April 2022
Happy Birthday to us! April 1st marks 45 years of Senior Coastsiders providing meals and services to older adults on the Coastside! The vision for a senior community on the coast began in the early 1970s, with a focus on providing services to seniors using a model of volunteerism, community partnerships and fundraising. We will be celebrating this milestone over the next few months with a grand barbecue on July 1st and an Open House event from 3:00-5:00PM on May 5th for Coastside Gives- SAVE THE DATES!
New and Upcoming!
Call Senior Coastsiders at 650-726-9056 for further information on classes or upcoming events. To see regularly scheduled weekly classes, be sure to scroll down.
AARP Tax Services - AARP Foundation Tax-Aide is the nation's largest, free, in-person tax preparation service. Volunteers are trained and IRS certified each year. They offer tax preparation help to anyone, and if you're 50 and older and can't afford a tax preparation service, they are especially for you! This service is offered Monday and Wednesday afternoons between 1:30-3:30pm through tax season at Senior Coastsiders. Appointments last one hour and can be made by calling Senior Coastsiders at 650-726-9056.
Please note that certain complex tax situations, such as taxpayers who own rental property or operate complex businesses, are not within the training of our Tax-Aide volunteers and cannot be completed.

*Only a few appointments left! Call soon!*
Coffee Time! If you're looking for a hot cup of coffee and a chance to socialize, stop by the Senior Coastsiders Dining Room, Monday-Friday starting at 10:00AM. Daily Journal is available in the lobby and on Wednesdays, the HMB Review can also be found in the lobby. Come visit us!
Gathering for Rene Wyman Rene's family welcomes her friends to come share some cake and coffee on Monday, April 4th at 1:00PM behind Senior Coastsiders near the fountain. Rene left us on Jan. 19th to be with her husband Larry, her parents and brother.
Shade installation on Monday, April 4th We are very excited to be getting new shades installed throughout our facility thanks to a grant from the San Mateo County Office of Sustainability. These new shades will help block heat transfer from the sun on warm days and allow our facility to serve as a heat and wildfire resiliency hub. Please be patient on Monday, April 4th as we do expect some disruptions during installation.
Mystery Book Club This group meets the first Wednesday of each month (April 6th this month) at 12:00PM. The group will be discussing The Killings at Badger's Drift, by Caroline Graham. Group meets in person with Zoom option. To connect via Zoom, click HERE (passcode BOOKS) or contact vaughnharrison@yahoo.com. Future books can be picked up at the Senior Coastsiders office at 925 Main Street.
Grocery trips on the bus Senior Coastsiders is hoping to resume weekly bus service to the grocery store for seniors and want to gauge your interest. If you are interested in the return of this service, please send an email to enavarrete@seniorcoastsiders.org with the subject "BUS".
Fall Prevention Resources
Last month's Tips to Prevent Trips presentation was excellent - and was recorded! To access the recording, click HERE. Also, below are additional fall prevention resources:

My Senior Center - Do you have a card? We are making great progress rolling out our new check in system with our lunch participants, volunteers, and now class participants. This new, efficient technology will help us better organize things at the Center. Regular visitors and volunteers are provided a small key tag to swipe across a scanner located in the lobby. Participants will then press the touchscreen to select the activities they'll be participating in that day. If you haven't yet registered, please do so HERE or swing by the office to complete a hard copy to ensure we have your most updated information. If you've already filled out the registration, stop by the office to pick up your card and get a quick tutorial on the system. It's super easy - we promise!
Lunch with your instructor Pre and post class time can be a bit hectic with busy schedules. Wouldn't it be nice to sit and chat over a meal with your class instructor?Starting this month, our Pilates and Functional Movement instructor, Kerri Dorn, will be sticking around on the first Friday of each month to have lunch in the dining room and chat with students - without the stress of starting class late or missing an appointment! Come join Kerri for lunch and a chance to chat!
Friday Duplicate Bridge has returned! Play begins at 11:45am Players must be masked and step outside for snacks and beverages. If you would like to play, please email mariagrigorieff@gmail.com. If you haven't played with the group before, you should bring proof of Covid vaccination the first time you play. 
International Days in the Dining Room International cuisine AND special programming? What could be better!? One day each month will feature an international dish accompanied by trivia, games, music, or activities around the featured country. Join us for a trip to Spain on Thursday, April 14th! We will enjoy paella, Spanish guitar, and fun! Passports not required!
Coastal Arts League Friday Art Classes have resumed! Class topics/mediums change each week.

  • April 1 – Gail Dennis - Beginning watercolor
  • April 8 – Rebecca Ellis - Drawing with Oil Pastels
  • April 15 - NO CLASS
  • April 22 - Greta Waterman - Oil Pastels
  • April 29 - Nancee McDonnell - Collage
Home Repair - June 4th!
If you are interested in receiving some friendly help at home with minor repairs this year
please complete our Home Repair application which can be accessed HERE or call our office and we can mail an application out to you. To be considered for our June event, applications must be received no later than April 15th. Please note, we also do repairs year round, including in emergencies. Please contact Hope Atmore at hatmore@seniorcoastsiders.org for further information. For those interested in volunteering, stay tuned! We will have all the details available starting in April.
Senior Coastsiders Cookbook - Cookin' on the Coast Hot off the presses, this collection of recipes comes from volunteers, participants, and even our own chef! Cookbooks available for purchase now for $20.00 each. Order online HERE or come to the Senior Coastsiders office. Books are also being sold at Inkspell Books at 500 Purissima Street in town.
Sneakers for Good/Sneakers for Funds Do you have some gently used sneakers or athletic shoes that still have some life left in them? Consider bringing them to Senior Coastsiders where we will have a collection box through collaboration with Sneakers for Good. Sneakers collected in the program are shipped to micro-enterprises in 27 different developing countries. There they are cleaned, fixed and used as inventory to support these small businesses. Micro-enterprises allow families to pave a path out of poverty through a hand up not a hand out model. Learn more about acceptable shoes HERE. This is for gently used, clean athletic shoes ONLY.
Comment Box is Back! We are dusting off the old comment box and invite you to let us know how we are doing. Please look for the box and cards by the coffee area. Comments will be treated as anonymous unless author notes otherwise. We will do our best to respond to your constructive feedback on lunch, classes, programming - or anything - in a timely manner. Additionally, your lunch table may be randomly selected to give feedback about our nutrition program - we can't wait to hear your ideas!
Many Older Phones (Flip Phones) will stop working this year if you don’t upgrade. All major carriers are ending 3G service in 2022 which means flip phones/smartphones over 9 years old may stop working. This includes the ability to call 911. Call your carrier to verify if your phone will work once 3G is shut down. AT&T ended 3G support in February. Sprint 3G will end by March 31. T-Mobile 3G will end by July 1. Verizon 3G will end by December 31.
Affordable Connectivity Program(ACP) You could save $30 a month toward Internet service through this government program that offers long-term financial assistance to qualified households. To see if you qualify, click HERE.To enroll in ACP through Xfinity, click HERE. If you don’t use Xfinity, call your internet provider and let them know you qualify for the ACP program. Please let us know if you need help with these steps and we can schedule time with our computer tutors.
Computer Tutoring We have volunteer tech tutors four days a week. Come in and troubleshoot or learn how to better use your computer or smart phone!
  • Mondays with Wanda from 12-2
  • Tuesdays with Carolyn from 11-1
  • Wednesdays with April from 10-12
  • Thursdays with James from 2-4
Appointments required. Please schedule with the Senior Coastsiders office.
Let's Talk and Dine - New Session just started

Did you know that according to the CDC, social isolation is associated with heightened risks for heart disease and stroke, anxiety disorders, and a 50% increased risk of dementia. Turn over a new leaf to increase your social activities away from your home. Each week, a new topic will be covered and facilitated by a trained counselor from Peninsula Family Services. Group meets on Mondays at noon in the sunroom (lunch is served). Reservation recommended but not required.

Upcoming topics:
  • 4/4 Stories from the treasure box: personal memories.
  • 4/11 What to do about the things you don't want to do - What are the things that you don’t like to do, but you have to do? Why? How do you handle it?
  • 4/18 Your grandparents: What you know and how they influenced you - Did you have one of the possible four grandparents who was a particular influence on you? In what way?
  • 4/25 Our best decisions - What was the best decision you made when you were in different stages of your life? (under 20, 20-40, 40-60, 60+)
World Book Day on Friday, April 22nd, we will celebrate World Book Day (technically 4/23) with a visit from local library staff. You are also invited to bring in a favorite book to pass along (if you're willing) or to at least share and discuss during lunch. Following lunch, join us outside for a lovely concert with Jimin Koo.
Violin concert Friday, April 22nd at 12:30PM violin concert (outdoors) with Jimin Koo. Jimin is a junior at Cupertino High School. She currently studies with Davis Law at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music Pre-College Division. Jimin has been a member of the California Youth Symphony Senior Orchestra and was previously a member of Palo Alto Chamber Orchestra. She is a part of her school’s Chamber Orchestra, and has participated in the 2021 and 2022 California All State Symphony Orchestras. She also performed as a soloist with the Palo Alto Chamber Orchestra in 2016, and has won awards in the Korea Times Music Competition, Silicon Valley Music Competition, KAMSA Competition, and Junior Bach Festival.
Give some love to Mother Earth Following the concert, those who are able, are invited to go out and do some trash pick up on Main Street and Purissima to make our earth a little lovelier. Let's find the trash before it ends up in storm drains or blowing to the beach. We will provide gloves, trash bags, and company - please meet by the back fountain at 1:30PM.
Recycling Event for Half Moon Bay Residents Click image below for details.
Be Sensitive, Be Brave Workshop
Tuesday, April 26th from 4:00-6:00PM at 925 Main Street.
"Be Sensitive, Be Brave for Mental Health" infuses culture and diversity throughout a foundational workshop on mental health. This free workshop prepares community members to help friends and loved ones during times of distress. Learn how to recognize mental health conditions, what to do when someone needs support, and tools for maintaining good mental health.This workshop is encouraged for all ages -highschool and up - throughout the entire Coastside community. We will serve pizza and salad following the workshop. Registration required - limited to 40 participants. Please click HERE to register.
Do you shop on Amazon? Did you know that every time you buy something through Amazon, you could be supporting Senior Coastsiders? Visit smile.amazon.com and sign in with your Amazon.com credentials. Search and choose Senior Coastsiders as your charitable organization and start shopping! Add a bookmark for smile.amazon.com to make it even easier to return and start your shopping at AmazonSmile!
Save the Date Nancy Margulies: How Did I End Up Here? A film by Ray Day.
Meet in the Senior Coastsiders dining room for a multimedia event at 4:00PM on Friday, May 6th, featuring activist art by Nancy Margulies, followed by a documentary about Nancy’s life and work. Local filmmaker, Ray Day, created the film and he and Nancy will be on hand for Q&A’s. To preview the film trailer, click HERE.
Free Home Covid Tests Senior Coastsiders has a limited supply of home Covid tests available on a first come, first served basis, Please call or stop by for more information or to pick up a test.
Free KN95 Masks Available Senior Coastsiders has KN95 masks available for older adults. Please stop by our office. Limit 2 per person.
Other upcoming Community Events & Info
Save the Date - ALL MONTH!
May is Older Americans Month and for 2022, the focus will be on aging in place – how older adults can plan to stay in their homes and live independently in their communities for as long as possible. The 2022 theme is Age My Way, an opportunity for all of us to explore the many ways older adults can remain in and be involved with their communities. Stay tuned for special activities planned for the month of May - and if you want to share how you are 'Aging Your Way,' let us know!
Every year on June 15th, communities around the world join to commemorate
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD). We will mark this date by broadcasting a joint WEAAD webinar to share strategies for advancing elder justice. Since its inception 16 years ago, WEAAD has provided an opportunity to promote awareness of—and critical actions from all over the world that addresses—abuse, neglect, and exploitation of older people. To read an FAQ on elder abuse, click HERE.
Congratulations to The Table of Plenty for being awarded the Jefferson Award! The Jefferson Awards for Public Service were created in 1972 by the American Institute for Public Service and are given at national and local levels. Each award is sponsored by local media outlets. KPIX5, the San Francisco-based CBS affiliate, has given the Jefferson
Award to Sister Jeannette Braun and Clyde Beffa on behalf of the TABLE of PLENTY! The see coverage of this award, click HERE. Over nearly a decade, the TABLE of PLENTY has served more than 100,000 meals in our coastal community. Congratulations on this well deserved award!
New Household Hazardous Waste Program The free HHW Home Pick-up Program allows the County to service the HHW disposal needs of adults who are homebound, disabled, and over the age of 65 and cannot drive. The County will pick up the household hazardous waste directly from the homes of San Mateo County residents who qualify and cannot transport their household hazardous waste to a County HHW collection event. Pick ups will occur on available Wednesdays from 9:00am to 1:00pm. Appointments must be made. For additional information and appointments, call 650-399-6919 or 650-372-6200.
The San Mateo County Commission 
on Disabilities is requesting feedback from the community on paratransit service within the county (Redi-Wheels or RediCoast). You are invited to complete the survey below:
This survey is anonymous, and will take roughly 15-30 minutes to complete. All input will be used to identify any areas of improvement. Questions regarding the survey can be directed to Andrew Eng at aeng@smcgov.org or by phone (650)713-8659.
Beacon - Tidings Connection Here on the Coastside, we are lucky to have many great events and programs. In an effort to make our participants/readers aware of even more opportunities, we are connecting with the American Association of University Women (AAUW) and cross-pollinating! See below for details of their upcoming meeting:
AAUW Monthly Meeting – Open to the Public
Monday, April 18, 2022 – 6:30-8:30p.m.
Half Moon Bay Library, 620 Correas Avenue
Our HMB community abounds with nonprofits that support all walks of life. Join AAUW this evening on April 18 to learn about two of these unsung heroes of the coastside and of our world.
Sonrisas, translation, Smiles, was created in 2001 by community members, wanting to serve low-income neighbors. It focuses on dental care, critically important for our overall health. They do screenings for local schools, offer dental care on a sliding scale, and have recently obtained a grant specifically geared to help seniors. Maura LeBaron-Hsieh will share information about Sonrisas.
Our second featured nonprofit is Coastside Hope, established in 1976 as a human services agency to benefit the residents of the mid-coast in San Mateo County. Their mission is to provide necessities to enhance quality of life for all of our neighbors on the Coastside. They address issues such as food needs, income tax help, and citizenship. These past two years they have been especially active in providing Covid testing and vaccines. Judith Guerrero will speak on behalf of Coastside Hope.
Please join us in the HMB Library at 6:30p.m. We will meet to socialize and to listen to these amazing women, sharing insights about Sonrisas and Coastside Hope.
Community Voices Making the Coastside More Age Friendly
On March 29, at Senior Coastsiders, 25 local residents reviewed photos and comments gathered by members of the Coastside community using the Stanford Healthy Neighborhood Discovery Tool mobile app. Over dinner, the group came up with a list of ideas to make the Coastside more age friendly. Each person then voted on the issues they felt were most important, and as a group highlighted the need for free community-wide Wifi, additional multi-language programming, and the need for improved public transportation.
This is an ongoing project with materials and support in English, Chinese, and Spanish. We would love to hear from you! If you’re interested, please register at https://redcap.link/AgeFriendlyCoastside or contact Sandi Winter (swinter@seniorcoastsiders.org).
Senior Coastsiders pet buddy program provides support services for seniors and their pets. Volunteers can help with dog walking, in home cat care, medication assistance, transportation to the vet, and more! The program also provides pet food, cat litter, limited financial assistance towards veterinary care and adoption assistance.
We are fortunate to have several wonderful adoption agencies on the Coast. One of those is the Coastal Cat Rescue group, an organization that helps with trapping, spay and neuter, and adoptions. They currently have a very friendly seven-year-old cat named Baby. She’s spayed, current on shots and in excellent health (except for a head tilt acquired in her youth - probably the result of an ear infection) She is sweet and docile and wants nothing more than a lap to lie on! She would be great as a 100% indoor cat. She’s been in foster care for more than a year and is ready for her forever home. If interested, please contact Judy Wilson at Coastal Cat Rescue https://www.coastalcatsrescuegroup.org or call (415) 515-7580. For more information on the pet buddy program please call 650-726-9056.
Lunches, classes, and programs are in full swing!

We are offering many classes in one of three different formats: virtually over Zoom, in-person, or a hybrid model. We hope to have options for everyone and welcome your feedback.

NEW - We have been slowly rolling out our new My Senior Center check in system! Be sure to register and come by to pick up your card!

  • Zoom links and online waivers for all virtual classes are available on our website.
  • If you are coming for in-person classes, please plan to arrive a bit early to complete necessary waivers and learn how to use My Senior Center
  • In case of canceled classes, we will do our best to provide links for previously recorded classes below each class description.
  • Our dining room is open Mondays-Fridays starting at 10:00AM for coffee and lunch registration begins at 11:45AM. Lunch is served at noon.
  • Birthday lunch is the third Wednesday of each month.
  • Live music during lunch is indicated by a musical note on menu.
  • Once a month, we celebrate a different country with a special meal, & trivia

See below for our current class listings and the April menu. For a full list of class descriptions and instructors, click HERE.
Please note upcoming changes in class schedules - check upcoming events on our website for ongoing updates.
  • Thursday Mah Jong has moved to 2nd and 4th Wednesday
  • Jetta's Wednesday Rosen Class will have a sub on April 13th and the remaining Wednesdays will be done at the center following a DVD.
Supporting Senior Coastsiders
Special thanks to the owners and staff of Brush Hog Tree Care who sponsored all of our home delivered meals and meals in our dining room (159 meals total) on Monday, March 28th in honor of Anthony Cattaneo's 12th birthday. The crew also brought M&M's and lots of smiles and good cheer!

Thank you all at Brush Hog Tree Care and Happy Birthday, Anthony!
Just for Fun!

A Note from the Executive Director
The AARP (formerly known as the Association of American Retired Persons) recently released a new report - The Longevity Economy® Outlook - that provides fascinating information about the contributions Americans age 50+ make to the economy, and predictions about their future economic impact. The report considers the effects of COVID-19 on US demographic and economic projections and the forecasts were informed by data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and The Economist Intelligence Unit’s macroeconomic forecasts. The text below is only lightly edited from the text that can be found on the AARP website.
As people live longer and healthier lives, they are contributing to communities and fueling economic growth well past the traditional retirement age. The contributions of people 50+ benefit society and Americans of all ages, as growing numbers of older adults’ work, pay taxes, support the job market, give time and money to charitable causes, and provide caregiving support to family and friends. Here are six insights from the AARP research:
  • Economic contributions from older adults will grow over time, benefitting people of all ages and generations. The 50+ age cohort contributes $8.3 trillion to the U.S. economy each year, or 40% of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In 2030, when the first of the millennials are about to turn 50, the 50+ age group will contribute $12.6 trillion to the U.S. economy. By 2050, when Gen Zers will be turning 50, the 50+ age group will contribute $26.8 trillion to the U.S. economy. In terms of direct spending, 56 cents of every dollar spent in the U.S in 2018 was attributable to the 50+ population and this share is set to increase to 61 cents by 2050.
  • Societal contributions from older adults strengthen communities across the country. People aged 50+ contributed $745 billion worth of unpaid activities such as volunteering and caregiving across the country. In addition, people aged 50+ made $97 billion in charitable contributions in 2018. They spent $135 billion on educational services, including for their children and grandchildren, and contributed $4 billion to educational institutions across the U.S.
  • The 50+ age demographic has a major impact on taxes. In 2018, the 50+ age demographic contributed $2.1 trillion in tax revenue. That figure will increase four times by 2050. This tax revenue includes both amounts directly paid by people 50+ and the ripple effects of all their economic activities.
  • The 50+ age group will be a critical driver of job sustainability in the U.S. through 2050. In 2018, people aged 50+ supported 88.6 million jobs in the U.S., through jobs they hold or create, directly or indirectly. This is projected to grow to 101.7 million jobs in 2050.
  • However, age discrimination against American’s age 50+ cost the U.S. economy $850 billion in 2018. The potential economic contribution of the 50+ age cohort could increase by $3.9 trillion in a no-age bias economy, which would mean a contribution of $30.7 trillion to GDP by 2050.
  • If working family caregivers had more access to supportive policies, the economy would benefit as well. If family caregivers ages 50+ have access to support in the workplace, the potential economic contribution could increase by $1.7 trillion (5.5%) in 2030 — and by $4.1 trillion (6.6%) in 2050.
  • If we could eliminate disparities in life expectancy, the U.S. economy would be $1.6 trillion larger in 2030 alone. Eliminating disparities in life expectancy today would lead to an additional $1.6 trillion in economic activity in 2030 which would represent an additional 5.1% of the projected GDP. Disparities we see today stifle economic growth and would also result in an annual loss of $1.1 trillion in total consumer spending alone in 2030.

People aged 50+ sure are an economic powerhouse!
Community News You Can Use!
We take great pride in our community partnerships and view them as one more way to help provide resources for our community.
Peninsula Clean Energy offers a home electrification program that includes no-cost electric appliances, energy efficiency upgrades, and home repairs. This program provides income-qualified homeowners with home repairs and energy efficiency upgrades at no cost. You can improve your home, making it more comfortable, healthier, and even save money on your utility bill.

To learn more and pre-apply, visit: https://www.peninsulacleanenergy.com/home-upgrade-program/.

If you have any questions about the program, please email:
Don’t throw away your mask just yet! Although the indoor mask mandate has been lifted, you may want to consider wearing a mask in certain situations. Upgrade your mask to a KF94/KN95 or N95 for the best protection. We still have KN95 masks available, as well as a few free at-home COVID tests.
If you need assistance with shopping, would like to sign up for meals on wheels, need a mask, or need other assistance, we are just a phone call away! Please call our office at 650-726-9056.
Please forward to anyone you think might benefit from this information!