's story you can visit her Caring Bridge page. If you would like to support Ashton's family visit their Meal Train or GoFundMe pages. #UnKnitedwithAshton

The parade was livestreamed on Kings Facebook page.

KECC Literacy Night

The Kings Early Childhood Center (KECC) hosted its annual Family Literacy Night on Thursday, September 28. Students and their families were invited to participate in hands-on activities, sign up for Dolly Parton's Imagination Library, purchase Spirit Wear, and shop at the Scholastic Book Fair. 

Teacher, Theresa Frazier said, "It was a beautiful fall evening filled with learning and fun!" 

Kings Football Player Gives Back

Kings Football's Senior Defensive Player, Colton Weisbrod spent some time recently in Mrs. Heather Combs and Mrs. Jennifer Westley's 2nd-grade class at South Lebanon Elementary.

He helped the 2nd graders make noise makers for homecoming and signed autographs. Mrs. Combs said that the students look forward to his visit every year. She said, "So sad it is his last year! So proud of this young man! Go KNIGHTS!"

Kings Theatre Releases 2023-2024 Show Schedule

National Leader in Education Innovation to Speak at Kings

The Kings District is excited to host Dr. Bill Daggett on Thursday, October 19 at 7:00 p.m. at Kings High School to present - The Future of Education - Preparing Students For Their Future, Not Our Past. Learn how A.I. and emerging technologies impact the skills, knowledge, and attributes students need to succeed in the changing workplace and society.

For over 30 years, Dr. Daggett has crisscrossed the nation and the industrialized world to lead school reform efforts to effectively prepare students for their future. He is recognized worldwide for his proven ability to move pre-K-12 education systems towards more rigorous and relevant skills and knowledge for all students.

His message aligns with the District's Power 5 Future Skills Strategy and Action Plan that provides our Kings students with all the tools to navigate an ever-changing world and to be highly competitive and prepared for success beyond the walls of our school district. Those skills are critical thinking, collaboration, communication, problem-solving, and career, college, and life readiness. 

This session is free to the community and sponsored by High Aims. We hope you'll join us!

Calling all Kings Alumni

We are looking to bolster our Kings Alumni database. Are you a Kings High School graduate or know someone who is? Please share the form with your fellow graduates. This will help our reunion committees and keep you updated on what is happening at your alma mater!

Please complete this Alumni Roundup Form.

Kings Board of Education Information

Board Members

Kings Board of Education (L-R): Janelle Groff, Board Member; John Skerl, Board Member; Deb Cowan, Board Member; Stacie Belfrom, President; and Peggy Phillips, Vice-President.

The Board of Education meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every month for a Work Session at 5:30 p.m. and the 3rd Tuesday of every month for a Regular Meeting at 6:00 p.m.

Visit the Board of Education page on our website for meeting dates, meeting recordings, and agendas.

All meetings are live-streamed on the Kings Youtube channel.

District Online Spiritwear Store

If you are looking to purchase Kings Spiritwear, visit the Kings Online Spiritwear Store provided by our partner ROKKITWEAR. All items will be printed and sent out within 5 business days! You can also personalize any item in the store!

Keep in touch with all things Kings Spiritwear by following our Facebook page!

Join Our Team!l

The District is in great need of substitute teachers, childcare aides, paraprofessionals, food service workers, and bus drivers. 

KME is in need of a 2.5-hour lunch/recess aide. If you know anyone looking for work, please pass this along.

Visit our Human Resources page today and join our team!

Digital Flyers

In an effort to be "green," the District does not send paper flyers home. We use a platform called Peachjar that houses flyers of community programs and resources. 

Parents receive approved flyers via email, and they are posted on our digital flyerboard for easy retrieval. Any organization can distribute information to our community by creating an account!

If you aren't following us on our social media channels, you are missing out! Don't miss one bit of news!
Make sure to follow us on social media!
Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to keep in the loop!

Kings Athletic News

Check out Kings Athletics website! You can find out schedule information, upcoming events, news about teams, and even get directions to away venues. 

If you aren't following Kings Athletics on Facebook and Twitter, or Instagram, you're missing out on some of the great things our student-athletes are doing!

Like and follow them today!

Send Us the News You Want to See!

Contact Dawn Gould - Community Relations Coordinator at or phone: 513-459-2925.

Knight Nation News is a publication of the Kings Local School District Communications Department.
click here to subscribe.

Kings Local School District
1797 King Ave
Kings Mills, Ohio 45034
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