L&I Newsletter - June 2022


L&I information sessions

The Department of Licenses and Inspections is offering regular information sessions to assist stakeholders in navigating L&I processes and keeping abreast of code changes. A list of current offerings is provided below. Customers can also sign-up for this and future webinars under the “Events” section of the L&I homepage (

  • Philadelphia Contracting Requirements - Wednesday, July 6 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm - For more information and to register, click here.

  • L&I eCLIPSE Q&A session – Tuesday, August 16 @ 9:30 am – 11:00 am - For more information and to register, click here.

  • L&I eCLIPSE Permitting and Licensing Basics – Wednesday, August 24 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am - For more information and to register, click here.

Note: Capacity is limited and, in order to accommodate all stakeholders, we ask that you only register if you plan on attending the session and, if your circumstances change, please cancel your registration.


Excavation contractor license and excavation permit requirements

The Department conducted an information session earlier this month to review planned enforcement of Bill No. 210389 and Bill No. 220008, intended to increase protections during construction.

The topics covered during the information session include:

  • New excavation contractor license and excavation permit
  • Pre-construction survey and monitoring requirements
  • New special inspector license categories
  • Required notification to adjacent property owner
  • Building and site restoration after demolition

You can review the presentation slides on the L&I website and, if your work typically involves structural alteration, new construction, or demolition, we strongly encourage you to participate in future information sessions on these new laws that become effective on January 1, 2023.

Permit filing date

The permit filing date is an important milestone because it often determines the effect of new laws on a project. This regulation, effective June 19, 2022, establishes a permit filing date that accounts for online processing times and minor application corrections.

The following permit resources were recently added to the L&I website,

  • Start Right Guide has been updated to reflect current processes. This document is a guide to planning and completing construction and renovation projects for your home or business.

  • Paper permit application information sheet - This information sheet on paper application submissions provide detail on filing paper applications at the Permit and License Center, including securing pre-requisite approvals, responding to a 'Request for Information', and securing final approved plans.

  • L&I and ZBA approval process flowcharts - This document is intended to provide clarity around the interactions between L&I and the ZBA, the customer's role in these processes and the anticipated timeframe of each process. 


The following changes will go into effect on July 1, 2022:

Site violation notices

The courtesy warning period for site violation notices will conclude on June 30, 2022. All site violation notices issued on or after July 1, 2022 will include financial penalty, ranging from $150 - $1,000 per occurrence or per day, depending on the class of violation.

Please visit our website for more information on site violation notices, including settlement options and mode of payment.

2021 accessibility provisions

All construction permit applications submitted on or after July 1, 2022 shall be reviewed in accordance with the 2021 Accessibility Provisions. Please refer to Code Bulletin B-2101 for more information on the adoption schedule and the FAQ for detail on specific changes.

Plumbing system certification

You will be required to submit the Plumbing Systems Certification form for all new construction projects to demonstrate compliance with the testing requirements of the Philadelphia Plumbing Code.

This form must be uploaded to the associated Plumbing Permit using the 'eCLIPSE Hold Permit Completion' process and must be provided prior to requesting final inspections. For more information visit the Construction Inspections section of our website.

Annual certification of water-based fire protection systems

You will be required to identify the licensed Fire Suppression Systems Worker who performed testing and inspection of the water-based fire protection or standpipe system. Beginning July 1, 2022, individuals performing annual inspections on water-based fire protection systems must possess an active Fire Suppressions Systems Worker Specialty License.

Civic design review

Any revised zoning plans submitted to L&I following the completion of Civic Design Review must be accompanied by the Civic Design Review Revisions form, documenting specific changes and reason for the change. If the change was not a direct result of a recommendation by the Registered Community Organization or Civic Design Review Committee, a new application may be required.

Additional reminders:

2018 international residential code

All construction permit applications for one-and-two family dwellings that are submitted on or after August 14, 2022, shall be reviewed in accordance with the 2018 International Residential Code, with state and local amendments.

Please refer to Code Bulletin B-2202 for more information on the adoption schedule and the FAQ for detail on specific changes.

Back issues of the L&I Newsletters are available on the L&I website under Resources.