Through our practice we can come to understand what is possible for the human heart.

Explore yoga & meditation classes for all levels of practice.

❄️Winter's Special Events at the Wing/Tribe❄️

Yoga for Chronic Pain

8 week series

January 21 - March 10

Sundays 3-4:15pm with Dana Cervone

* few spots left, register today!

Been hesitant to practice due to your chronic pain? Curious if yoga could help? This class is ideal for you. Join Dana Cervone, Nurse Practitioner with years of experience with teaching people a healthy way to manage chronic pain.

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New Moon Yoga & Drum

Friday February 9, 6pm

with Sally & Melinda

New moons often have energy congruent with renewal or liberation. Let's gather together for a deep practice of movement, meditation, and deep rest set to the percussive rhythms Melinda provides, sowing seeds for personal & collective healing, joy, peace.

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Soul Lift:

5 Week Winter's Yoga Series

Wednesdays 7pm

begins 2/7 - 3/6

with Halley Gradus

Included in this series is a collection practices to help us stay connected to our inner being, joy, the Earth and each other while we begin to prepare for rebirth in spring. Register for series or use your class card.


Rhythm of the Seasons:

Imbolc Drum with Mark Z.

Friday February 2, 7pm

Join us as we honor Imbolc, Mid-Winter. To the ancients, it was the beginning of Spring and a return of the light. Come to drum, to move, or simply be.


Partner Yoga Workshop

Saturday February 10


Join Sally & Aaron Noel and move through some fun and supportive partner poses to engage and relax, teaching each of us more about what it is to give AND receive.


Ayurveda Self-Care Class

Saturday February 17, 4-6pm

with Lauren Dailey

Join Lauren as she briefly reviews the basics of Ayurveda and shares more about “dinacharya,” a daily Ayurvedic self-care routine.


Yoga & Meditation Basics

Sundays 12-1pm with Sally Noel

All welcome.


Prenatal Yoga

Tuesdays 11-12pm with Saskia Bergmans


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