June news
Season tickets - how to let patrons select their own performances in a flex pass
Run a spreadsheet to help you renew subscribers
Add special price or comp tickets to a GA sale
How to find what you are looking for

How to let patrons pick their performances
when buying a flex pass online
Want to set up your season tickets as a flex pass where people buy tickets that include a set number of shows, and they can pick which performance to attend when they buy it online? You can use HTML codes to set up "form choices" that will give them a drop down menu to choose from, as illustrated in the screen shot above. As a custom service, we can also do it for you. Learn more here.
Run a spreadsheet of subscribers to send out renewals
If you read the latest Wintix update email, you know there is a new feature to help you create a spreadsheet to use for a subscriber renewal campaign.

It will list the number of tickets purchased, the price category, and price per category. Please note that the season ticket renewal form radio button is meant to be sent only to a spreadsheet format, not to the screen or to the printer. When sent to the screen or printer, the report will be in the same format as the radio buttons labeled "All records", "Just the totals" and "Sales with performances." This option allows more effective emailing to patrons when renewal time comes. Learn more here.
You can add a special price or complimentary tickets while you are doing a general admission sale
When selling reserved seats, special prices and complimentary tickets are put into the seating plan, so that each of those price categories can be sold during a regular sale. There are now two buttons available when doing general admission sales for comps and special ticket prices. Learn more here.
Arrr! There's a treasure chest full o' search tips for the Help Desk and Google, Matey!
You want answers. The Help Desk and other search engines like Google have lots of them. We've put together some helpful tricks on ways to search. And ye don't need a treasure map to find them!
Please remember the extensions for our customer support line!

The Support Line is

For David Hile - press 1
For DJ - press 2
For Peggy Dillon - press 3
For Troy Lund - press 4