
Future Health Professionals Visit Macon Campus

Last week, the Young Physician’s Initiative (YPI), in partnership with the surgery interest group, welcoming Morgan County high school’s Health Occupation Students of America group to our Macon campus. Students toured the medical school, viewed organs in the anatomy cadaver lab, and learned about the cadaver donor process, organ donation, and transplant surgery. This DISC project is led by MS-2s Bryce Greene, Bret Garza, Anna Gerald, and Myles Duncan and is affiliated with the rural division of YPI, which aims to mentor and encourage young students in rural areas to pursue medicine and help address the barriers they may face along the way. 

Learn more about YIP

Diversity Meet and Greet 

The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion would like to thank everyone who came to their meet and greet event this month. They'd also like to extend a special congratulations to the guessing game winners for each campus!

Todd Martin Wood, MS-3 (Columbus)

Anna Gerald, MS-2 (Macon) 

Daniel Ospina, MS-4 (Savannah) 

Savannah Campus Blood Drive  

November 9 | 12 - 5 PM | AUD 

The Savannah class of 2025 has partnered with American Red-Cross to host a blood drive. Students who sign up and donate will receive 1 credit hour for volunteer/DISC hours.

You can sign up here or by downloading the blood donor app.

Type in 'Mercer' to schedule your appointment. 

Contact Allie Jones or Katelyn Crumbley with any questions.

2nd Annual Student Research Symposium

January 27 | 1 - 4 PM | All Campuses

The Student Organization for the Advancement of Research and Service invites all MUSM students to practice their research skills by participating in the 2nd Annual Student Research Symposium. Submissions will be accepted in 1 of 3 categories:

  • Literature Review
  • Case Report/Series
  • Original Research. 

The deadline to submit abstracts is November 30 at 11:59 PM.

Guidelines and submission links can be found here.

USCMed MEMMYS Video Contest

The University of South Carolina School of Medicine invites students to submit an original music video to provide a glimpse into the challenging and rewarding lives of medical students for their annual Memmys awards. Three health professional schools will be selected by a panel of judges to receive a Memmys award to have on display and each school's library will receive a monetary prize (1st place $1,500, 2nd place $1,000, and 3rd place $500). The deadline to submit a video is March 15, 2023.

To learn more about Memmys and to view all of the submission requirements, deadlines, and previous winners, visit their website.

Special Program Informational Sessions

November 21 | 12 - 1 pm | DLR (Columbus)

December 7 | 12 - 1 pm | DLR (Macon)

December 8 | 12 - 1 pm | DLR (Savannah)

Register today for our in-person special programs informational session! During these sessions we will cover the academic and service requirements of the Primary Care Accelerated Track (PC-ACT) Program and the Nathan Deal Scholars Program. You will also have a chance to ask any questions you may have before applications open in January.


Student Affairs Page

Visit the Student Affairs and Services webpage for quick access to the student handbook, library resources, career counseling resources, and more!

MUSM Student Calendar

Stay up to date on campus events, interest group meetings, and more with MUSM's student calendar.

Email Signature Format

To maintain consistency and protect the School’s identity, we have developed a MUSM email signature and email standards. All faculty, staff, and students are required to follow our email signature standards when using their Mercer email. If you need help updating your email signature, instructions are below.

Instructions for PC | Instructions for Mac

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